How to create radiobutton horizontal list via API with jquery mobile - jquery-mobile

I've been trying to create an horizontal radiobutton horizontal list, but somehow I don't get the same visual result as when done with the data-* attributes.
If I do it with code I get squared buttons, while using the attributes I get a nice rounded corner toolbar.
Here is the code I use for creating the button list:
$(element).controlgroup({ mini: true, type: "horizontal" });
which should be the same as the one I use with the data-* attributes:
<fieldset data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal" data-mini="true">
I've posted a jsfiddle to show the result
Can someone shad some light on this strange behavior?

To make them look the same, try this:
$("#mycontrolbox").controlgroup({ mini: true, type: "horizontal"});
$("#mycontrolbox").attr("data-role", "controlgroup");
updated jsFiddle -
Now, why is this.
I think that jQuery mobile is actually not build upon jQuery UI even though it is currently very close. jQuery mobile is using those data-** attributes to select what is going to be a role of each tag. When the element is added to the html, jqm reads the content and based on what is in these data-role attributes, it decorates / replaces / the current content with its own. This is more about what is done to the element in order how it looks.
On the other hand, when you call
This does create a jQuery component allowing you to use the methods of that component. etc.
This is close to how the component behaves from the script point of view. This does not, however, add data-role attribute to the element itself.


Dynamic replacement of radio buttons in a controlgroup

I need to be able to dynamically replace the radio buttons in a controlgroup. I've come up with a solution, but I'm wanting to make sure I'm going about it the right way. Here's a jsFiddle.
Should I be manually modifying the classes after calling .checkboxradio() on each of the newly-created radio buttons, or is there a method in jQuery Mobile somewhere that will help me accomplish this?
Please note that the jsFiddle here works as I need it to. I'm asking if there's an easier (or more idiomatic) way to update the dynamically-created radio buttons' visual styles to conform to the controlgroup style.
Content should be added to the DOM before jquery mobile enhancement, for instance by binding to the page beforecreate event instead of the page pagebeforeshow. This way your content will be properly enhanced.
As for dynamic content, you can enhance it as soon as it has been inserted in the DOM. See this modified fiddle.
try this:
$('#creneauListPage #fieldcontain input').checkboxradio();
$('#creneauListPage #fieldcontain .ui-btn').removeClass('ui-btn-corner-all');
$('#creneauListPage #fieldcontain .ui-btn:first').addClass('ui-corner-top');
$('#creneauListPage #fieldcontain .ui-btn:last').addClass('ui-corner-bottom ui-controlgroup-last');

Is there a way to use JQM button styling outside of a Page or Header data-role?

I just started working with JQM a little while ago. I used the default VS2012 mobile project to start with. I like how the mobile pages work, but wanted a fixed area at the top of each page that essentially has 3 columns one of which is a logo. I've done that (with a basic table to start with) in the _layout.cshtml, and right below that is where I start the JQM Page layout. This is all working well, and I like how the page transitions happen while keeping a fixed header area at the top.
However, I would like to add a button to my fixed area at the top that is styled similar to the other JQM buttons. This doesn't work because the buttons are not within a valid Page or Header data-role I presume. Is there a way to take advantage of the JQM styles for HTML that is outside of those data-roles?
As an example, I'd like to use the anchor tag for a Log In button and have it styled the same as it is with a gear-icon when it's within a div that has data-role = "header". I'm not sure I have a deep enough understanding to drill down through all the elements that are used in the .css file and was hoping there are other individual classes or something I can take advantage of.
This is the line I am trying to display as a button, but I am only getting text (does work as anchor tag though):
<a data-role="button" data-transition="pop" href="/Vision/Account/Login">Log in</a>
Also, I am using and jquery-1.7.2.
You can style any element as a button by calling the jQuery Button Widget on the element:
The button function also accepts options such as the icon and theme:
icon: 'gear'
See also:
Try adding data-role="button" to your anchor tag.

Is it possible to have a button next to a search input with jquery mobile?

All the form examples in the docs for jQuery mobile show each form element on its own line. I would like to have a standard button (which will link to another page), to the right of a search input field. Is that possible with jQuery Mobile?
Not natively as an inline unit. However, form elements can be used together with the layout grid system reasonably effectively:
jQM's UI grids force columns of equal width. In my case, i wanted the submit button to be just the icon to allow the search box more room. i saw <table> mentioned in a couple posts, but discovered that other inputs (notably selectmenu) don't work correctly when they're children of unexpected elements. [1]
So to avoid breakage of the widgets, i managed this: {
width: 84.95%;
} {
width: 14.95%;
It's not bullet-proof, but it can be expanded to additional grid definitions. It uses specificity to get all the grid rules of the existing UI, but then redefine the column widths. No inline styles, no additional tags, and the widgets don't break. And because of specificity, it can be loaded before or after jQM's structure stylesheet.
[1]: jQM Github bug report
With new version you can:
The old style solution still works:overwriting the ui-input-search
width: 55%;
display: inline-block;
don't forget to add ui-btn-inline in the class of the a href (if you use the Button markup syntax)

jqueryui for text boxes and dropdown lists

The site describes how to set styles for buttons, radios, and checkboxes.
It can be achieved by
icons: {
primary: "ui-icon-disk"
So why not TextBoxes and DropDownLists? Can I apply the button like style to text boxes and drop down lists.
I suppose a logical answer for your question is that, the widget is called "button", not "form element". There is, however, a combobox demo for the autocomplete widget, that you might find useful. Here's another demo page with the combobox without autocomplete:
You may also find the jQuery UI MultiSelect Widget useful; it's a jQuery UI plugin.
As for text boxes, you can simply reuse some classes in the jQuery UI CSS framework.
See a couple of examples here:
Also, dropdown lists are not like links or divs or other simpler html elements (form or otherwise) they tend to have default "lower level" implementations in the browser involved with their rendering. So its much harder to change the way they look. That's why a drop down list doesn't break down to simpler elements i.e. its not a textbox with a button next to it, its a complete "thing" / "control" in itself.
However, you can reclaim control (but I'd generally say usually better to work with what you get from browser here as you can see its not simple to fully control the style such elements.
More info see resources such as e.g. enter link description here

jquery UI draggable/sortable and HTML5 content editable attribute

When I use JQuery UI's draggable/sortable feature at the parent element....and when applying contenteditable attribute at the child item....the selection feature doesn't works....
<div id="parent">
<div id="child" contenteditable></div>
i.e. focus or active features do not work....without the dragging/sorting features of jQuery UI...focus and active features works at content editable applied element.....
OK.....I found the solution here: How can I enable 'draggable' on a element with contentEditable?
But the problem is: when calling the focus() method inside brings cursor at the begging of focused should be at the end...for typing something cursor should go to end...Is there any way to call focus() method and tell him that place cursor at the end of focused element?
