How do you use the showhide effect found in the Dart Widget Package - dart

I am trying to use the ShowHide effect that comes with Kevin Moore's widget package here:
Not sure how to use this. Anyone got an example I can look at ?
Basically all I want is for a dropdown to show with one of those effects if a certain event happens.
Your tips appreciated.

You need to add a listener for an event to an element in the DOM, and then use ShowHide.toggle(element, effect) to trigger an effect. Here is an example which listens for a click on a button, and toggles FadeEffect on an image each time it is pressed:
var button = query("#fadeButton")
..onClick.listen((event) {
ShowHide.toggle(query("#fadeImage"), effect: new FadeEffect());
If you wanted to fade in/out a dropdown when you click on a menu bar, then substitute "fadeButton" for the menu which listens for clicks, and "fadeImage" with the dropdown element.
Also, any other effect can be substituted for FadeEffect, such as DoorEffect, ScaleEffect, ShrinkEffect, etc.


Select2 change container position

How can I adjust the position of Select2 container so that the search box is position right over the original select element like in this website
It look cleaner in terms of UI in my opinion.
Ps. sorry, I can't post the image now.
There is 2 ways to do this.
1) With css:
.select2-dropdown--below {
top: -2.8rem; /*your input height*/
This will not affect a container (.select2-container), but will move dropdown and search field, so you will have a desired effect.
2) With js:
$('select').select2().on('select2:open', function() {
var container = .$('.select2-container').last();
/*Add some css-class to container or reposition it*/
This code attaches a handler to 'select2:open' event, which will be fired every time when user opens a dropdown. This method is better if you have more than one select on page.
Tested with select2 4.0.0
The proper way of positioning the dropdown is using the core feature provided by select2 plugin.
It provides us with 'dropdownParent' property to place to dropdown inside the particular element
select field: #edit-field-job-skillsets-tid
parent item: div.form-item-field-job-skillsets-tid
{dropdownParent: jQuery('div.form-item-field-job-skillsets-tid')}

jQuery mobile button staying pressed

I have a jQuery mobile button hooked up to an ajax POST. If the POST fails, the jQuery mobile button stays pressed instead of ``popping up". Any ideas?
It can be done easily.
Here a jsFiddle example made for one of my previous answers:
If you take a look there's this line of code:
$.mobile.activePage.find('.ui-btn-active').removeClass('ui-btn-active ui-focus');
It will try to find pressed button on a current active page, if it succeed it will remove 2 classes responsible for a button pressed state. Unfortunately pure CSS solution is impossible here. You can test this example, just comment top line and see what will happen.
One last thing selector $.mobile.activePage can only be used during the pagebeforeshow, pageshow, pagebeforechange, pagechange, pagebeforehide and pagehide page event so takes this into account.
In case you cant use this selector just replace it with a page id, like this:
$('#pageID').find('.ui-btn-active').removeClass('ui-btn-active ui-focus');
So your final code would look like this:
$.ajax( "example.php" )
.success(function() { doStuff(); })
.error(function() {
$('#pageID').find('.ui-btn-active').removeClass('ui-btn-active ui-focus');
Add an error clause to your AJAX handling which pops the button back.
$.ajax( "example.php" )
.success(function() { doStuff(); })
.error(function() { /*code to unpress button here*/ })
For those folks out there using "input" and not "anchors" as buttons. When using for instance "submit" and "reset" buttons and pressing them they remain as active, which is sometimes undesired depending on the actions performed when the buttons is clicked.
I am not sure if it is the expected behaviour, I have read that is a jQuery mobile bug, but the behavior is still present at least in jQM 1.3.2
An yes the trick is to remove the active class as stated however those get tricky because the class is not added to the input tag, i*t is added to a parent DIV* that is created by all of the ugly stuff around the "input" to style the button, that is why removing the active class when selecting the input doesn´t work.
By analyzing the HTML produced by jquery mobile a workaround is to:
remove the active class on the input parent instead of the actual input element.
I prefer this approach instead of clearing all the active classes across the whole page in case you want to be more selective with the class removal.

tweaking jquery-ui menu widget

Working on making a very standard dropdown menu with the new jquery ui 1.9 menu widget, but having some problems due to the newness of the widget and the presence of only a single extremely basic example at
Specifically, can anyone here help me to:
Initialize a widget with no icons for submenus? (Default is a right-facing carat and I can't get rid of it)
Make a menu where user has to click on the top menu item (as opposed to just hovering) to make the submenu appear? Any deeper submenus should then expand when the user's pointer hovers over them. This is typical dropdown behavior, e.g., user clicks "edit" to make options appear like "select" or "undo", but any further choices under (for example) "select" would apper just by hovering over "select". I hope that's clear.
I don't know how to do the second part of your question but I can answer the first question.
You can change the default icon by setting the icon option of the menu option.
First add a class to your CSS file like this.
.no-icon { display:none;}
Then set the icon option when you create the menu.
$( "#menu" ).menu(
{ icons: { submenu: "no-icon" } }
You won't have any icons.
Here is a fiddle

jQueryUI - draggable with a separate click to drop

I've implemented drag and drop OK with jQueryUI draggable and droppable.
For the less savvy users, I'd like to also offer a visible "move" button. When they click this button, the element would be picked up, and when they click again on a drop target, it's dropped. So the same as drag and drop, but started with one click and dropped with another.
I know it would be possible to do this with separate code, but I'd rather not reinvent everything for a slight variation. Is there a way to get jQueryUI to do this?
The only thing I found is calling the trigger method of the draggable, but you have to pass a mousedown event...
See my answer on this other question. If you change it so instead of
.mousedown(function(event) {
x = event.pageX;
y = event.pageY;
.mouseup(function() {
bind to click and implement a toggling mechanism to decide if you are beginning the drag (mousedown equivalent) or ending the drag (mouseup equivalent) you should be most of the way there.
I would use .animate to animate the object to its target. I have done this before with a game. For example you could specify top and left coordinates for the element to move to onClick of the button.

Animate only a part of an element

how can I animate only a part of an element?
I show/hide a div using jquery-ui's show method but I'd like to start/end the animation from/to a given height of the element.
My dev website can be seen here (link removed). When clicking on the 'Contact' button the contact page shows up or hides if it's already open. Since I couldn't find how to starts my animation from a given height I added a fixed button when it's closed, but when the contact button of the contact page overlaps the fixed button when it's closing...
Any help welcome!
looking for something like this??
You can also add any fade or whatever effects. This is using a single button to animate both open and close. You could also attach a attribute to the button tag to define it's current state.
