Swipe between views - ios

I have two views in a single XIB and I want to be able to swipe between them. I've looked at other tutorials but the swipe isn't right. I want the swipe to be the kind of swipe you get on the Photos app. For example, the views appear from the direction of the swipe, able to hold it in the middle and let it snap to the closest view, etc.
I am not using storyboards.

You can use a UIScrollView which contains the ViewControllers: Have a look at this post:
How do I put viewController's into a UIScrollView

What you are looking for is a stacked view controller -- similar to the Facebook app. There are plenty of frameworks out there to do this. Here are a couple of good examples:


Is it possible to animate a view form one ViewController into the next?

So I am trying to set up a UIPageViewController, and I have several UIViewControllers, but I want to set it up so I can animate(translate) a subview of my first view controller into the second view controller as it is transitioning. I have the UIPageViewController transition set to scroll. So that is what makes me believe this should be possible correct me if I am wrong. My google searches came up empty, but perhaps I am searching for the wrong thing.
Please point me in the right direction here in the form of a tut or how to conceptually think about this. My current thought is that I could have two identical views in different controllers, and as the user swipes the first view travels from left to right and then when I know it is at the edge I could have the other view take over perhaps using the prepareForSegue method.
Have a look at the Hero library (https://github.com/lkzhao/Hero) for custom animations between UIViewControllers.
Since a PageViewController doesn't really allow custom animation have a look at the AppleHomePageExample to see a example.

UIPageViewController with docking/pinning functionality

I've been using UIPageViewController with transitionStyle UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll in order to be able to easily move between views in my app.
I'm looking for a bit more functionality that I won't get from the UIPageViewController so I'm looking to make my own solution - perhaps still a subclass of UIPageViewController.
To explain the extra functionality I'll provide a scenario & a diagram:
In A the app is currently showing the first view controller. I then drag from right to left which will of course start to show the second viewcontroller as shown in B. If I stop panning before the point where the UIPageViewController decides whether or not to show the second view controller or go back to the first one I'd like it to instead show the second viewcontroller (taking up one third of the screen) instead of hiding it completely.
If I was to keep panning a bit further beyond the halfway point and then released I'd like the second view controller to take up two thirds of the screen, while the first view controller takes up one third.
That's essentially it. I'd appreciate any advice on how to go about doing this. I'm thinking I'll subclass UIPageViewController and override the delegate methods, but I'd really appreciate any advice on a better solution.
Many thanks
Maybe this could give you a hint or and inspiration. >>

How to implement navigation between UIViewControllers with forward and back transition in IOS7?

Let's say I have a list of articles I want to navigate through. With iOS 6 there were two simple solutions:
Using UIPageViewController
Using a custom solution with an UIScrollView, maybe a nested one
That's pretty straight forward but it lacks of flexibility regarding custom transitions. With UIPageViewController I only have two (Page Curl and Scroll), with UIScrollView there is only Scroll.
The transition effect I am looking for is the one introduced by Apple with iOS 7. The one we get by pushing a new controller to the stack, see the screenshot:
That comes with a really nice user experience in my opinion, but it only works the way back, not forward. But as the Safari browser supports also navigating in both directions, I am wondering how it is implemented there and, eventually, how I could implement it for my list of articles.
Thanks for any hints!
I looked at the exact same problem recently and built a working demo that uses UIViewController containment and a subclass of UIPanGestureRecognizer. It supports:
Gesture-based paging in both directions (tracks touch rather than simply triggers animation on swipe)
Ability to enable/disable wrapping (moving from page 0 to lastIndex and back)
Ability to enable/disable parallax paging (when disabled you just get standard UIScrollView like paging
An alternative would be to build a pager based on the new UIViewControllerInteractiveTransitioning and associated protocols.
Hope this helps...
Have a stack of views or view controllers within your own container view controller, and use a pan gesture recogniser to track the finger swipes, and translate this into altering the frame/center of the top view.
There are plenty of iOS Slide Menu projects in github that will probably show you how to do the pan gesture recogniser.

Nested UINavigationController

I'm fairly new to iOS development and I want to make something like the attached screenshot.
I've read the nested UINavigationControllers is not a good idea, if not impossible, so I'm more than willing to accept ideas on how to implement what I want.
On my second screen there are two views I want to switch back and forth between (NOT using gestures and push animated), while maintaining a static header and footer.
The only way I know how to do a push segue is with a UINavigationController, hence why I see the need for nested ones.
How do I implement this? I thought that in my second UIViewController I could programmatically create a UINavigationController and add it to self.view, but I ended up doing this:
self.subNavigationController = [UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:[someVC alloc] init]];
[self.view addSubview: self.subNavigationController.view]
But that only adds the view of self.subNavigationController to self.view, not self.subNavigationController itself.
Like I said, I could easily be way off base on how I should be handling it, any advice is appreciated.
OK, if I've got this right then what you want is an app where you can navigate between different views (like any other app).
This will use a UINavigationController (lets call this "nav1") and this is the bit that you're OK with.
However, you also want a view that will have a static navigation bar. i.e. as far as nav1 is concerned this is only a single part of the navigation through the app. It also wants to have two potential views in there. (the map and the table view) and it will have a static bar along the bottom too (in IB this is a ToolBar I think). Lets call this the "mapAndTableViewController".
You haven't said exactly how this works but you don't want swipe gestures between them. So I'm guessing you will have a button or something to swap between them?
Something like this...
The way I've done this is to use a single view controller with a scroll view. On the scrollview set scrolling disabled and set paging enabled. This sounds odd but this removes the touch scrolling from the scrollview while still allowing code access.
Now, in the mapAndTableViewController you populate the left and the right hand side of the scroll view.
What you do here is now take the two view controllers... mapViewController and yourTableViewController and instantiate them. Then add the views of these controllers in to the scrollview left and right sides accordingly.
Essentially you will have THREE view controllers. One for the scroll view, one for the map view and one for the table view.
Without any further explanation from you I can't really help beyond this as I don't fully understand what it is you're trying to achieve.
Hope this helps...

