How can I set a maximum row count for IQueryable - breeze

I am missing two topics in the Breeze documentation, Security and how to set limits on the data returned.
I don't want someone to delete everything in the database and don't want to return everything.
Should I use OData? with Odata I can set the restrictions I want.

"Security" is a huge, sprawling topic about which there is never enough to say. I hope to chip away at it.
As for limiting the max records, I'd use the [Queryable] attribute's PageSize option. The [BreezeQueryable] attribute inherits this option so you could write your Web API controller method or supporting repository method like this:
[BreezeQueryable(PageSize=100)] // returns a maximum of 100 orders
public IQueryable Orders() {
return ContextProvider.Context.Orders;
You might also be able to limit the results by adding top to the query inside the method.
public IQueryable Orders() {
return ContextProvider.Context.Orders.take(100);
However, certain query conditions may not get through. Try it first.


BreezeJS count of expanded entities

This is using BreezeJS and a Breeze controller through to an EF provider. I have a couple of related Entities, lets call them Customer, which has a Navigation Property called Orders which links to a set of Order Entities for that customer.
What I'd like to display on the UI is a summary of Order Counts for a set of customers who match a partial name search. I can do this through returning all the Order objects, but they're quite large objects and I don't really want to return 100's of them when I don't have to. The inlineCount() method seems to always give the count of the top-level entity (Customer) rather than of the sub-Entities, no matter where I place it in the statement.
var predicate = breeze.Predicate.create('displayName', 'contains', partialName);
return this.entityQuery.from('Customers')
The documentation suggests that you can chain the expand in some way, but I have yet to find a syntax which is valid.
Ideally, I'd like to apply a where to the Orders by a property on Order called Status of say 0 (incomplete) and then give me just the count of those matching Orders. ie, return me all the Customer entities, but have a matching order count for each (rather than the whole list of Order objects and filter client-side).
Would appreciate any pointers in the right direction if it's possible to achieve. My current thinking is that I'll have to create a custom method on the server-side controller and do the work there, but before I make assumptions about what OData can support, I thought I'd check here for some confirmation.
So far, this is my best approach (maybe someone can correct me if there's a better way).
On the server, add this method:
public IQueryable<object> CustomerSummaries()
return Context.Customers.Select(p => new
Customer = p,
ActiveOrderCount = p.Orders.Count(o => o.Status == 1)
Then on the client end:
var predicate = breeze.Predicate.create('customer.displayName', 'contains', partialName);
return this.entityQuery.from('CustomerSummaries')

How to limit the amount of data from an OData request?

I have a Users table of 76 users and UserGroups table.
Using MVC, OData, a generic repository and EF, I am trying to optimize data retrieval when filtering based on the user group:
/api/Users?$filter=USERGROUPS/any(usergroup: usergroup/ID eq 'Group1')
On the client side, I get the right number of users - 71 (as OData is filtering based on the result), however I want to limit the number of records being returned form the actual query - ie. I do not want to return all records then filter (not optimal for very large data sets).
My API controller method is as follows:
[Queryable(AllowedQueryOptions = AllowedQueryOptions.All)]
public IQueryable<USER> Get()
var unitOfWork = new ATMS.Repository.UnitOfWork(_dbContext);
var users = unitOfWork.Repository<USER>()
.Include(u => u.USERGROUPS)
.OrderBy(order => order.USERNAME);
unitOfWork.Save(); // includes Dispose()
return users.AsQueryable();
I read in this post that:
Entity framework takes care of building dynamic query based on the
However, using a SQL Server profiler, the query executed is requesting all the records, rather than a filtered query.
Adding a .Take() to the query does not accomplish the desired result, as we also need the actual number of records returned for paging purposes.
I was thinking of using the grabbing some properties through ODataQueryOptions, but that doesn't seem quite right either.
Is my implementation of Unit of Work and Repository incorrect, in relation to what I am trying to accomplish, and if so, how can this be corrected?
Simple - Just set the Page size for the Queryable atrribute [Queryable(PageSize=10)]
If You'd tell the EF where to apply the options, it would work.
Like this :
//[Queryable(AllowedQueryOptions = AllowedQueryOptions.All)]
public IQueryable<USER> Get(ODataQueryOptions<USER> options)
var users = options.ApplyTo(_dbContext.Set<USER>()
.Include(u => u.USERGROUPS)
.OrderBy(order => order.USERNAME));
return users;
Your code didn't work, because it tried to apply the options onto the last line "users.AsQueryable()", so what actually happened, is that EF pull the FULL dataset, and then applied the query onto the last line (that being a in memory collection). And that's why You didn't see that "filter" not being passed to the SQL.
The mechanics are such, that EF tries to apply the Query, to the IQueryable collection that it finds in the code (there's still a question how does it find the correct line).

