dynamically creating a query in Neo4jClient - neo4jclient

I am trying to create a dynamic Cypher query with Neo4jClient. My code is turning very redundant because of .Start in Neo4jClient. In .Start, I would like to get nodes from an index. The nodes can be variable from 1 to 10. So I have to create a switch statement, which is getting really long.
n = Node.ByIndexLookup("name_idx", "Name", sNameArray[0]),
For two nodes, it is
n = Node.ByIndexLookup("name_idx", "Name", sNameArray[0]),
m = Node.ByIndexLookup("name_idx", "Name", sNameArray[1]),
And so forth
.Match and .With are dynamically generated using string operations, so no issues there. .Return has only limited return value, so no issues there either.
My main concern is because of .Start, I have to repeat the full .Cypher statement. If I can get around it, I will have nice clean code. Any suggestions?

You can use a Dictionary so for example your second version could be:
.Start(new Dictionary<string, object>{
{"n", Node.ByIndexLookup("name_idx", "Name", sNameArray[0])},
{"m", Node.ByIndexLookup("name_idx", "Name", sNameArray[1])},
Which would allow you to do something like:
var start = new Dictionary<string, object>();
for(int i = 0; i < sNameArray.Length; i++)
start.Add("n" + i, Node.ByIndexLookup("name_idx", "Name", sNameArray[i]));
graphClient.Cypher.Start(start).Where( /**** ETC ****/ );


Search a collection of objects

I'm trying to search for a collection of potential nodes but unable to do it...
I have a product that has a relationship with many instances. I would like to query the DB and get all the instances that are in a list that i get from the user.
var query = _context
instance = startBitsList,
product = productNode.Reference,
.Return(instance => instance.Node<ProductInstance>());
The problem is startBitsList... I use StringBuilder to generate a query that contains all the instances I'm looking for:
private static string CreateStartBits(IEnumerable<string> instanceNames)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var id in productIds)
sb.AppendFormat("Name={0} OR ", id);
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 4, 4);
var startBitsList = sb.ToString();
return startBitsList;
I get exceptions when trying to run this cypher...
Is there a better way to search for multiple items that are stored in the collection I get from the user?
OK, I think there are a couple of issues at play here, first I'm presuming you are using Neo4j 1.9 and not 2.0 - hence using the .Start.
Have you tried taking your query and running it in Neo4j? This should be your first port of call, typically it's easy to add a breakpoint on the .Results call and add a 'watch' for query.Query.DebugText.
However, I don't think you need to use the StartBits the way you are, I think you'd be better off filtering with a .Where as you already have the start point:
private static ICypherFluentQuery CreateWhereClause(ICypherFluentQuery query, ICollection<string> instanceNames)
query = query.Where((Instance instance) => instance.Name == instanceNames.First());
query = instanceNames.Skip(1).Aggregate(query, (current, localInstanceName) => current.OrWhere((Instance instance) => instance.Name == localInstanceName));
return query;
and your query becomes something like:
var prodReference = new NodeReference<Product>(2);
var query =
.ParserVersion(1, 9)
.Start(new {product = prodReference})
query = CreateWhereClause(query, new[] {"Inst2", "Inst1"});
var resultsQuery = query.Return(instance => instance.As<Node<Instance>>());
2 things of note
We're not using the indexes - there is no benefit to using them as you have the start point and traversing to the 'instances' is a simple process for Neo4j.
The 'CreateWhereClause' method will probably go wrong if you pass in an empty list :)
The nice thing about not using the indexes is that - because they are legacy - you are set up better for Neo4j 2.0

