Keeping the array of application data in memory ( singleton class )? - ios

I am using sqlite to store the array of data and I have more than one view controller in my application and my question is Is it right to create a singleton class to control that array of information coz I don't want to recreate the array from sqlite file every time loading a new view controller into the memory?

A singleton will work. You can also just pass the array from the current view controller to the new view controller when it gets created and displayed.


How do I save values from the child view controllers of a UIPageViewController to use elsewhere in an app?

I have a UIPageViewController containing multiple view controllers each with questions for the user to respond to. Once these questions are answered I want to save the values somewhere locally so I can later create a PDF populated with these values. What is the best way to do this? Would I use NSUserDefaults?
It depends on how you want the data to persist. If you want the data to persist the life of the user, even if the app is deleted from the device, you would obviously need to store it away from the client such as in a database (i.e. Realm, CoreData). If you want the data to persist the life of the app itself, data that you would continue to use to shape the user's experience, you could use UserDefaults but that doesn't seem like what you're trying to do. And if you just want the data to persist the life of that instance of the app, store it in regular properties.
I suspect, for whatever reason, the third option would be your choice. If so, I would suggest creating a model object that's as an instance property of the parent view controller (that all page view controllers can reference)...
class SurveyAnswers {
var userName: String?
var userAge: Int?
var favoriteSauce: PizzaSauce?
var livesWithCats: Bool?
...and simply use the protocol/delegate pattern to pass data from the child to the parent which would update properties in that object (so long as they are updating the same instance of that object). Then, when you're ready to prepare the PDF file, simply ask the parent for that object, whose properties have been set by the child view controllers.
And if you're OK with it, you could use the shared AppDelegate as a way to store and retrieve this data. I would just caution against making this a habit but depending on your application as a whole, this may be a perfectly acceptable option.
General rule of thumb: set properties in destination objects to pass data forward and use delegates to pass data backward.

iOS Best practice for handling model objects

There are different levels I'm asking this question at.
Case 1: Let's think about the typical drill-down design. Say a table view controller has an array of custom objects, and tapping a cell will push a view controller that allows the user to modify the object represented by the cell. In this case, should the pushed view controller have the custom object as a property of its own, or use a data source/delegate protocol to edit the custom object but not own it.
Case 2: A similar but slightly different situation is this. I'm using a singleton store to handle an array of bank accounts in my app. A view controller will show a list of the accounts, and I'm wondering if I should have the array of accounts as a property in my view controller or get the array via the store. (The array of accounts is accessed quite often.) I guess the only difference is a single object vs. an array of objects. I'm curious about how heavy these arrays can be, so whether it's faster to load the array from the store each time or have it as a property in the view controller.
Case 3: When should the local file system be used? In my app's example, bank accounts are accessed quite often, so I have them unarchived and set as properties upon launching the app, but for much bigger data, I only load them from the file system when they should be displayed or edited. I'm still not sure what the right way is.

View object having a reference on model object?

I am developing an document based application using MVC pattern, my model object is Mutablearray of mutableDictionaries. Each dictionary in the array is represented to the user by a View object. (for example if the array contain 100 dictionaries then 100 views will be addsubviewed to self.view)
I learned that in MVC pattern the view and model should not know about each other instead they must respond via a Controller object(UIViewController).In my application I followed the MVC pattern but I did not follow the one I mentioned here because by holding a reference to the model object(NSMutableDictionary) I can easily modify the model object(as the user edit the view object) and then write the array of NSMutableDictionaries on the disk after the user finished the document.
Tell me If I should isolate model and view if so what benefit I can avail or I can go on with that

Core Data NSManagedObject Changes

I am using a simple Master Detail scenario where the master uses a fetched results controller to populate its tableview. When a row is selected, the respective NSManagedObject is passed to the detail view controller where it is used to populate a few UILabels. I added an EditorViewController to allow some of the fields to be updated by the user. On save, I dismiss the EditorViewController and go back to the Detail view controller. The save uses the context assigned to the NSManagedObject.
What is the best way to know that the object in question changed so I can update the UI in the Detail VC? Currently, if I try to update the UILabels in the Detail VC, I don't see any of the new values for the object's properties. I know a delegate/protocol scenario would likely work but I am curious if there something already in place that I can use – a notification I can look for to update the object or if I should have a fetched results controller on the details screen? Not sure the proper path to take here.
NSFetchedResultsController is a most common solution to this problem. It listens for changes in the context and updates the table view's content accordingly. Your question is rather general, so I'll leave a link to a very good article showing how to use it properly.
You can use NSFetchedResultsController and register fetch request for that object (I think it is good solution). Alternatively you can listen for notifications like NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification, but I would not recommend it.
Or you can pass an object to your EditorViewController and update properties there directly.
It's hard to say without seeing any code what you are going for, but the other common pattern for working with CoreData makes use of the Model-View-Controller(MVC) paradigm to stage info from your data store in a class variable, then your interface consumes from that class variable. You worry about saving, updating and refreshing the data between CoreData and your class variable separately from your interface consuming that data.
A typical workflow would then be:
//User does something that creates new info
//Store that info permanently in CoreData
//Refresh the class Variable by loading from CoreData (you can also skip this by updating the class variable simultaneously while saving to CoreData, but this is really sloppy and problematic. Better to save then re-fetch)
//Update your interface from the class Variable
Alternately, you could try Key Value Observing? but I'm not sure it's right for your situation.

Access NSArray from multiple views

I have a data controller class used within my app that handles parsing xml and a few other operations vital to my app. What I want to be able to do is have the data that it parses store in an array that can be accessed in multiple views of my app. Right now, each view creates its own instance of the data controller class and so the array that the data is stored in is specific to that view controller. Is there a way to still create individual instances of the data controller class for each view controller, but the data is stored in the array where all views can access it? I have tried to store in NSUserDefaults but that doesn't seem the most effective way. Each view controller needs to have its own instance of the data controller class because I utilize delegate methods that are used in each of the view controllers. I hope this makes sense.
You have two ways to implement this (ok, maybe more than two but those are most common):
Store array in application delegate and acces it as property.
Create singleton object who gonna hold array (and other possible data/methods).
