jquery UI draggable/sortable and HTML5 content editable attribute - jquery-ui

When I use JQuery UI's draggable/sortable feature at the parent element....and when applying contenteditable attribute at the child item....the selection feature doesn't works....
<div id="parent">
<div id="child" contenteditable></div>
i.e. focus or active features do not work....without the dragging/sorting features of jQuery UI...focus and active features works at content editable applied element.....
OK.....I found the solution here: How can I enable 'draggable' on a element with contentEditable?
But the problem is: when calling the focus() method inside click-event...it brings cursor at the begging of focused element....it should be at the end...for typing something cursor should go to end...Is there any way to call focus() method and tell him that place cursor at the end of focused element?


Disabling jQuery for specific element?

I'm using jQuery mobile and need it to not apply jQuery to a specific form element. I can see in the jQuery it does target this specific element. It applies an effect I don't want applied.
Is there some way to do this? I have tried using style= inside the element but the jQuery seems to override this.
Add the attribute data-role="none" to the dom element you don't want enhanced.

How to create radiobutton horizontal list via API with jquery mobile

I've been trying to create an horizontal radiobutton horizontal list, but somehow I don't get the same visual result as when done with the data-* attributes.
If I do it with code I get squared buttons, while using the attributes I get a nice rounded corner toolbar.
Here is the code I use for creating the button list:
$(element).controlgroup({ mini: true, type: "horizontal" });
which should be the same as the one I use with the data-* attributes:
<fieldset data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal" data-mini="true">
I've posted a jsfiddle to show the result
Can someone shad some light on this strange behavior?
To make them look the same, try this:
$("#mycontrolbox").controlgroup({ mini: true, type: "horizontal"});
$("#mycontrolbox").attr("data-role", "controlgroup");
updated jsFiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/zeDt4/4/
Now, why is this.
I think that jQuery mobile is actually not build upon jQuery UI even though it is currently very close. jQuery mobile is using those data-** attributes to select what is going to be a role of each tag. When the element is added to the html, jqm reads the content and based on what is in these data-role attributes, it decorates / replaces / the current content with its own. This is more about what is done to the element in order how it looks.
On the other hand, when you call
This does create a jQuery component allowing you to use the methods of that component. etc.
This is close to how the component behaves from the script point of view. This does not, however, add data-role attribute to the element itself.

Adding new grouped buttons with Jquery Mobile

I am trying to add some buttons into my jquery mobile page via ajax.
Straight injection into the page doesnt style it at all.
Trying this also does not work (doesnt get styled)
Here is the code for its div
<div data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal" id="page_btns"></div>
How can I add/remove grouped buttons via AJAX using jquery mobile?
EDIT: Calling .trigger('create') on the controlgroup div does style the buttons, but they are set to single buttons rather then the grouped style
Trigger create event on any div enclosing the controlgroup.For eg:data-role=content div.
Add the following line of code after you append buttons to div

jQuery mobile listview refresh doesn't apply top/bottom corner classes

I am using jQuery Mobile with jQuery Mobile Router, to dynamically change content of listviews.
In the change handler I'm dynamically adding content to an inset listview, then calling listview('refresh') to re-apply all the styling to the new elements. It mostly works, however whilst it applies the ui-corner-all to the UL the ui-corner-top and ui-corner-bottom classes are not applied to the correct LIs so they don't get rounded corners applied.
I have prepared a live example that demonstrates the issue.
The first page is static, the second page is generated in the rounter handler which is trigger by the jqm beforepageshow event
Thanks for your help.
You just needed to force the refresh:

capturing the style property top's value change using Jquery

In my we page i am dynamically changing the top value for a div's style ie.
<div id="div1" style="top:89;">Test </div>
What i need is to capture the event using Jquery while top value is changed to 88 or 90?
There is no event that is generated when you change the style of an element, so this is impossible.
If you change the style of the element yourself using jQuery, you can of course generate some event there.
