Highcharts Symbol in Legend - highcharts

I have a highcharts legend where the symbols are displaying with varying sizes as they are different sizes in the actual chart. Unfortunately, when the sizes of the data points grow, they also grow in the legend. I want the legend symbols to remain the same size regardless of the data point size.
Here is an example where the data points have grown with the graph. In case it matters, the actual graph I'm using is a scatter plot (unlike the example).
Any help is much appreciated!

This is a little hacky but it's the best I can come up with. After you draw the plot, manually adjust the legend symbols:
Updated fiddle here.


How to align multiple charts with different data

I have three pie charts displayed in a row. Two have two segments, one has five. All three have vertical legends.
Given that, the chart with five segments displays the pie slightly smaller, due to the extra height of the legend. It also has a slight negative vertical offset.
Is there any way I can set all three charts to render the chart in the same position? I've tried setting the center to 50%,50% in plotOptions, didn't help.
You have to set the marginBottom-Value of the chart to a value that is equal an all charts. Highcharts is trying to display the pie as big as possible, therefore it will use more space if the legend is not as big.
By setting the marginBottom you force the chart to ignore the actual legend size.
The center: ['50%','50%'] setting will only take into account the actual plot area. So if this area is decreased because of a taller legend it has no effect.
I made a jsfiddle where you can explore this settings:

How Do I Keep Bar Width the Same Across Multiple Charts?

Suppose I want to create two charts with horizontal bars. The names of the objects are listed on the y-axis and the horizontal bars represents some quantity. The first chart has 100 items and the second chart has 5 items.
When I create the charts the horizontal bars have different widths. I'd like the bars to be the same width across all of my charts.
I know I can try different values for the height parameter to the AddShape function. But that seems time-consuming and unreliable since the number of items can change. I'd like to do something like:
Chart.BarWidth = 10
The "thickness" of each bar will be primarily determined by the number of data points that need to be plotted. The more data points to plot, the thinner the bars will be. There are some options to further tweak them, such as IChartGroup.GapWidth, and you're welcome to try to adjust this so that both charts match. But I suspect that it will be very difficult to do this reliably, particularly if the number of plotted points is expected to change over time.
To maintain the same bar thickness for multiple charts, I think your best option will be to ensure both charts' series refer to the same size range. So if your first chart refers to 100 cells, have your second chart refer to 100 cells, even if only 5 are populated with values. The empty cells should not plot but will still take up space and therefore maintain consistent bar thicknesses between your two charts.

Highcharts: how to optimize auto-scaling so that columns make better use of the available height

Highcharts columns sometimes don't make proper use of the available height, in some cases leaving nearly the upper half of a chart empty. After fiddling with the official example charts I noticed that the y-axis max extreme (internally) seems to be dependent on the chart's container height.
For example, the Highcharts example for stacked column chart:
The original example (container height of 400px) has a max of 12.5 for the y-axis with the largest columns having a value of 11. ~90% of the chart height are used.
When modifying the height to 300px, y-axis max changes to 15, so that only ~75% of the height is used.
When modifying the height to 200px, y-axis max changes to 20, only ~55% of the height being used.
Is there a way to improve this behavior without programmatically setting the axis extremes whenever the displayed data changes? You might argue that applying such a small height to a column chart is a weird thing to do, but this is just an example, I have seen similar behavior with larger charts (having other data).
This is related with fact, that defaulty highcharts has enabled maxPadding. Set that parameter as 0 to fillout area more efficient.
yAxis: {
The example charts could be fixed with Sebastian's answer. After applying the change to my own chart, I noticed another problem that screwed up the scale even more, but was not part of this question - adding this as another answer, just for the sake of completeness.
My chart consisted of combined column/line chart with a 2nd y-axis. Depending on its values, the line chart series had strange effects on the scale of the columns (even if the line chart series was empty). Doing some more research I found this SO answer pointing me to Highcharts' alignTicks option, setting it to false resolved the issue.

Highcharts: Longer pie labels are chopped off

We recently made the switch from JFreeCharts to Highcharts. And our apps teams build small pie charts (fit in 250 by 400 px) on a dashboard, that usually show less than 8 slices. The pie labels are verbose. Highcharts usually clips them off is what I am seeing.
JSFiddle: jsfiddle.net/9tqSn/18/
It is close to what we see on our system even with word wrapping and such. Our customers also hate the fact that the chart size shrinks when labels are long. Do you plan to have a solution to better fit labels in the plot area?
We are running highcharts-3.0.2
Well, this is known bug in Highcharts, see this report.
Here you can find discussion about positioning dataLabels.

Highcharts - multiple plot with the same x scale

I want to make a multiple plots with the x-axis aligned so that we can compare two set of data. I want it to look like this
In my case there are some addition requirement that some of the plot are lines and some are bar. So the default scale does not align even if the data range are the same.
I found some good suggestion about "stacking" the charts. It is a little bit complicated but a promising way to try.
However I also have other use case that may push the envelop of simple stacking. For example, I'd like to do scatter plot matrix sometime when both x-axis and y-axis have to align like this
Rather than putting many chart in one Highchart, this may requires have many separate charts but have better control in how the axis is layout.
If you want to use one one chart, you can use linkedTo option to connect axis.
If you want more simple charts, you can manage to connect axis using event afterSetExtremes, where you can call setExtremes() for another chart.