Constrain the number of child entities in Entity Framework

Bottom Line Up Front
Is there a succinct way that I can constrain the number of child entities that can belong to a parent in Entity Framework. I am using 4.3.1 at the moment.
The Problem
I am developing an ASP.NET MVC3 site which accesses data via a data access layer that uses Entity Framework. I have a SearchList entity which has a many to many relationship to a Search entity. A SearchList may have many Searches, and a Search may belong to many SearchLists.
At one point in the workflow of the site, a user needs to select the searches and other items to use in a batch search. We want the page to load the entire search list.
SearchLists can get quite large, and as a test we created one with 21,000 searches. It took a few seconds, and the data returned was about 9.5 MB, which we were expecting, but jQueryUI choked when trying to table-ify that much.
What we would like
So we want to impose a limit on the number of searches any search list can have. I can go through the application and put a bunch of rules in that checks the size of the collection and if the searches that are trying to be added plus the size of the current... yada yada yada.
If however there was a better way (especially one that could easily output an error message that MVC would pick up) I would totally take that instead.
I have googled, and perused a number of EF blogs to no avail. Constrain children and max number of children in collection and similar searches have returned results that are about Linq queries and the Count and Max methods.
Any help would be appreciated.
There is no built-in way so you will have to code such validation yourselves. Some quick ideas:
You can for example use custom collection for the navigation property which will fire exception when you try to add additional search exceeding the threshold. It is simple but it demands you to have all searches loaded, it will have concurrency problems and moreover it can fire during loading search list and searches from database.
You can handle it in overriden SaveChanges. You will at least have to check how many searches are already related to search list but you will still have concurrency problem (what if other request tries to add search to the same list but only one place is remaining - both can succeed the check and insert related search)
You can handle it in database trigger - again it will have concurrency problems
Avoiding concurrency problems completely requires hand written queries with locking hints to ensure that only one request can check number of searches per search list and insert a new search in atomic transaction.
I ended up going with CustomValidationAttribute, and implemented it with a great deal of success. See below for my implementation info:
In the SearchList entity
public String ValidationMessage { get; set; }
[CustomValidation(typeof(EntityValidation.EntityValidators), "ValidateSearchCount")]
public virtual List<Search> Searches { get; set; }
public static bool Create(ProjectContext db, SearchList searchList)
return true;
catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
searchList.ValidationMessage += validationError.ErrorMessage;
return false;
catch (Exception)
return false;
EntityValidators Class
public static ValidationResult ValidateSearchCount(List<Search> Searches)
bool isValid;
int count = Searches.Count();
isValid = (count <= 5000 ? true : false);
if (isValid)
return ValidationResult.Success;
return new ValidationResult("A maximum of 5000 searches may be added to a SearchList.");
A similar exception block is on the update method. In this way, when SaveChanges gets called it attempts to validate the entity and its child collections, and when the collection count is greater than 5000 the validator will return an error message which gets caught in the exception handler and stored in a local property for my controller to check when things go wrong.

Help with IQueryables and lazyLoading in mvc

Say i want to add pagination support.
My app is separated in Web, Services and repositories.
The Controller only speaks to the Service and the Service gets Data and does business logic.
Say i want pagination support.. I have this method in my ContributorService
public IQueryable<Contributor> GetContributors(int page, int pageSize)
return _repository.GetAll().OrderBy(c=>c.ACC_CREATEDATE).Skip((page)*pageSize).Take(pageSize);//solo temporalmente
is that ok?? or should the OrderBy, Skip, Take be done in the repository?
which currently only does this
public IQueryable<Contributor> GetAll()
return db.Contributors;
I would add the query to the business object ( I think you dont have one, do you), there you may have a base version of it, and another one for the paged data. And would expect to service to execute that query by calling the ToList, I find it dangerous to return a query object to the controller.
Your repository might have a GetPartial Method, with the sort, from, to, and a filter params. If you have a generic service, you might also implement this in that generic service.
public List<Contributor> GetPartial<TSortBy>(Expression<Func<Contributor, TSortBy>> sortByExpr, Expression<Func<Contributor, bool>> filterExpr, int pageNo, int pageSize)
var query = db.Contributors;
if (filterExpr != null)
query.orderBy(sortByExpr).Skip (...).Take(...).ToList();
if you have a Repository class, you can add this method.
By the way, I am using Dynamic LINQ, which makes it easier to pass order by expression as plain text (just like sql)