Returning multiple columns in Neo4jClient Cypher Query

I am using Azure and finding the performance to be slow. In order to reduce the round trip time, I am clubbing the following queries into one query.
var queryItem = _graphClient
n = Node.ByIndexLookup("item_idx", "SKU", sSKU1),
somewhere else in the code I have following statements
var queryItem = _graphClient
m = Node.ByIndexLookup("item_idx", "SKU", sSKU2),
I tried to combine above two queries into a single query like this
var queryItem = _graphClient
n = Node.ByIndexLookup("item_idx", "SKU", sSKU1),
m = Node.ByIndexLookup("item_idx", "SKU", sSKU2),
I know above is only for single column so I tried using following return statement
.Return((n, m) => new
N = n.CollectAs<Node<Item>>(),
M = m.CollectAs<Node<Item>>()
but then I have problems with the following statement
Node<Item> item1 = itemQueryResult.First();
It says Error Cannot implicitly convert type 'AnonymousType#1' to 'Neo4jClient.Node.
Can you please suggest a simple syntax or returning multiple columns and a way to extract the first node? TIA.
I think what you're missing here is that the Return statement returns one object per Cypher row.
Your query is returning a table like this:
| n | m |
| Node | Node |
That's one table, with one row, with two columns.
In this statement, you are returning an anonymous type per Cypher row:
.Return((n, m) => new
N = n.CollectAs<Node<Item>>(),
M = m.CollectAs<Node<Item>>()
The return type of that method is IEnumerable<AnonymousType>.
You're then trying to get the first row (an anonymous type) and implicitly cast that to Node<Item>, which is not valid.
You should get the row, then get the properties within it.
Some other things to note:
You don't want to use CollectAs in this scenario: that will turn each cell of your table into an array with a single value, which just adds more indirection.
.As<Node<T>>() can be written as .Node<T>()
With that in mind, here's the query you want:
var result = _graphClient
n = Node.ByIndexLookup("item_idx", "SKU", sSKU1),
m = Node.ByIndexLookup("item_idx", "SKU", sSKU2),
.Return((n, m) => new
N = n.Node<Item>(),
M = m.Node<Item>()
var n = result.N;
var m = result.M;
Make sense?
PS: I hope you aren't actually clubbing anything. Baby seals don't like that. You are combining queries.

return custom json from LINQ select statement

A very new programmer to MVC, JSON & LINQ - I have created an ActionResult that returns a JSONResult:
var formhistory = from p in _formsRepository.ReturnedForms
where p.DateAdded >= DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-15) && p.DateAdded <= DateTime.Now.Date
group p by new {p.Centre, p.Form, p.DateAdded}
into g
select new {
Total = g.Sum(p => p.Quantity)
return Json(formhistory, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
This gives me a nice JSON result set as follows:
My question is this: I'm trying to manipulate this JSON string so that instead of 2 key/value pairs for "Form" and "Total" I only have 1, i.e. "Form":"Total".
I realise this is probably a very basic question, but can anyone point me in the correct direction? (Apart from the door!)
select new {
Form = g.Sum(p => p.Quantity)
would give you a key "Form" whose value is the former "Total". Is that what you want?
Modify the select part in your linq query
select new {
NewField = String.Format("{0} - {1}",g.Key.Form,g.Sum(p => p.Quantity).ToString())
I think this will solve your purpose.

