Highcharts: Longer pie labels are chopped off - highcharts

We recently made the switch from JFreeCharts to Highcharts. And our apps teams build small pie charts (fit in 250 by 400 px) on a dashboard, that usually show less than 8 slices. The pie labels are verbose. Highcharts usually clips them off is what I am seeing.
JSFiddle: jsfiddle.net/9tqSn/18/
It is close to what we see on our system even with word wrapping and such. Our customers also hate the fact that the chart size shrinks when labels are long. Do you plan to have a solution to better fit labels in the plot area?
We are running highcharts-3.0.2

Well, this is known bug in Highcharts, see this report.
Here you can find discussion about positioning dataLabels.


Vaadin heatmap does not support 40x40 (1600) points?

In Vaadin 14.6.1, I tried to create a Vaadin heatmap foollowing the documentation / example from here.
However, I encountered a few problems/questions, listed in descending order of importance below:
The heatmap supported 30 rows by 30 columns; but when I tried 40 rows by 40 columns, the entire heatmap showed a single color (blue in my case).
Is it possible to manually set the minimum numeric value and maximum numeric value for the color scheme. This way, if I plot my data one day and it has values in the range of 0 to 1, but on another dataset from another day, the numeric values range from between 0 and 0.5, the color scheme range won't automatically change (to being between 0 and 0.5) and confuse the user.
In the documentation, it has the following methods listed, but they do not seem to exist in Vaadin 14.6.1
When I hover over the datapoints, is there a way that the tooltip can only show the numeric value (and not the x, y coordinate or the series name etc.?)
Is there any limit to the number of datapoints? I'm hoping that if #1 above is resolved that I can plot a 100 by 100 (ie 10,000) point heatmap.
If I plot 100by100, there will be many labels on the x and y axis. In my case, the x and y axis are actually numerical, so I did what the documentation suggested and just placed category labels in the xaxis and yaxis spots. However, is there any way to only display every "nth" label, so that the x-axis and y-axis is not so crowded? (This would essentially mimic what Vaadin does for normal line charts' xaxis and yaxis).
I'm not that experienced with Vaadin Chart, but these are the questions that I can comment on:
(1) With 40x40 items you go over the threshold of 1000 in which the Chart switches into "turbo" mode for performance reasons. This seems to not be compatible with the heatmap series. You can disable turbo mode by setting plotOptions.setTurboThreshold(0);
(2) Unfortunately the ColorAxis doesn't support this, it only has an API for min and max color. Definitely a valid use-case though, and it seems to be supported by the Highcharts library that the Vaadin Chart uses under the hood. You should consider opening a feature request for this in the Github repo.
(3) This seems to be a documentation issue. The methods are available in later Vaadin platform versions, but not in 14.6.
(5) In theory not, but in practice there will be a huge performance hit in the browser due to the excessive amount of DOM elements (quick test of 100x100 froze the browser for 10s). I'm afraid the component isn't really made for such extreme use-cases. In this case it might be better to utilize a low-level JS drawing library using the canvas, or draw an image on the server-side and display that in the browser. Maybe you can also consider modifying your use-case so that you only display one slice of your data and allow the user to switch between slices.

Possible bug in zooming in on Vaadin charts when more than 1 series present?

Earlier, I asked how to create "spectra" charts in Vaadin (see How to create a "spectrum" chart using Vaadin 14+). It turned out that one didn't actually need to create barcharts -- the only real need seemed to be to set the pointwidth to 1. (This solved the "very wide" widths lines when zooming.)
HOWEVER: I think there's a bug in vaadin charts when one has more than 1 series presents and when one zooms: the line moves to an inccorrect position on the x-axis (or the x-axis is no longer placed correctly.) Any thoughts on how to resolve? Here are two screenshots showing the problem. In the first one, only ONE series is visible and the line is at the correct x-axis point of ~598.36. In the second screenshot, though, (where the only change I have made is to enable the 2nd series), the line moves to an INCORRECT x-axis coordinate (it seems like it's ~598.25!!!).
One theory I have is that adding the second series somehow confuses the chart from determining the correct x-axes....maybe because each series has it's own x axis logic in some way? Not sure....(I'm using Vaadin 14 and I tested this both in my dev env and on production.)

Highcharts: how to optimize auto-scaling so that columns make better use of the available height

Highcharts columns sometimes don't make proper use of the available height, in some cases leaving nearly the upper half of a chart empty. After fiddling with the official example charts I noticed that the y-axis max extreme (internally) seems to be dependent on the chart's container height.
For example, the Highcharts example for stacked column chart:
The original example (container height of 400px) has a max of 12.5 for the y-axis with the largest columns having a value of 11. ~90% of the chart height are used.
When modifying the height to 300px, y-axis max changes to 15, so that only ~75% of the height is used.
When modifying the height to 200px, y-axis max changes to 20, only ~55% of the height being used.
Is there a way to improve this behavior without programmatically setting the axis extremes whenever the displayed data changes? You might argue that applying such a small height to a column chart is a weird thing to do, but this is just an example, I have seen similar behavior with larger charts (having other data).
This is related with fact, that defaulty highcharts has enabled maxPadding. Set that parameter as 0 to fillout area more efficient.
yAxis: {
The example charts could be fixed with Sebastian's answer. After applying the change to my own chart, I noticed another problem that screwed up the scale even more, but was not part of this question - adding this as another answer, just for the sake of completeness.
My chart consisted of combined column/line chart with a 2nd y-axis. Depending on its values, the line chart series had strange effects on the scale of the columns (even if the line chart series was empty). Doing some more research I found this SO answer pointing me to Highcharts' alignTicks option, setting it to false resolved the issue.

Highcharts custom doughnut graph

Does anyone have any idea how to make a graph like this? It's basically 5 in one chart, each one represents a different dynamic value up to 100%. So like the man running icon would be 60%, scale 85%, sleep 8%, ect.
The icons in the middle obviously won't be part of the graph, they'd be a div overlayed the chart.
Can anyone help? If highcharts will not work, then what will?

Highcharts Symbol in Legend

I have a highcharts legend where the symbols are displaying with varying sizes as they are different sizes in the actual chart. Unfortunately, when the sizes of the data points grow, they also grow in the legend. I want the legend symbols to remain the same size regardless of the data point size.
Here is an example where the data points have grown with the graph. In case it matters, the actual graph I'm using is a scatter plot (unlike the example).
Any help is much appreciated!
This is a little hacky but it's the best I can come up with. After you draw the plot, manually adjust the legend symbols:
Updated fiddle here.
