Why does the nif function block the Erlang VM from scheduling other processes? - erlang

When the Erlang VM beam runs some code written in C,the other processes written in Erlang was not scheduled.
For example:
nifsleep(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
return enif_make_atom(env, "ok");
when you call this C function in Erlang,the other processes was not schedulling normally.
I want to know why?
Is this a feature or is limited by the implementation(that is,this is a bug)?
The address of the code above is in:https://github.com/davisp/sleepy

beam processes are not mapped to OS threads directly. There is normally 1 scheduler per core. Your call to
is blocking the scheduler that executed it (as expected, otherwise it would have to intercept that call somehow to make it non-blocking), and so the scheduler can't execute any other erlang process until the call returns.
Long running nif are strongly discouraged. A quick google is enough to find many references, see for example
for comprehensive info about how the scheduler work, see


How to restore runOn Scheduler used in previous operator?

Folks, is it possible to obtain currently used Scheduler within an operator?
The problem that I have is that Mono.fromFuture() is being executed on a native thread (AWS CRT Http Client in my case). As result all subsequent operators are also executed on that thread. And later code wants to obtain class loader context that is obviously null. I realize that I can call .publishOn(originalScheduler) after .fromFuture() but I don't know what scheduler is used to materialize Mono returned by my function.
Is there elegant way to deal with this?
fun myFunction(): Mono<String> {
return Mono.just("example")
.flatMap { value ->
Mono.fromFuture {
// invocation of 3rd party library that executes Future on the thread created in native code.
.map {
val resource = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResources("META-INF/services/blah_blah");
// NullPointerException because Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() returns NULL
It is not possible, because there's no guarantee that there is a Scheduler at all.
The place where the subscription is made and the data starts flowing could simply be a Thread. There is no mechanism in Java that allows an external actor to submit a task to an arbitrary thread (you have to provide the Runnable at Thread construction).
So no, there's no way of "returning to the previous Scheduler".
Usually, this shouldn't be an issue at all. If your your code is reactive it should also be non-blocking and thus able to "share" whichever thread it currently runs on with other computations.
If your code is blocking, it should off-load the work to a blocking-compatible Scheduler anyway, which you should explicitly chose. Typically: publishOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()). This is also true for CPU-intensive tasks btw.

printing the stack of a task in FreeRTOS

I am working on a STM32F4-discovery board, i installed FreeRTOS on the board and was able to run two tasks created by main function.
Now i want task 1 to access the local variables of task 2 with any passing of variable by reference or by value.
I thought it would be good to print the stack content of task 2 and then locate the local variables and use that in task1
Can somebody guide me with this?
I tried to print the address of each variable and tried to use in task1, but my program did not compile and returned -1.
It is not clear to me what you are trying to achieve, or what you mean by the program returning -1 because it didn't compile, but it would not be normal for one task to access a stack variable of another task.
Each task has its own stack, and the stack is private to the task. There are lots of ways tasks can communicate with each other though, without the need to access each other's stack. The simplest way is just to make the variable global, although global variables are rarely a good thing. Other than that you could send the value from one task to another on a queue (http://www.freertos.org/Inter-Task-Communication.html), or even using a task notification as a mailbox (http://www.freertos.org/RTOS_Task_Notification_As_Mailbox.html).
First, a cautionary note: what you're trying to do -- access local variables of one task from another -- can be error-prone. Particularly if the local is declared in Task A and goes out of scope before Task B accesses it. Since stack memory can be reused for different variables in different functions, Task B might be accessing some other variable.
But I've actually used this pattern in practice -- specifically, to allow one task to stack-allocate a buffer for communication serviced by another task.
So I'll just assume that you know what you're doing. :-)
It's difficult to compute the address of a local variable ahead of time. If you derive it today, it's likely to change if you change the code or compiler version. What you probably want to do is to capture its address at runtime and somehow make it available to the other task. This can be be tricky, however: it's possible for the other task to try to use the local before your task starts up, and nothing prevents other tasks from getting to it.
A slightly cleaner approach would be to provide the address to the other task through a queue shard by the two tasks.
QueueHandle_t shared_queue;
void common_startup() {
// This code might go in main, or wherever you initialize things.
shared_queue = xQueueCreate(1, sizeof(unsigned *));
void task_a() {
// This task wants to share the address of 'local' with task_b.
unsigned local;
// Stuff the address of our local in the queue. We use a
// non-blocking send here because the queue will be empty (nobody
// else puts things in it). In real code you'd probably do some
// error checking!
unsigned * ptr = &local;
xQueueSend(shared_queue, &ptr, 0);
while (1) {
void task_b() {
// This task wants to use task_a's 'local'.
// Real code would do error checking!
unsigned * ptr;
xQueueReceive(shared_queue, &ptr, portMAX_DELAY);
while (1) {
// Just increment the shared variable

