Google Drive SDK Sample for iOS Not Working - ios

I'm attempting to follow these instructions:
Now the first time I tried this, I got the error mentioned on this question, but was able to solve it. The sample app now runs, however it crashes before uploading anything to Google Drive. It stops on the loading screen and gives the following error.
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'unexpected response data (uploading to the wrong URL?)'
What does it mean by "uploading to the wrong URL?" Am I setting something up wrong or is their code not working correctly?

I had trouble with this as well today - the error message we're seeing is misleading.
One of the problems I had with my own code was not initializing the authorizer and assigning it to the GTLServiceDrive instance, however if you've followed that sample code exactly then it's done for you (in viewDidLoad).
More likely you haven't enabled "Drive API" in the services tab of the Google APIs console. I had "Drive SDK" switched on instead by mistake (probably just drawn to the only Drive icon...)


Sudden MGLMapView WARNING in iOS

I've been working on an iOS app for the last 2 months and this morning suddenly the app started crashing when pressing the Map button to load the mapView.
Initially I thought maybe I caused it, but I went to an older build and the problem was still there.
Looking at the debugger:
MGLMapView WARNING UIViewController.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets is deprecated use MGLMapView.automaticallyAdjustContentInset instead.
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::domain_error
Can anyone shed any light on how to get past this? I keep thinking maybe mapbox changed something, or apple changed something, but somehow I don't think that's the case.
Any help is much appreciated.
So after following Magnas' post (thank you) and doing some more error log digging, found the issue!!!
Whilst loading the map viewer, I was parsing a json file for my markers to be displayed. Apparently one marker wasn't added properly in my SQL and it was crashing during parse.

iOS Wikitude SDK crash on exit/reopen app

I've developed a simply app for iOS and Augmented Reality (with WikitudeSDK).
All go fine, but when I exit and reopen the app, at times the app crashes with the following message:
Assertion failure in -[WTGCDDriver createSharedContextWithId:], /Users/emperor/Development/Tools/Jenkins/Master/Instance/jobs/architect_sdk_builder/workspace/repositories/ios_core_services/src/Rendering/Driver/
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: _context'
Have you any idea of this?
For some reason the OpenGL context is null when you reopen your app; you receive this error because we seem to have forgotten to disable assertions for a public build. So thanks for making us aware of this oversight.
With respect to the actual issue, I cannot provide an answer without having more of an insight into what exactly your app is doing and which version and configuration of the SDK you are using.
I'd therefore like you to create a thread in the Wikitude forums which provides a platform that is better suited for assisting you with this issue than Stack Overflow is. 1.6 crash analytics upload failure

I have a problem getting the new crash reporting in Parse 1.6 to work. The symptoms are the same as 1.6 crash analytics not working , but my reputation is too low to add my information.
1) I followed the quick start and guide to set up crash reporting and upload my symbols
2) I'm following the instructions to generate a crash report by running the app directly in the simulator (iOS 7-8) and on the device (iOS 6) without a debugger attached. On the simulator I can actually see the minidump being created in Library/Parse/PFCrashReports.
3) When launching the app again I get the message "Breakpad Uploader: unable to determine minidump file length" and the crash dump disappears from the file system. So I assume Parse uses google breakpad under the hood, and the error is created by because the call to stat() fails. I tried the same call in my own code and it succeeds there.
My gut feeling is that there is either a permission problems, or some other code locks the file while the uploader tries to access it. As the parse libraries are closed source it is hard to check anything, though. It is a bit suspicious that other people don't seem to have a problem with this, which may mean some other settings or configuration problem.

Does anyone know why this exception is being thrown in ios/cordova?

I'm working on a hybrid app with a custom InAppBrowser plugin and seemingly randomly an exception gets thrown.
I don't have any way to consistently reproduce this bug. I open that app and browser around and eventually when clicking my browser plugin's close button this will happen.
It happens within cordova after I call this line here
Where the exception actually happens
I have spent hours trying to find what is happening and I can't find any information online that helps. I've tried wrapping it in a try/catch to at least see if I can bypass it and that doesn't work either
The actual logged error is:
*** Assertion failure in -[DDWebKitOperation dealloc], /SourceCache/MobileDataDetectorsUI/MobileDataDetectorsUI-109.1/URLification/DDOperation.m:202
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Container should already be nil'
Does anyone know what could be causing this and how to fix it?
I've seen this crash in UIView's that use data detectors. In my case it was in a unit test, so the fix was to delete the data detector in the test.

Could not instantiate class named ADBannerView after Removing iAD

Weird thing that I have spent about 4 hours debugging:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate class named ADBannerView'
I used to have iAD and then removed it. Now I use Google AdMob.
I have macros set up to determine the free/paid version. On the free version that is supposed to show ads, everything is fine and it displays the AdMob ads.
In the paid version, which does not call any ads, I get this error: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate class named ADBannerView'
The only thing I can think of is that I may have an old iAd Banner View somewhere, but I can't find it!
Any hints?
Also: Everything works fine on the simulator.
Have you checked to make sure that there are no ADBannerViews in Interface Builder? The sort of error you are seeing says that the app is trying to create one somewhere.
Educated guess:
are you using the UI State Preservation & Restoration API? If so return NO from application:shouldSaveApplicationState: to get rid of the current saved state.
Once that works you should implement some kind of restoration version checking to prevent crashes on your users devices.
If that doesn't work, or you are not using state restoration, try to delete the app from the device. If you deploy from Xcode files are only added, never removed. So it's possible that an old file references ADBannerView. Delete the app to get rid of such orphan files.
Edit: That link should take you to the "Encode version information along with the rest of your app’s state." section. It doesn't, but you will find a small info about version checking at the bottom of the page.
