Cannot invoke method render() on null object in Grail while email sending - grails

I am using mail:1.0.1 plugin for mail sending
but while sending mail its gives me an error..
Source :-
def serviceMethod(EmailModel mailObj) {
PageRenderer groovyPageRenderer;
sendMail {
to ""
subject mailObj.subject;
html groovyPageRenderer.render(template:"myMailTemplate", model: [mailObj: mailObj])
} catch (Throwable th) {

If you want to send the gsp page as email body then you can send it like:
def mailService
def serviceMethod(EmailModel mailObj) {
mailService.sendMail {
to email
subject "subject"
body(view: "/_template", model: [mailObj: mailObj])
Just inject PageRenderer groovyPageRenderer globally, like
import grails.gsp.PageRenderer
class TestService {
PageRenderer groovyPageRenderer
def getText() {
String s = groovyPageRenderer.render(template: "../first/temp", model: [name: 'user1690588'])
println "Content = ${s}"

I think you are calling Service Class(.groovy) method from java class.
by using object of EmailService class.
So you cant get Object of PageRenderer class.
for this
Create SpringsUtil Class in src/java and define constant object of EmailSerevice. like this
public class SpringsUtil {
public static ApplicationContext getCtx() {
return getApplicationContext();
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return (ApplicationContext) ServletContextHolder.getServletContext().getAttribute(GrailsApplicationAttributes.APPLICATION_CONTEXT);
public static <T> T getBean(String beanName) {
return (T) getApplicationContext().getBean(beanName);
public static final String EMAIL_SERVICE = "emailService";
// public static final String INVENTORY_REORDER_SERVICE = "InventoryReorderService";
create object of Service class and call method
EmailService emailService = SpringsUtil.getBean(SpringsUtil.EMAIL_SERVICE);


Micronaut #Replaces with declarative Client (continue)

I have the following scenario:
A declarative Client
public interface PetClient extends PetOperations {
Single<Pet> save(String name, int age);
A PetDummy class, which #Replaces the PetClient during for testing
public class PetDummy implements PetOperations {
public Single<Pet> save(String name, int age) {
// do something
return Single.just(pet);
And a PetService class that has the declarative client as dependency
PetService {
PetClient client;
Single<Pet> pet ="Hoppie", 1));
When I test my PetService, my goal is that the test calls the PetDummy class instead of the PetClient
I assume it has to do with the applicationContext, you will see
PetService {
PetClient client;
Single<Pet> pet ="Hoppie", 1));
PerService Test:
class PetServiceTest extends ApplicationContextSpecification {
PetService petService = applicationContext.getBean(PetService)
PetOperations client = applicationContext.getBean(PetOperations.class) //somehow i need to tell the application context to use the PetDummy class
def 'test' (){
I think that I need to "get into" the applicationContext from the PetService. However, the ApplicationContextSpecification belongs to another module, so it won't recognise the PetDummy implementation
The ApplicationContextSpecification is:
abstract class ApplicationContextSpecification extends Specification implements ConfigurationFixture {
ApplicationContext applicationContext =
The ConfigurationFixture contains the properties for the database(hibernate)

Micronaut #Replaces with declarative Client

I am going to use the code from Micronaut Documentation (Declarative Http Client)- And I'm using Spock
public interface PetOperations {
Single<Pet> save(#NotBlank String name, #Min(1L) int age);
I have a declarative client:
public interface PetClient extends PetOperations {
Single<Pet> save(String name, int age);
My goal is when I run a test class, I want to call (#Replaces) another class (PetDummy) instead of the PetClient, PetDummy class is located in my test folder
public class PetDummy implements PetOperations {
public Single<Pet> save(String name, int age) {
Pet pet = new Pet();
// save to database or something
return Single.just(pet);
test class:
class PetTest extends Specification {
ApplicationContext applicationContext =;
//EmbeddedServer server = applicationContext.getBean(EmbeddedServer.class).start();
PetClient client = applicationContext.getBean(PetOperations.class);
def 'test' (){
given: 'name and age'
when:"Hoppie", 1);
However, at the end PetClient is called, I have as well tried with the #Factory annotation, but no success
PetClient extends PetOperations and PetDummy implements PetOperations, if they both implement then it will make sense to use #Replaces ...
Is there something else I can try out?
Thank you!
Another Issue:
Now that it works, the PetClient is a dependency in my PetService. When I test my PetService, it still calls the PetClient instead of the PetDummy.
I assume it has to do with the applicationContext, you will see
PetService {
PetClient client;
Single<Pet> pet ="Hoppie", 1));
PerService Test:
class PetServiceTest extends ApplicationContextSpecification {
PetService petService = applicationContext.getBean(PetService)
PetOperations client = applicationContext.getBean(PetOperations.class) //client is not used here
def 'test' (){
I think that I need to "get into" the applicationContext from the PetService, to tell "use the PetDummy" implementation (Inside the test class, because the ApplicationContextSpecification belong to another module
The ApplicationContextSpecification is:
abstract class ApplicationContextSpecification extends Specification implements ConfigurationFixture {
ApplicationContext applicationContext =
/* def cleanup() {
assert !hasLeakage()
The ConfigurationFixture contains the properties for the database(hibernate)
You are already retrieving the PetClient bean implementation:
PetClient client = applicationContext.getBean(PetOperations.class);
Which should provide the replacing dummy bean implementation if called with the appropriate type:
PetOperations client = applicationContext.getBean(PetOperations.class);