Using blocks with dispatch_async

Trying my hand with blocks in Objective C.
I ran into a strange problem.
Below i have created a block and submitted the block for asynchronous execution on a global dispatch queue.
It doesn't print anything for me. When i replaced the keyword async with sync it works fine and prints the result immediately.
#implementation BlockTest
+(void) blocksTest{
__block int m = 0;
void (^__block myblock)(void);
myblock = ^(){
NSLog(#"myblock %u ", ++m);
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
NSLog(#"dispatch_async dispatch_get_global_queue");
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
[BlockTest blocksTest];
Can someone please help me with this problem ?
Your program is exiting before the block has a chance to run.
The nature of an asynchronous call like dispatch_async() is that it returns and allows the caller to continue on, possibly before the task that was submitted has completed. Probably before it has even been started.
So, +blocksTest returns to the call site in main(). main() continues to its end (by the way, without returning a value, which is bad for a non-void function). When main() returns, the whole process exits. Any queues, tasks, worker threads, etc. that GCD was managing is all torn down during process termination.
The process does not wait for all threads to exit or become idle.
You could solve this by calling dispatch_main() after the call to +blocksTest in main(). In that case, though, the program will never terminate unless you submit a task which calls exit() at some point. For example, you could put the call to exit inside the block you create in +blocksTest.
Actually, in this case, because the task would run on a background thread and not the main thread, anything which delays the immediate exit would be sufficient. For example, a call to sleep() for a second would do. You could also run the main run loop for a period of time. There's no period of time that's guaranteed to be enough that the global queue has had a chance to run your task to completion, but in practical terms, it would just need a fraction of a second.
There's a complication in that methods to run the run loop exit if there are no input sources or timers scheduled. So, you'd have to schedule a bogus source (like an NSPort). As you can tell, this is a kludgy approach if you're not otherwise using the run loop for real stuff.
Because when you used dispatch_async, the block may have started the execution, but haven't reached the point where you print. However, if you use dispatch_sync, it makes sure that the entire block execution is done before it returns. Remember, dispatch_sync is the main thread.

How to terminate a long running isolate #2

I am trying to understand how I shall port my Java chess engine to dart.
So I have understood that I should use an Isolates to run my engine in parallell with the GUI but how can I force the engine to terminate the search.
In java I just set some boolean that where shared between the engine thread and the gui thread.
Answer I got:
You should send a message to the isolate, telling it to stop. You can simply do something like:
My request
Thanks for the clarification. What I don't understand is that if the chess engine isolate is busy due to a port.send('THINK') command how can it respond to a port.send('STOP') command
Each isolate is single-threaded. As long as your program is running nobody else will have the means to interfere with your execution.
If you want to be able to react to outside events (including messages from other isolates) you need to split your long running execution into smaller parts. A chess-engine probably has already some state to know where to look for the next move (assuming it's built with something like A*). In this case you could just periodically interrupt your execution and resume after a minimal timeout.
var state;
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..run();
void longRunning() {
while (true) {
if (stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds > 200) {
The new API will contain a
isolate.kill(loopForever ? Isolate.IMMEDIATE : Isolate.AS_EVENT);
See https://code.google.com/p/dart/issues/detail?id=21189#c4 for a full example.

trouble reading from __global memory after atom_inc in OpenCL

OpenCL doesn't have a global barrier that will stop all threads, so I'm trying to create a work around with the following code:
void barrier(__global uint* scratch) {
uint nThreads = get_global_size(0);
/* this loop never terminates */
while(scratch[0] < nThreads) {
The idea is that each thread loops until all of them increment that one piece of memory.
However, the value read from scratch[0] never changes for the threads once it's been read, and it loops forever. I know it's being incremented because it's the correct value when I read it back to the host.
Is the global memory being locally cached? What's going on here?
Found the problem: the order in which work groups are executed is implementation defined. This means that some threads might start only after others have finished.
In the code I gave, the work groups that are started first will loop forever waiting on the the others to hit the 'barrier'. And the work groups that would be started later won't ever start because they're waiting for the first ones to finish.
If the implementation (I'm on a Radeon 5750, using Stream SDK 2.2) executes all work groups concurrently, then it probably wouldn't be an issue. But that's not the case for my setup.
