How do i make Circled numbers in UITextView - ios

Please not sure were to begin
..How do i show numbers with circles around them in my UITextView
like 1 2 3 4 .............but each number inside a circle eg
i was hopping to get numbers from an array and show them on screen ....but each number living inside a circle like lotto numbers
# the moment i only have a An array [1,2,3,4],...A button .....and UItextView to show the final output
xcode 4.

If I understood your need correctly, you want to display following special characters in your textview:
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳
The easiest approach is to copy+paste these characters, and replace the numeric characters in the content string you need to display in the textview. You may write a NSString category method to handle this job, in sake of code reuse.

#Chris Chen's solution is pretty nifty, as you can change the characters on the go. But if you do not want to use the characters, you may use the following code to add circles to your textView.
UITextPosition *pos = textView.endOfDocument;// textView ~ UITextView
for (int i=0;i<words*2-1;i++){// *2 since UITextGranularityWord considers a whitespace to be a word, words = number of words in the textView.
UITextPosition *pos2 = [textView.tokenizer positionFromPosition:pos toBoundary:UITextGranularityWord inDirection:UITextLayoutDirectionLeft];
UITextRange *range = [textView textRangeFromPosition:pos toPosition:pos2];
CGRect resultFrame = [textView firstRectForRange:(UITextRange *)range ];
if (check whether word at this text position is a number){
UIView* circleView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:resultFrame];
circleView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
circleView.layer.borderColor = <color of your choice, probably same as text color>;
circleView.layer.borderWidth = <the width you want to set the border thickness to>;
circleView.layer.cornerRadius = <a float value that makes the rectangle look like a circle>;
circleView .tag = 125;
[textView circleView ];
pos = pos2;
The code should be placed in the UITextView delegate method textViewDidChange. And make sure you remove the circle view before all this code, hence the tag(125).


How to change the starting cursor position inside UITextView

I have a uitextview which become the first responder on viewload. but i want to change the position of the cursor of the uitextview at certain position in x for the first 2 line only.
Maybe you could use a UITextKit (a very good tutorial).
For example to have a rounded text you can use something like:
UIBezierPath* exclusionPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:yourTextView.bounds];
exclusionPath = [exclusionPath bezierPathByReversingPath];
yourTextView.textContainer.exclusionPaths = #[exclusionPath];
Have you tried following solutions ?
Controlling cursor position in a UITextField is complicated because so many abstractions are involved with input boxes and calculating positions. However, it's certainly possible. You can use the member function setSelectedTextRange:
[input setSelectedTextRange:[input textRangeFromPosition:start toPosition:end]];
Here's a function which takes a range and selects the texts in that range. If you just want to place the cursor at a certain index, just use a range with length 0:
+ (void)selectTextForInput:(UITextField *)input atRange:(NSRange)range {
UITextPosition *start = [input positionFromPosition:[input beginningOfDocument]
UITextPosition *end = [input positionFromPosition:start
[input setSelectedTextRange:[input textRangeFromPosition:start toPosition:end]];
For example, to place the cursor at idx in the UITextField input:
[Helpers selectTextForInput:input
atRange:NSMakeRange(idx, 0)];
Have not tested due to some busy so please let us know wether it is working or not (May have issue in IOS8.0)

How to shift subview of UITextView by size of one line when cursor goes to next line?

I have a textView and I added an image to this textView. When i write text and go to next line I want to shift this image down by size of one line.. Similar like in twitter app when you create a tweet with picture. In this code I can shift picture by line, but my problem is it shifts to late (only on second symbol of next line).. I tried to use different values in CGSizeMake but line was shifted too early or too late.. Any recommendations?
- (BOOL)textView:(UITextView *)textView shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)range
replacementText:(NSString *)text
CGSize constrainedSize = CGSizeMake(self.textView.contentSize.width, self.textView.contentSize.height);
UIFont *fontText = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:17];
CGRect textRect = [textView.text boundingRectWithSize:constrainedSize
size = textRect.size;
CGFloat height = ceilf(size.height);
CGFloat width = ceilf(size.width);
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.0f, height+50, 100.0f, 100);
return YES;
You are hardcoding your font size. Maybe the text field has a different font. Use textField.font instead.
Also, you should simplify your code and eliminate the unused variables, such as width.
Finally, you should set a breakpoint where you calculate the size and keep checking if it is correct. Based on that it should be easy to debug.
Also, please note that textField.text does not yet contain the text that is going to be added. Before checking the size, you would have to first construct the new resulting string yourself.
NSString *newText = [textField.text
stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:range withString:text];
I think you should add your Image as subview to superview of your textView.
In shouldChangeTextInRange: fit frame of textView to content of textView.
Then just use KVO for catch moments, when frame of textView was changed. So, now you can keep top border of image on bottom border of textview, even animated!
I wont write code instead you, but it sound very easily and interesting, right?