Silverlight, DataPager, RIA Services, and smart paging

I'm still trying to get my feet on the ground with Silverlight and RIA Services, and of course starting with some of the more "fun" stuff like grids and intelligent paging. I can connect to RIA Services (using a home-grown ORM, not L2S or EF), get data on the grid, and connect to a DataPager. The domain service is working well with the home-grown ORM, at least for queries. (Still working on full CRUD.) However, there are still problems:
To support the user application, I need user-controlled sorting and filtering, in addition to smart paging (only run the query for the rows needed to display) and grouping.
So far, I've seen nothing in the DataGrid or DataPager to externalize these capabilities so that filtering, sorting, and paging parameters can be passed to the server to build the appropriate query.
The datasets are potentially quite large; my table I've chosen for prototyping work can have up to 35,000 entries at some customers, and I'm sure there are other tables far larger that I will have to deal with at some point. So the "smart paging" aspect is essential.
Ideas, suggestions, guidance, and nerf bricks are all welcome.
OK, I've spent a few days in the weeds with this one, and I think I've got a handle on it.
First, an important piece of magic. For paging to work properly, the pager has to know the total item count, no matter how many items were returned by the current query. If the query returns everything, the item count is obviously the number of items returned. For smart paging, the item count is still the total of available items, although the query returns only what gets displayed. With filtering, even the total of available items changes every time the filter changes.
The Silverlight Datapager control has a property called ItemCount. It is readonly and cannot be databound in XAML, or set directly in code. However, if the user control containing the pager has a DataContext that implements IPagedCollectionView, then the data context object must implement an ItemCount property with PropertyChanged notification, and the DataPager seems to pick this up automagically.
Second, I highly recommend Brad Abrams' excellent series of blog posts on RIA Services, especially this one on ViewModel. It contains most of what you need to make paging and filtering work, although it's missing the critical piece on managing the item count. His downloadable sample also contains a very good basic framework for implementing ModelViewViewModel (MVVM). Thank you, Brad!
So here's how to make the item count work. (This code refers to a custom ORM, while Brad's code uses Entity Framework; between the two you can figure you what you need in your environment.)
First, your ORM needs to support getting record counts, with and without your filter. Here's my domain service code that makes the counts available to RIA Services:
public int GetExamCount()
return Context.Exams.Count();
public int GetFilteredExamCount(string descriptionFilter)
return Context.Exams.GetFilteredCount(descriptionFilter);
Note the [Invoke] attribute. You need this for any DomainService method that doesn't return an Entity or an Entity collection.
Now for the ViewModel code. You need an ItemCount, of course. (This is from Brad's example.)
int itemCount;
public int ItemCount
get { return itemCount; }
if (itemCount != value)
itemCount = value;
Your LoadData method will run the query to get the current set of rows for display in the DataGrid. (This doesn't implement custom sorting yet, but that's an easy addition.)
EntityQuery<ExamEntity> query =
DomainContext.GetPagedExamsQuery(PageSize * PageIndex, PageSize, DescriptionFilterText);
DomainContext.Load(query, OnExamsLoaded, null);
The callback method then runs the query to get the counts. If no filter is being used, we get the count for all rows; if there's a filter, then we get the count for filtered rows.
private void OnExamsLoaded(LoadOperation<ExamEntity> loadOperation)
if (loadOperation.Error != null)
//raise an event...
ErrorRaising(this, new ErrorEventArgs(loadOperation.Error));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DescriptionFilterText))
DomainContext.GetExamCount(OnCountCompleted, null);
DomainContext.GetFilteredExamCount(DescriptionFilterText, OnCountCompleted, null);
IsLoading = false;
There's also a callback method for counts:
void OnCountCompleted(InvokeOperation<int> op)
ItemCount = op.Value;
TotalItemCount = op.Value;
With the ItemCount set, the Datapager control picks it up, and we have paging with filtering and a smart query that returns only the records to be displayed!
LINQ makes the query easy with .Skip() and .Take(). Doing this with raw ADO.NET is harder. I learned how to do this by taking apart a LINQ-generated query.
(select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Description) as rownum, *
FROM Exams as T0 WHERE T0.Description LIKE #description ) as T1
WHERE T1.rownum between #first AND #last ORDER BY rownum
The clause "select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Description) as rownum" is the interesting part, because not many people use "OVER" yet. This clause sorts the table on Description before assigning row numbers, and the filter is also applied before row numbers are assigned. This allows the outer SELECT to filter on row numbers, after sorting and filtering.
So there it is, smart paging with filtering, in RIA Services and Silverlight!
Here's the quick and dirty solution (that I went for):
Just move your DomainDataSource to your ViewModel! Done!
May not exactly be great for testability and probably some other limitations I haven't discovered yet, but personally I don't care about that until something better comes along.
Inside your ViewModel just instantiate the data source :
// Feedback DataSource
_dsFeedback = new DomainDataSource();
_dsFeedback.DomainContext = _razorSiteDomainContext;
_dsFeedback.QueryName = "GetOrderedFeedbacks";
_dsFeedback.PageSize = 10;
and provide a bindable property :
private DomainDataSource _dsFeedback { get; set; }
public DomainDataSource Feedback
return _dsFeedback;
And add your DataPager to your XAML:
<data:DataPager Grid.Row="1"
Source="{Binding Feedback.Data}"
Margin="0,0,0,5" />
<data:DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Feedback.Data}">
PS. Thanks to 'Francois' from the above linked page. I didn't even realize I could take the DomainDataSource out of the XAML until I saw your comment!
This is an interesting article from May 2010 about the possible future support for this type of feature in the framework.
