Rails + Filepicker - how to create a thumbnail? - ruby-on-rails

I am using Filepicker for upload and it's working quite well. Now I would need to extend functionality about creating thumbnails.
I am not really sure how it's working exactly, but when I upload an image, I get an URL (for example https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/WenvMkJjRpOeE6RIw3Vo).
When I add some parameters to this URL, like https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/WenvMkJjRpOeE6RIw3Vo/convert?w=650, the displayed image is resized.
But how to set up resizing of an image while upload? I am familiar with Paperclip, where I set dimensions of all thumbnails and everything is created within the upload.
How it works with FilePicker?

If I understand your question correctly that you want to resize the image before you upload it to filepicker then
you can use the gem like fastimage_resize to resize your picture to push it to filepicker.
P/S: I doubt filepicker also uses the same mechanism to resize the image on the fly.


How to use cache images for display in flutter until url is loading?

I am having a sample application which is having networking images, how to display preloaded cache images when navigating between pages. Because it is taking some time for loading from api calls. instead of placeholder how to display same image which loaded previously.
I am trying to use flutter_cache_manager 0.1.1, cached_network_image 0.4.1+1
plugins but still unable to achieve.
I think you are looking for FadeInImage where you can set a placeholder image until the actual image becomes available.
The actual image can come from various ImageProviders like NetworkImageWithRetry or similar.

iOS How to create a custom image picker/browser

I have been looking around and haven't found a good answer for this.
Instagram uses an image browser/picker like . As you can see above the images from the photo gallery are displayed in a grid below and you can directly choose image from there instead of using the default image picker layout.
The Groupme app also does something similar..
Where images are displayed in a horizontal scrollable list and you can just choose from this.
I have been reading up on the image picker and the documentation says that subclassing is not support.
So my question is:
How do you create something like this?
If this is just a custom view that loads the images stored on the device. How do I access those images?
I just need a starting point and what to specifically look for (custom browser/image picker etc).
Thanks in advance.
You use the ALAssetsLibrary APIs, docs here.

Instagram image posting with UIDocumentInteractionController

I am using UIDocumentInteractionController to post images to Instagram iOS App and it is working well. But, when the image appear in Instagram, it is not possible to crop it. The first cropping step is skipped. I tried to post "non squared" images but the cropping is still impossible.
Is there a way to post images to Instagram App and allow the user to crop it like other imported images?
I don't think that's possible right now.
Libraries like DMActivityInstagram include a resize viewcontroller of their own to cope with this.

Work around using custom image as default video thumb?

After uploading a new video in YouTube, three thumbnail images are generated automatically by YouTube. Unfortunately, these three images are often useless. Is there any workaround to use my own custom thumbnail image when using the embed code?
I figured it out within Wordpress and Wordpress Plugins. I just used the Wordpress lightbox plus plugin that allows you to choose what image to display and it has a embed video feature. There is also a way to customize the Wordpress Template, but I went for the easy route.

Add styles to dynamically downloaded images in iOS app

My question is: Since I have an app that downloads images from TMDB (the movie database) and I can't edit them in Photoshop before adding them to my application I was wondering if there was a way to add effects. Like a nice drop shadow and a 1 pix border to my images dynamically as they are downloaded or referenced from within application? (during development)
I can't seem to find a way to do this. I'm probably looking in the wrong place though.
Any help?
You can easily do all that using Quartz.