How can I get a specific Neo4j node using Neo4jClient

Some pseudo-code of the model I'm working with:
User { int Id, string Username }
Activity { int Id, string Name }
Place { int Id, string Name }
Basically I have a bunch of Users and they belong to certain places (many to many relationship in RDBMS world). What I'd like to do now that I've created all of the nodes already is create the relationship between them. To do that I believe I need to get references to each node and then simply create the relationship between them.
Note: So far no relationships exist. It does look like in some of the examples they have added the User nodes with a relationship that points to the RootNode but I have no idea why. I'm not sure if I need to do that or not.
More pseudo-code:
var userRef = _graphClient...GetUserNodeWhereIdEquals(user.Id);
// or something like _graphClient.OutV<User>("[[id={0}]]", user.Id)
// or even just _graphClient.V<User>(id == user.Id)
var placeRef = _graphClient...GetPlaceNodeWhereIdEquals(place.Id);
_graphClient...CreateRelationshipBetween(userRef, placeRef, "belongs_to");
Unfortunately the documentation starts off pretty great then goes south when you get to relationships.
Update 3/29/12
Here's the code I have so far:
foreach (var a in _activityTasks.GetAll())
_graphClient.Create(a, new ActivityBelongsTo(_graphClient.RootNode));
foreach (var p in _placeTasks.GetAll().Take(1))
var placeNode = _graphClient.Create(p, new PlaceBelongsTo(_graphClient.RootNode));
foreach (var activity in p.Activities)
Activity activity1 = activity;
var activityNode = _graphClient.RootNode.In<Activity>(ActivityBelongsTo.TypeKey, a => a.Id == activity1.Id).SingleOrDefault();
_graphClient.CreateRelationship(placeNode, new PlaceHasActivity(activityNode.Reference));
The activity nodes are created fine. The place node is created fine. An error is now being thrown when trying to get the activityNode. It's a rather large stack trace so I'll try to paraphrase here:
Received an exception when executing the request.
The query was: g.v(p0).in(p1).filter{ it[p2] == p3
The exception was: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.Parameter name: key
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue
value, Boolean add) ... The raw response body was: [ {
"outgoing_relationships" :
"http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/2/relationships/out", "data" : {
"Name" : "Aerobics", "Id" : 2 }, "all_typed_relationships" :
"traverse" :
"http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/2/traverse/{returnType}", "self"
: "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/2", "property" :
"outgoing_typed_relationships" :
"properties" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/2/properties",
"incoming_relationships" :
"http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/2/relationships/in", "extensions"
: { }, "create_relationship" :
"paged_traverse" :
"all_relationships" :
"incoming_typed_relationships" :
} ]
Something to do when adding a item to a Dictionary when the key is null. Problem is, I don't see any nulls when I debug on my end, activity1 is there, RootNode is there, TypeKey is a const string.
I'm almost wondering if I should just keep the created nodes within a array or Dictionary myself and then just working with the NodeReference. That's what I'm going to try next.
Later that morning
This seems to load everything into the graph database fine:
var activityNodes = _activityTasks.GetAll().ToDictionary(a => a.Id, a => _graphClient.Create(a, new ActivityBelongsTo(_graphClient.RootNode)));
foreach (var p in _placeTasks.GetAll())
var placeNode = _graphClient.Create(p, new PlaceBelongsTo(_graphClient.RootNode));
foreach (var activity in p.Activities)
_graphClient.CreateRelationship(placeNode, new PlaceHasActivity(activityNodes[activity.Id]));
foreach (var u in _userTasks.GetAllUserGraph())
var userNode = _graphClient.Create(u, new UserBelongsTo(_graphClient.RootNode));
foreach(var activity in u.Activities)
_graphClient.CreateRelationship(userNode, new UserParticipatesIn(activityNodes[activity.Id]));
Now the problem is similar to what I had before. Now I want to get an activity that has a relationship to the RootNode:
Node<Activity> activity = _graphClient
.In<Activity>(ActivityBelongsTo.TypeKey, a => a.Id == 1)
Throwing the key value can't be null exception again. I think I need to investigate the gremlin syntax more. I'm guessing the problem is there.
This afternoon
Started to experiment with Gremlin queries:
works fine. I tried to replicate that using neo4jClient syntax:
_graphClient.RootNode.InE(ActivityBelongsTo.TypeKey).OutV(b => b.Id == 1).SingleOrDefault();
Same null exception, it spits out:
g.v(p0).inE.filter{ it[p1].equals(p2) }.outV.filter{ it[p3] == p4 }.drop(p5).take(p6)._()
which looks right to me, except for the end. Ran this though:
And that works fine. Something stinks here...maybe I should try the other library although I liked the de/serialization support. Sigh...
Thought maybe a raw query would work. Nope! This method no longer accepts a string and the required GremlinQuery I have no idea how to you. Grooooooooooooooooan.
var users = graphClient.ExecuteGetAllNodesGremlin<IsCustomer>("g.v(0).out('IsCustomer'){it.'Name' == 'BobTheBuilder'}");
Update 3/30/12
Created a new project, everything below works fine. Super confused why it will work here... :( Maybe version differences, I have no idea.
var client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data"));
client.Create(new User { Id = 1, Username = "joe" }, new UserBelongsTo(client.RootNode));
client.Create(new User { Id = 2, Username = "cloe" }, new UserBelongsTo(client.RootNode));
client.Create(new Activity { Id = 1, Name = "Bocce Ball" }, new ActivityBelongsTo(client.RootNode));
client.Create(new Activity { Id = 2, Name = "Programming" }, new ActivityBelongsTo(client.RootNode));
var user = client.RootNode.In<User>(UserBelongsTo.TypeKey, u=>u.Id == 1).SingleOrDefault();
var activity = client.RootNode.In<Activity>(ActivityBelongsTo.TypeKey, a=>a.Id == 1).SingleOrDefault();
client.CreateRelationship(user.Reference, new Plays(activity.Reference));
user = client.RootNode.In<User>(UserBelongsTo.TypeKey, u => u.Id == 1).SingleOrDefault();
activity = client.RootNode.In<Activity>(ActivityBelongsTo.TypeKey, a => a.Id == 1).SingleOrDefault();
I'm just getting started too. I would suggest you check out this blog:
Also, check http://frictionfree.org and its source code (in the about section) for more examples.
Creating relationships on existing - as I understand, this is possible. However, it appears to be easier to associate nodes as you create them. From the blog:
You can also create relationships between existing nodes.
graphClient.CreateRelationship(customerNodeReference, new
RootNode - I believe you need to start a query from a node, I don't think you can do a
Therefore, it would make sense that you need to attach nodes to the root node. This is an example from the FrictionFreeApp:
var node = graphClient.Create(
new UserBelongsTo(rootNode));

