I'm trying to override the default ordering of the belongs_to drop-downs for the new/edit forms. I'd like to order the belongs_to relationships to name instead of the default id desc.
Based on the wiki (https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/wiki/Associations-scoping) I have this:
field :theme do
associated_collection_cache_all false
associated_collection_scope do
Proc.new { |scope|
scope = scope.reorder("themes.name ASC")
The reorder seems to be ignored while where statements are picked up.
Are you sure the column you're trying to sort by is 'names' and not 'name'?
A good way to debug this would be to open a rails console and see if your reorder actually works this way.
Theme.all.reorder("themes.names ASC")
I'm guessing that probably won't work as expected and you need to tweak the reorder.
If you want to see the SQL it's creating, you can do this.
Theme.all.reorder("themes.names ASC").to_sql
That might give you more information about whats going wrong.
So basically I have two classes, Book and Author. Books can have multiple authors and authors can have multiple books. Books have the following default scope.
default_scope :order => "publish_at DESC"
On the Author show page I want to list all the books associated with that author so I say the following...
#author = Author.find(params[:id])
#books = #author.books
All is good so far. The author#show page lists all books belonging to that author ordered by publication date.
I'm also working on a gem that is able to sort by the popularity of a book.
#books = #author.books.sort_by_popularity
The problem is that whenever it tries to sort, the default_scope always gets in the way. And if I try to unscope it before it will get rid of the author relation and return every book in the database. For example
#books = #author.books.unscoped.sort_by_popularity # returns all books in database
I'm wondering if I can use the ActiveRelation except() method
to do something like this (which seems like it should work but it doesn't. It ignores order, just not when it is a default_scope order)
def sort_by_popularity
self.except(:order).do_some_joining_magic.order('popularity ASC')
# |------------| |---------------------|
Any ideas as to why this doesn't work? Any ideas on how to get this to work a different way? I know I can just get rid of the default_scope but I'm wondering if there another way to do this.
You should be able to use reorder to completely replace the existing ORDER BY:
Replaces any existing order defined on the relation with the specified order.
So something like this:
def self.sort_by_popularity
scoped.do_some_joining_magic.reorder('popularity ASC')
And I think you want to use a class method for that and scoped instead of self but I don't know the whole context so maybe I'm wrong.
I don't know why except doesn't work. The default_scope seems to get applied at the end (sort of) rather than the beginning but I haven't looked into it that much.
You can do it without losing default_scope or other ordering
#books.order_values.prepend 'popularity ASC'
I've got an ActiveAdmin index page
ActiveAdmin.register Bill
And I am trying to display links to associated models
index do
column "User" do |bill|
link_to bill.user.name, admin_user_path(bill.user)
But I run into the N+1 query problem - there's a query to fetch each user.
Is there a way of eager loading the bills' users?
The way to do this is to override the scoped_collection method (as noted in Jeff Ancel's answer) but call super to retain the existing scope. This way you retain any pagination/filtering which has been applied by ActiveAdmin, rather than starting from scratch.
ActiveAdmin.register Bill do
controller do
def scoped_collection
super.includes :user
index do
column "User" do |bill|
link_to bill.user.name, admin_user_path(bill.user)
As noted in official documentation at http://activeadmin.info/docs/2-resource-customization.html
There is an answer on a different post, but it describes well what you need to do here.
controller do
def scoped_collection
Here, you will need to make sure you follow scope. So if your controller is scope_to'ed, then you will want to replace the model name above with the scope_to'ed param.
The existing answers were right at the time, but ActiveAdmin supports eager loading with a much more convenient syntax now:
ActiveAdmin.register Bill do
includes :user
See the docs for resource customization
IMPORTANT EDIT NOTE : what follows is actually false, see the comments for an explanation. However I leave this answer where it stands because it seems I'm not the only one to get confused by the guides, so maybe someone else will find it useful.
i assume that
class Bill < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
so according to RoR guides it is already eager-loaded :
There’s no need to use :include for immediate associations – that is,
if you have Order belongs_to :customer, then the customer is
eager-loaded automatically when it’s needed.
you should check your SQL log if it's true (didn't know that myself, i was just verifying something about :include to answer you when i saw this... let me know)
I've found scoped_collection loads all the entries, instead of just the ones for the page you are displaying. I think a better option is apply_collection_decorator that will only preload the items you are effectively displaying.
controller do
def apply_collection_decorator(collection)
Two questions:
1) How can I make a column in the 'list' for a model consist of data from the record's association? In other words, I have a user model and a user has_many posts. I want to simply have a "post count" column in the list. I tried doing:
field :posts do
formatted_value do
but that results in a divide by zero error. I even tried doing:
field :posts do
formatted_value do
but got the same results.
2) How can I filter the listing to a particular scope? For example, I want to make the users post count be a link that is clickable which will show all posts for the given user.
The best I could figure out how to do this was to do:
# note that I created a method post_count to temporarily solve problem #1
field :post_count do
formatted_value do
bindings[:view].link_to value, "/admin/posts?query=#{bindings[:object].id}"
Which doesn't work very well. Is there a way to instruct rails-admin to do a .where(:user_id => xxx) on the model?
The other thing I wasn't crazy about was having to manually put in 'admin/posts'.. I was trying to see if I could do rails_admin_list_path(:model_name => "posts"). but that didn't seem to work.
You'd probably get a better response on the rails_admin mailing list - http://groups.google.com/group/rails_admin/
For your first question, this should do the trick:
field :posts, :virtual do
formatted_value do
For your second question, rails_admin now has a filter system - see the "add filter" dropdown at http://demo.railsadmin.org/admin/players . Tapping into that would be a much better method.
rails_admin_list_path(:model_name => "posts") should work, you might have to include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers or similar.