Using SwipeGester to swap views(of the same instance) - screenshot inside

Here is a screenshot of a view that I have right on my device.
The design issue that I am having here is that the top part of the screen is always going to be static - as far as its placement. The rest of the screen are a row of buttons added to this view programmatically. The arrows represent the idea that you could swipe in 4 directions(from top, from bottom, from left and from right) which would animate a new view onto the screen. This view is the same instance as the view before it. In fact all these views are the same instance but the buttons will be different.( i dont want to get too specific here.)
My design right now calls for pre-loading the views ahead of time. The data for each button for each view will be in core data. I will not know ahead of time how many views there are. One view might just have a view to the right that you can swipe in from the right and that view might have a top and bottom arrow - that would allow you to swipe from bottom or top that would be another view(same UIView subclass). So basically a tree of views.
I guess I am trying to figure out my options. A NavigationController is not really what i want because i have no need for a navigation bar, although in my mind it makes sense that i would have an array of view controllers here each with its view property pointing to each view that is allocated and then as i swipe i would bring in the appropriate view by using the view controller index.(through some animation code)
Another possible option would be UIScrollView but that seems cumbersome and may not be what i would really want.
One of the easiest setups would be to create a XIB file that would consist the top part of the screen and on the bottom an empty UIView that i would programmatically populate with the buttons(and their unique data). The problem that I am havign with this is, is how would i swap the views this way. I guess i could make the rootViewcontroller the first viewcontroller instance with the first view and then swap them.
I guess I am wanting to see if anyone had any questions or suggestions to come up with the easiest(most modular) approach to swiping in different views. Is using an array of view controllers the way to go?
A couple of thoughts:
This screams custom container view controller to me (if iOS 5 and above). See Creating Custom Container View Controllers in the View Controller Programming Guide for iOS.
You talked about using UISwipeGestureRecognizer. You could always contemplate UIPanGestureRecognizer, too. It's nice to have continuous gestures. Think about reading a book where the page swipe tracks your finger, but you can stop and go back, mid gesture. Sure, start with swipe gestures for now, but if your UX lends itself to it, you can always contemplate continuous gestures in the future.
You said that you're planning on "pre-loading the views ahead of time". Generally, given the limited memory capacity of mobile devices, you'd want to be more conservative than that. Maybe load the current view, and the four ones that you're likely to go to in each of the four directions (so that you can present them instantaneously), but leave it at that. Once you go to one of the four possible destinations, then go ahead and release the ones that are not reachable from the current one and tee up the ones that are.
One Xib is enough for you (for this part of your app anyway).
Don't use a UINavigation Controller. The NavController metaphor is one of a stack of cards. You don't have that data structure.
The general idea is one ViewController for one screenful of stuff. If you feel the need for two viewControllers (one for the top part, one for the bottom part) then you are going to have to look at custom container controllers, to ensure that the contained controllers receive their instance methods correctly (viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear, etc). An example container controller managing a pair of viewControllers is the iPad splitViewController. But I don't think you need to do this.
I suggest placing a scrollView on the lower half of the screen and using that to manage your data views. If the upper part of the screen also needs to change (under other conditions) you could even have two scrollViews, one up top, the other below. They can be paged, and contain views that are the exact size of the respective screen portion. They can share their single containing viewController as a common location for their delegate methods.
I can't really help you with more detail, as I don't have a precise enough idea what you want to achieve. Perhaps you should try and implement it one of these ways and come back here with more questions as your ideas become concrete. Start out with the simplest idea (eg scrollView inside a single viewController), only chuck it out when you find you have to break it!
following your comments, I do think a scrollView might work for you. I think that managing a stack of view controllers with a custom container controller (as Rob suggests) could get overcomplicated. You will have to create your own custom container controller, the pre-existing ones such as UINavigationController are not appropriate for your data strucure (from what I can gather anyway).
You won't need to manage tons of UIViews, in fact you only need 5 - one for the onscreen portion of the scrollView, one for the screen immediately left and right, and similarly for the immediate one above and below. You can reuse these views as you swipe, much the way that tableViews reuse their cells. The rest of it will be about manipulating your data so the right content is arranged in the views as they come onscreen.
See my answer to this question for some more ideas on this: UICollectionView horizontal continuous loop