Filtered tokenised search result with Linq and EF

I'm looking for a way to create a filtering system based upon tokenised query strings to return a list of farms.
The filtering mechanism would hopefully be flexible enough for me to supply the tokens in any order to return results.
The rules for search would be like this:
state:WA crop:Banana
would give me a filtered list of all farms in WA with the crop banana.
crop:Banana state:WA
should return the same result.
city:Albany crop:Banana
would give me a filtered list of all farms in Albany with the crop banana.
Each of the values supplied could be wrapped in quotation marks to allow space separated values to be grouped. e.g
city:"Mount barker" crop:Banana
would give me a filtered list of all farms in Mount Barker with the crop banana.
Furthermore any non tokenised queries would just look within a farms Details property to return the list of farms again with quotation marks combining multiple word queries.
My current search system using predicates is coded as follows. it's long (sorry) and is my first attempt though I'm hoping this could be refactored by some kind soul.
Many thanks in advance:
public ActionResult Search(string query, int? page)
IQueryable<Farm> farms = this.ReadOnlySession.All<Farm>();
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query))
// http://petemontgomery.wordpress.com/2011/02/10/a-universal-predicatebuilder
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<Farm>();
// We want to replace the spaces in quoted values here so we can split by space later.
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2148587/regex-quoted-string-with-escaped-quotes-in-c
Regex quoted = new Regex(#"""[^""\\]*(?:\\.[^""\\]*)*""");
foreach (var match in quoted.Matches(query))
query = query.Replace(match.ToString(), match.ToString().Replace(' ', '-'));
// Tidy up the query to remove "".
string[] splitQuery = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(query).Replace("\"", "").Split(' ');
Dictionary<string, string> tokenDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// Loop through our string[] and create a dictionary. Guids used to allow multiple keys
// of the same value.
Parallel.ForEach(splitQuery, subQuery =>
string[] tempArray = subQuery.Split(':');
if (tempArray.Length == 2)
tokenDictionary.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1}", tempArray[0], Guid.NewGuid()), tempArray[1]);
tokenDictionary.Add(String.Format("description:{0}", Guid.NewGuid()), subQuery);
// Loop through the dictionary and create our predicate.
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in tokenDictionary)
string value = item.Value.Replace('-', ' ');
string key = item.Key.Split(':')[0].ToUpperInvariant();
switch (key)
case "CROP":
value = Utilities.CreateSlug(value, OzFarmGuideConfig.RemoveDiacritics);
predicate = predicate.And(x => x.Crops.Any(y => value.Equals(y.Slug, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
case "STATE":
predicate = predicate.And(x => value.Equals(x.City.State.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
case "CITY":
value = Utilities.CreateSlug(value, OzFarmGuideConfig.RemoveDiacritics);
predicate = predicate.And(x => value.Equals(x.City.Slug, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
predicate = predicate.And(x => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Details) && x.Details.Contains(value));
farms = farms.Where(predicate).OrderByDescending(x => x.Rating)
.ThenByDescending(x => x.RatingVotes);
PagedList<Farm> pagedFarms = new PagedList<Farm>(farms, page.HasValue ? page.Value - 1 : 0, 5);
return View(pagedFarms);
PagedList<Farm> pagedFarms = null;
return View(pagedFarms);
Just a guess, would the problem correct itself with the introduction of DefaultIfEmpty()?
// This is not working at the mo. Getting a null exception when we try
// to initialise PagedList.
predicate = predicate.And(x => x.Details.DefaultIfEmpty().Contains(value));
