Is it possible to show ppt/pptx as aslide show using uidocumentcontroller in IOS? - ios

I have a requirement where i need to present documents like pdf/doc/docx/ppt/pptx on the ipad. Rather than showing the document in one page with vertical scroll, i need to show that as slides moving from left to right ( horizontal swipe ).. Can you tell me how i can accomplish that?

The framework does not really offer a way of controlling how things are rendered once you pass the data to it.
Your best bet is to pre-process the files and handle the scrolling yourself by showing each page individually and implementing your own scrolling.


Can anyone suggest what to use to make the UI screen as Mention?

I have design the UI for the below screen as I am little bit confuse that what should have to use for the below screen. As you seen the on the screen below things:
1.Scrolling part of Images swap.
2.Again another Scrolling images Swap.
So here for the scrolling Images what should I use its Collection View for both or Pagecontrol for one and Collection view for other. Please suggest me.
Thanks and Appreciate for the help...
Use UITableView and in its cell use UICollectionCell so that you can scroll horizontally and vertically.
see Back image, this is how you can implemented output looked like.
As Tinu Dahiya pointed it correctly, You should use tableView and custom tableViewCells to achieve your UI design. This approach will also make your coding easy to handle dynamic contents which you might be fetching from server. For your reference you can directly use this control from cocoa controls. This control is ready made dish for you, you just have to implement your logic to achieve your functionality.

Xamarin.iOS ScrollView with the use of UIPageViewController, UIScrollView

I'm currently trying to implement a scroll interface the same as this but instead of scrolling images I want to scroll UIViews. I'm trying to reverse engineer this solution but it's proving difficult. Does anyone know of an example that already exists for this? Or can anyone suggest how best to achieve this UI? I would have thought this was a common UI, allowing the user to swipe to new screens.
Basically, my app will show a screen which has a list of images based on a subject. The user can swipe left to move to the next subject which swipes the screen along to show the next screen which lists the images about the next subject.
You can use the UIPageViewController, I have wrote a sample for others, you can check this link:
xamarin.ios implement PageController with images only code.
Customize the ContentViewController, you can put anything you want, or make your own CustomViewController(with the Index property) to instead of it.
Hope it can help you.
If you still have any questions, leave it here.

How To Create Animated Onboarding on iOS

I'm creating an app that will have a quick onboarding at the beginning with some pretty simple scroll through animations and finish with a button to basically "GO" into the app's content.
I'm looking for suggestions as for how to most effectively and efficiently develop this, here's some things that it needs:
there should be paging so that it locks onto about 4 different positions throughout the onboarding.
the animations progress should be dependent on the scroll view's position (I'm guessing the x value of the content offset)
there needs to be views that stay on screen through multiple pages and some that move on screen and off screen throughout the onboard, it can not just be one picture moving on then off
there needs to be a button that pops up on the last page
I have a good understanding of Scroll Views, Page Views, and Page Controls. I also just bought Core Animator (the app) if anyone can suggest how implement that.
The way that I'm thinking of doing it is basically creating a Scroll View with paging that is empty and just use it to control animations with its content offset. Is there a faster way to do this or maybe a open source library that would work better? I'm only proficient in Swift currently :?
Thanks for any suggestions! This my first app and I'm very excited to hear your suggestions
I would look at UIPageViewController as its setup to do the scrolling by page for you, although you have control over what kind of animation it uses. You are responsible for feeding it view controllers to display using this method:
here is the link to the apple documentation UIPageViewController docs
I created a scrolling credits screen for one of my company's apps, FaceDancer, that would be a decent starting point for what you are after. The app is free. You can download it to check it out at this link: FaceDancer. The credits screen is off the info button on the main screen.
It's not hard to use UIView animations to simply animate a series of views. I think that might be easier than working with a scroll view.
I can give you some guidance if you think it would be helpful.

Tracking touch in iOS

I am creating a word search game for the iPhone and am having trouble figuring out what is the best approach to take for the main component of the game (the word search puzzle).
I am currently using a collection view to display the puzzle. However I am having trouble figuring out how to track the users touch on the collection view to highlight letter as they slide their finger across the puzzle.
Iv looked into collection views's selection and highlight features but they don't seem to provide the functionality that I need.
So basically my question are as follows:
Is a collection view the best approach for this type of game (word search)?
If it is, then how do I go about tracking the user input to highlight and return the cells they slide their fingers over?
And if it is not the best approach what are some other options, that make it easier to track users input on a grid like display?
I tired posting images of what I am talking about but can't due so, so hopefully my problem is clear, if not please let me know and I will try to be more specific.
Thank you in advance for any advice and suggestions.
A way to go about this would be to add a pan gesture recognizer to the collection view. Then, you can use indexPathForItemAtPoint: and cellForItemAtIndexPath: to get the correct cell as the user pans. You can then do whatever you want with the individual cells.
There is a great SDK for iOS called HeatMap. You can get more info HERE. I have read lots of good stuff about the developer and the service. Lets you track touch events on selective views.
Here is a screenshot from the demo on that site:

creating a dynamically expanding feed in rails

So what I have in my view atm is just a list of every item in my class. What I want to be able to do is have it only display the first ten or so, and put a button at the bottom that will then load the next ten into the page, and so on. Anyone mind pointing me towards a nice tutorial that will show me how to implement this?
I believe the functionality you are requesting is similar to "infinite scroll", which appends additional results as you scroll towards the bottom the page. You don't really need a button, unless you want to specifically design it this way.
A nice tutorial on infinite scrolling can be found here:
