Scale X values on achartengine - achartengine

Hello I wanted to know if it is possible to scale the X values of a XYChart, I mean, multiply each of the current X values by a factor or I have to manually replace each X value with the new values (this will include delete all the values and reload them with the new ones).

I ended up replacing each X value with a new one.


TChart in C++Builder 6.0 rotate chart

Can I rotate a chart? I need x on vertical axis and y on horizontal axis.
Can I change x value to vertical axis and y value to horizontal axis?
Or can I rotate of the component TChart (xy values stay standard and I flip component 90)?
Thank you.
The easiest solution would probably be to use swap your values or add your X values as YValues and add your y values as XValues.
Ie, let's say you have your X values in an array called Xdata and your Y values in an array called Ydata. You could add your values with this:
Series1->AddXY(Ydata, Xdata);
Maybe I can write - i used a line(fast line) chart.
is Classical graph and image if I rotate it. If I change x-y values as You wrote I get wrong image.
y = f(x) so it paint for x=1, x=2, ... but i need paint x = f(y) for y=1, y=2, y=3
I need something as is point chart - connect handly in paint
I'm not sure if it is possible change axis or rotate component teeChart.
I probably use TImage and will paint it into image.
today i find that teechart have a series "horiz line" (
But licence is expensive for our company ( We need only one chart with this axes.
Do you know if can I install only some update into BCB 6?

Plot Time values in Y- Axis in achartengine

the timeseries has add method as add(date,double) . How to interchange it to add(double,date) ?
I don't think its possible the way you think but you can use if you stick to your plan to keep time on y-axis
mRenderer.addYTextLabel(10, "28/10/2014");
mRenderer.addYTextLabel(20, "29/10/2014");
mRenderer.addYTextLabel(30, "30/10/2014");
here you will set a string as time at specific points on y.

How to get rid of the default x axis scale value in Highcharts

I am populating x axis scale using an array with some nil values in it. Highcharts sets the nil values to their index value on the scale. I want to get rid of these default numbers on the x axis. Anybody knows how to do it?

How to find a point along an vector at an variable distance

I need to find the value along a vector for a given x coordinate. Like so;
I know the values of A, B and C. All of these value are variable. I need to calculate X. I know this is possable I just can't remember my trigonometry lessons.
I'm aware of similar questions like this one but it only finds the mid-point.
Thank you.
Lets say A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2)
and co-ordinates of X(x,y) , then:
y = ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))x + c .....(1)
where c is the y intercept, which in this case is 0.
y = ||C-A|| / ||D-A||
Z = (B - A) * y
Where y = length of vector C minus vector A, divided by length of D(unlabeled original length along x axis) minus vector A
For a line through the origin, as you have in the picture, you can use the idea of similar triangles:
X_y = B_y * (X_x/B_x)
Or, for the numbers shown in the example, X_y = 50, and X=(50,50).
To understand this, similar triangles says:
X_y/X_x = B_y/B_x
since triangles with similar shapes (ie, that have the same angles), have the same ratios; and the first formula is just solving the second to give X_y.
(If the line isn't through the origin, first subtract A from everything, then calculate X_y as above, then add A to everything.)

linear Dataseries Say 0 on Y Axis Having Issue

Linear Dataseries Say all y axis is 0, Autoscaling on y axis is not working as desired.
High stock version - 1.3.1
DataSeries to be plotted,
Try Above series with Y min set to 0 and Y Min to Auto.
I had the same issue with 0 values displayed in the center.
The only way I found to get round it was to either use tickPositions and pass range values across to it for the data based of min/max values and ones in between or to use the tickPositioner call back function to return to go through the data and return the tick values based on these.
Still fairly new to highcharts so there is probably another way I don't know of. If anyone knows how to have 0 values displayed at the bottom of the chart while it auto-scales then please post as I would love to know how/if its possible.
Edit: turns out this isn't really possible currently, only way to get around it is to set min/max values and that won't allow auto scaling but at least it stop there from being any middle 0 values.