Unable to calculate height of text area in iOS

I am using the ios library UIPlaceHolderTextView in my application: which is linked to the following question:
Placeholder in UITextView
The library itself is working fine, however, I need to calculate the height of the area after the user has entered text, and unfortunately, I am always getting a value of 0.00000 despite the fact that the text area contains text. Why is this? Here is my relevant code:
//self.textView is a reference to a UIPlaceHolderTextView object, and text is its attribute
self.textView.text = #"Text that the user has entered, and can be of any length";
float height = MIN(175, [self.textView.attributedText boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(self.textView.frame.size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX) options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin|NSStringDrawingUsesFontLeading context:NULL].size.height);
NSLog(#"textview height is: %f", self.textView.frame.origin.y);
NSLog(#"textview height is: %f", self.textView.frame.size.height);
The output in both lines are 0.00000. Can anyone see why this is happening? My guess is that the problem lies in the expression self.textView.attributedText, but not sure if I'm correct, and if so, what I should do instead.
you are assigning
`self.textView.text = #"Text that the user has entered, and can be of any length";`
and calculating heightfor self.textView.attributedText which is nil i guess please do appropriate changes. It should work.
To make is work you should assign value to self.textView.attributedText
Use a local textview of same width as real textview and set the same text with sizeToFit will be returned in correct frame.
UITextView *tv = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, ScreenWidth, 50)];
//whatever alignment of real text view you have set
tv.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentJustified;
tv.text= #"Text that the user has entered, and can be of any length";
[tv sizeToFit];
float height = tv.frame.size.height;

iOS: sizeWithFont for single character is different than in a string?

I am trying to determine the precise position of a character in a UILabel, say:
(UILabel *)label.text = #"Hello!";
I'd like to determine the position of the 'o'. I thought that I could just sum the widths of all the preceding characters (or the whole preceding string) using sizeWithFont. The width value I get though is bigger by about 10% than what it should be. Summing the widths of individual letters (i.e. [#"H" sizeWithFont...] + [#"e" sizeWithFont...] + l... + l...) accumulates more error than [#"Hell" sizeWithFont...].
Is there a way of accurately determining the position of a single glyph in a string?
Many thanks.
Yes, but not in a UILabel and not using sizeWithFont:.
I recently worked with Apple Developer Support, and apparently sizeWithFont: is actually an approximation. It becomes less accurate when your text (1) wraps across multiple lines and (2) contains non-latin characters (i.e. Chinese, Arabic), both of which cause line spacing changes not captured by sizeWithFont:. So, don't rely on this method if you want 100% accuracy.
Here are two things you can do:
(1) Instead of UILabel, use a non-editable UITextView. This will support the UITextInput protocol method firstRectForRange:, which you can use to get the rect of the character you need. You could use a method like this one:
- (CGRect)rectOfCharacterAtIndex:(NSUInteger)characterIndex inTextView:(UITextView *)textView
// set the beginning position to the index of the character
UITextPosition *beginningPosition = [textView positionFromPosition:textView.beginningOfDocument offset:characterIndex];
// set the end position to the index of the character plus 1
UITextPosition *endPosition = [textView positionFromPosition:beginningPosition offset:1];
// get the text range between these two positions
UITextRange *characterTextRange = [textView textRangeFromPosition:beginningPosition toPosition:endPosition]];
// get the rect of the character
CGRect rectOfCharacter = [textView firstRectForRange:characterTextRange];
// return the rect, converted from the text input view (unless you want it to be relative the text input view)
return [textView convertRect:rectOfCharacter fromView:textView.textInputView];
To use it, (assuming you have a UITextView called myTextView already on the screen), you would do this:
myTextView.text = #"Hello!";
CGRect rectOfOCharacter = [self rectOfCharacterAtIndex:4 inTextView:myTextView];
// do whatever you need with rectOfOCharacter
Only use this method for determining the rect for ONE character. The reason for this is that in the event of a line break, firstRectForRange: only returns the rect on the first line, before the break.
Also, consider adding the method above as a UITextView category if you're gong to be using it a lot. Don't forget to add error handling!
You can learn more about how firstRectForRange: works "under the hood" by reading the Text, Web, and Editing Programming Guide for iOS.
(2) Create your own UILabel by subclassing UIView and using Core Text to render the strings. Since you're doing the rendering, you'll be able to get the positions of characters. This approach is a lot of work, and only worthwhile if you really need it (I, of course, don't know the other needs of your app). If you aren't sure how this would work, I suggest using the first approach.
Well fonts are smart now a day and take in respect the position of a character to its pervious character.
Here is an example on how the starting position of the letter o:
NSRange posRange = [hello rangeOfString:#"o"];
NSString *substring = [hello substringToIndex:posRange.location];
CGSize size = [substring sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:14.0f]];
No you can do the same for the string including the letter o and substract the size found in the string without the letter o.
THis should give the an nice start position of the letter and the size.
in ios6 you can do using attributed string
NSMutableAttributedString *titleText2 = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:strHello];
NSRange posRange = [hello rangeOfString:#"o"];
[titleText2 addAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:14.0f] forKey:NSFontAttributeName] range:NameRange];
and set your textView with this attributed string

How to remove dots in UITextfield?

In iOS, I am using one text field the length of the text field id too long so it is showing dots at the end of the text field. I need to remove the dots. I have used lineBreakMode also.
See the code I'm using.
CGSize maximumSize = CGSizeMake(titleListTxtFld.frame.size.width, 1000); //here 1000 for maximum height u can increase this if u want
CGSize strSize = [titleListTxtFld.text sizeWithFont:titleListTxtFld.font constrainedToSize:maximumSize lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeClip];
CGRect newframe = CGRectMake(0, 0, strSize.width, strSize.height);
[titleListTxtFld.text drawInRect:newframe
Please anyone help me on this.
Another approach is (Remove dot and clip text to frame)-
your can remove dot from UITextField calling following code
[self.yourTextField becomeFirstResponder];
you can also hide default keyboard [if you use any custom keyboard] using following code
// Hide keyboard for Dial Pad, but show blinking cursor
UIView *dummyKeyboardView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1)];
yourTextField.inputView = dummyKeyboardView;
[dummyKeyboardView release];
But I think IlNero's answer is better for you if you want to show all text (does not clip).