Try adding this to your rails_admin.rb
RailsAdmin.config {|c| c.label_methods << :field_name}
worked for me
Is there an easy or at least elegant way to prevent duplicate entries in polymorphic has_many through associations?
I've got two models, stories and links that can be tagged. I'm making a conscious decision to not use a plugin here. I want to actually understand everything that's going on and not be dependent on someone else's code that I don't fully grasp.
To see what my question is getting at, if I run the following in the console (assuming the story and tag objects exist in the database already)
s = Story.find_by_id(1)
t = Tag.find_by_id(1)
s.tags << t
s.tags << t
My taggings join table will have two entries added to it, each with the same exact data (tag_id = 1, taggable_id = 1, taggable_type = "Story"). That just doesn't seem very proper to me. So in an attempt to prevent this from happening I added the following to my Tagging model:
before_validation :validate_uniqueness
def validate_uniqueness
taggings = Tagging.find(:all, :conditions => { :tag_id => self.tag_id, :taggable_id => self.taggable_id, :taggable_type => self.taggable_type })
if !taggings.empty?
return false
return true
And it works almost as intended, but if I attempt to add a duplicate tag to a story or link I get an ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed exception. It seems that when you add an association to a list it calls the save! (rather than save sans !) method which raises exceptions if something goes wrong rather than just returning false. That isn't quite what I want to happen. I suppose I can surround any attempts to add new tags with a try/catch but that goes against the idea that you shouldn't expect your exceptions and this is something I fully expect to happen.
Is there a better way of doing this that won't raise exceptions when all I want to do is just silently not save the object to the database because a duplicate exists?
You could do it a couple of ways.
Define a custom add_tags method that loads all the existing tags then checks for and only adds the new ones.
def add_tags *new_tags
new_tags = new_tags.first if tags[0].kind_of? Enumerable #deal with Array as first argument
new_tags.delete_if do |new_tag|
self.tags.any? {|tag| tag.name == new_tag.name}
self.tags += new_tags
You could also use a before_save filter to ensure that the list of tags doesn't have any duplicates. This would incur a little more overhead because it would happen on EVERY save.
You can set the uniq option when defining has_many relation. Rails API docs says:
If true, duplicates will be omitted from the collection. Useful in conjunction with :through.
(taken from: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Associations/ClassMethods.html#M001833 under "Supported options" subheading)
I believe this works...
class Tagging < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :validate_uniqueness
def validate_uniqueness
taggings = Tagging.find(:all, :conditions => {
:tag_id => self.tag_id,
:taggable_id => self.taggable_id,
:taggable_type => self.taggable_type })
errors.add_to_base("Your error message") unless taggings.empty?
Let me know if you get any errors or something with that :]
Here's my situation. I have two tables: pledges and pledge_transactions. When a user makes a pledge, he has only a row in the pledges table.
Later when it comes time to fulfill the pledge, each payment is logged in my pledge_transactions table.
I need to be able to query all open pledges which means that the sum of the amounts in the transactions table is less than the pledged amount.
Here's what I have so far:
named_scope :open,
:group => 'pledges.id',
:include => :transactions,
:select => 'pledge_transactions.*',
:conditions => 'pledge_transactions.id is not null or pledge_transactions.id is null',
:having => 'sum(pledge_transactions.amount) < pledges.amount or sum(pledge_transactions.amount) is null'
You might be asking yourself why I have that superfluous and ridiculous conditions option specified. The answer is that when I don't force ActiveRecord to acknowledge the pledge_transactions table in the conditions, it omits it completely, which means my having clause becomes meaningless.
My belief is that I have run into a shortcoming of ActiveRecord.
Ultimately I need to be able to do the following:
Pledge.open.find(:all, ...)
Anybody have a more elegant answer to this problem? Please no suggestions of incrementing a pledges amount_given field each time a transaction occurs. That feels like a band-aid approach and I'm much more of a fan of keeping the pledge static after it is created and computing the difference.
If I weren't using Rails here, I'd just create a view and be done with it.
How is the :transactions association defined? Does it stipulate :class_name = 'PledgeTransaction' (or whatever the class is, if it uses set_table_name)?
Have you looked at the :joins parameter? I think it might be what you were looking for. Certainly that :conditions thing doesn't look right.
If I weren't using Rails here, I'd just create a view and be done with it
Just because it's Rails doesn't mean you can't use a view. OK, depending on the way it's constructed you may not be able to update it, but otherwise go for it. You can create and drop views in migrations, too:
class CreateReallyUsefulView < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
# this is Oracle, I don't know if CREATE OR REPLACE is widely-supported
sql = %{
... blah blah SQL blah
execute sql
def self.down
execute 'drop view really_usefuls'
class ReallyUseful < ActiveRecord::Base
# all the usual stuff here, considering overriding the C, U and D parts
# of CRUD if it's supposed to be read-only and you're paranoid
I think the books/docs don't go into this much because implementation of, and support for views varies significantly across platforms.
I think using NOT EXISTS in your conditions will get you what you want. I'm assuming the association is on the pledge_transaction as pledge_id. Here's how I would implement #open
named_scope :open,
:conditions =>
select 1
from pledge_transactions
pledge.id = pledge_transactions.pledge_id AND
pledge_transactions.amount < pledge.amount
This will allow you to do Pledge.open, Pledge.open.count and Pledge.open.find_by_{what ever}.