Unable to override LoginController's authFail()

I need to customize message so I tried to modify the LoginController by simply overriding the grails .plugin.springsecurity.LoginController
I have thrown AccountNotApprovedException from my customizedAuthenticationProvider.
Can someone suggest me what I am missing?
class AccountNotApprovedException extends AuthenticationException{
public AccountNotApprovedException(String message, Throwable t) {
super(message, t)
public AccountNotApprovedException(String message) {
/** #deprecated */
public AccountNotApprovedException(String message, Object extraInformation) {
super(message, extraInformation)
I override the loginController:-
class LoginController extends grails.plugin.springsecurity.LoginController {
def authenticationTrustResolver
* Dependency injection for the springSecurityService.
def springSecurityService
def authfail() {
//my customized code
And when springSecurity runs then it didn't call my overridden authFail()

Grails binddata in service

Is there a way to utilize bindData in a service other than using the deprecated BindDynamicMethod? I can't just use
TestObject testObject = new TestObject()
TestObject = params
TestObject testObject = new TestObject(params)
because I have a custom bind method utilizing the #BindUsing annotation within my TestObject class.
If you are using Grails 3.* then the service class can implement DataBinder trait and implement bindData() as shown below example:
import grails.web.databinding.DataBinder
class SampleService implements DataBinder {
def serviceMethod(params) {
Test test = new Test()
bindData(test, params)
class Test {
String name
Integer age
This is how I quickly tried that in grails console:
grailsApplication.mainContext.getBean('sampleService').serviceMethod(name: 'abc', age: 10)
In Grails 2.4.4 you can do something like this:
// grails-app/services/demo/HelperService.groovy
package demo
import org.grails.databinding.SimpleMapDataBindingSource
class HelperService {
def grailsWebDataBinder
TestObject getNewTestObject(Map args) {
def obj = new TestObject()
grailsWebDataBinder.bind obj, args as SimpleMapDataBindingSource
In 2.5, I found that emulating the behaviour of the Controller API in a helper service worked:
def bindData(def domainClass, def bindingSource, String filter) {
return bindData(domainClass, bindingSource, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, filter)
def bindData(def domainClass, def bindingSource, Map includeExclude, String filter) {
return domainClass;
convertToListIfString is as per the controller method:
private List convertToListIfString(Object o) {
if (o instanceof CharSequence) {
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add(o instanceof String ? o : o.toString());
o = list;
return (List) o;

Struts 2 get custom action anotation in interceptors

Consider below action class with three action mappings. Two of them are annotated with a custom annotation #AjaxAction
public class MyAction extends ActionSupport{
#AjaxAction //My custom anotation
public String action1(){
public String action2(){
#AjaxAction //My custom anotation
public String action3(){
In an interceptor I want to access the #AjaxAction annotation. Is there any built in support for this?!
If not can I shall read the action name with ActionContext.getContext().getName(); and save a list of ajaxAction names in interceptor as an array and compare action name with this array! any better way?!
private static final String[] AJAX_ACTIONS = new String[] {"action1", "action3"}
//in interceptor
String actionName = ActionContext.getContext().getName();
if (Arrays.asList(AJAX_ACTIONS).contains(actionName)) {
// do something
Here is the way
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.Interceptor;
public class YourInterceptor implements Interceptor {
public String intercept(ActionInvocation inv) throws Exception {
Class myActionClass = inv.getAction().getClass();
for (Method method : myActionClass.getMethods())
// do something
return inv.invoke();
Alternative is
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.AnnotationUtils;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.Interceptor;
public class YourInterceptor implements Interceptor {
public String intercept(ActionInvocation inv) throws Exception {
AnnotationUtils myutil = new AnnotationUtils();
Class myActionClass = inv.getAction().getClass();
for (Method method : myActionClass.getMethods())
if(myutil.getAnnotatedMethods(myActionClass, AjaxAction.class).contains(method))
// do something
return inv.invoke();
Edit :
To find exact executed method.
Note: Change Namespace="/" as per your configuration in struts.xml.
import org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher;
ActionContext context = inv.getInvocationContext();
String executedAction=context.getName();
String executedMethod=Dispatcher.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getConfiguration().getRuntimeConfiguration().getActionConfigs().get("/").get(executedAction).getMethodName();
for (Method method : myActionClass.getMethods())
if(method.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(executedMethod) || method.isAnnotationPresent(Action.class))
// do something
Class myActionClass = inv.getAction().getClass();
for (Method method : myActionClass.getMethods())
//check whether called method has annotation?
if(method.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(executedAction) && method.isAnnotationPresent(AjaxAction.class))
// do something
I hope this will work.
Note: This is just a workaround I found. Better way would be possible....
