which architecture is good for implementing in this project? [closed] - asp.net-mvc

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i am new in architecture .I have a MVC web application project and I want to use EF code FIRST .I want to use an architecture for this project.I want to use DDD(domain driven design) but it is for large project. i want a simple of DDD that support this things in my project:
1-repository pattern
3-service layer
what is your suggestion for me if anyone suggest an architecture or a sample architecture it will be more helpful for me thanks.

Create a new MVC project and then install CodePlanner from nuget.
Install-Package CodePlanner
This will give you the architecture you are looking for.
Then follow the instructions in the readme.txt...
It will give you the chance to use DDD and will generate all code except business logic (of course).
You can see a demo of how to use it here (11:40 into the video)


Architecture of iOS project [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In iOS generally we follow MVC project structure but it makes our view controller very massive.
I seen many Github projects but there is no such example which makes my view controller small, modular code, reusable code and many more things.
Generally what i am doing is something like this... Image of architecture
Service layer handles the logic whether they want to save the data in CoreData or not and also provides proper parameters for network layer to make api call..
Network Layer calls the api with or without header or token according to requirement and then get the response and then parse the data and provide the temp model to service layer.
But still i am unable to find the best way to create architecture for iOS project. It would be really helpful if someone will provide me any link or provide us any github link of their code.
You can look to MVVM pattern. Some example is here
I've written a quick introduction to MVVM. It explains briefly what MVVM is and why you should use it over MVC. Here's a more detailed look at MVVM.
If you need more granulation, you can use VIPER.
In my opinion MVVM is great for small/medium projects and VIPER should be considered in huge projects with a lot of contributors.
You need some language mechanic for binding in MVVM. KVO does the job, but it's API isn't very good. You could try ReactiveCocoa for data binding in MVVM/VIPER.

Model View Controller example in iOS [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am learning MVC in iOS. I am reading some of the articles in Google. I can understand what is MVC. But in many tutorial they are not mentioned any sample code based on MVC concept. Please give me any sample code or simple example Using MVC concept. Please explain me anybody how to work on model and view and controller based on coding part. I think this is helpful for so many people. Help me anybody. Thanks in advance.
This goes for MCV as for learning iOS in general
I would strongly suggest you to have a look in the iOS developer library. And specifically, check out their Start developing iOS Apps Today guide. This tutorial goes through some design patterns (including MVC).
It is a great start and you will see how the guys at Apple want you to write code for iOS.
It is a full tutorial including the code that you have to write, and everything is explained.
And there are other tutorials and sample codes for every framework, it is definitely a must read and something to check out all the time while coding for iOS. Just check out the whole library.

Designing Architecture for MS Dynamics CRM 2011 with asp.net mvc 4 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I required to create asp.net mvc application which will use MS Dynamics CRM 2011 as back-end.
I need guidance for designing architecture of this application.
Can anyone help me about how to design the layers of this application?
Things I would suggest
Use the CrmSvcUtil to generate early bound entities.
Include the CRM OrganizationName somewhere in the MVC router.
Create a single Lazy Loaded IOrganizationService once per Request (The IOrganizationService is not multi-thread safe)
Decide if you want to use a System account with System Admin rights, or allow users to access CRM using their credentials.
If you want it to look like CRM, you can download the css files from the SDK.

Fully Customizable MVC Forum [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I needed to make a new custom forum for my mom's website( I have recently learned asp.net and mvc and hence plan to build for my mom and my practice).
I tried some forums on CodePlex.com like nearforums etc. But most doesn't let you modify the controllers and models
The controllers aren't there.. are they compiled in a .dll?
Then i found POPForums v9, which is completely customizable. and i kinda like it.. so..
are there any other mvc forums like POPForums?
Does anyone have experience with POPForums .. is it stable?
about question #1 , maybe you download a published project.look at the bin directory if exist.generally if it is published there is not any way to change it depending on my experience
about question #2 .really i cant help you
and finally about question #3 depending on my knowledge is it not stable.may be you can find some thing else to do that.
If you want the practice why not just write your own? A simple forum isn't very difficult and you'll learn a lot more from doing it yourself.
Also, if you're looking for source code of a forum to customize, you might want to try looking for an open source forum project.

How to make automated test for iOS applications? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've learned that I have to make automated tests for better quality.
But I have no experience about tests. My problem is I have no idea. I'm asking any good guidance of making test for applications.
You can use the Sen Testing kit that ships with Xcode. I have written a shell script that will create an Xcode project template for you, that template already includes a target for the so-called “logic tests” and a sample logic test. See Xtemplate on GitHub.
One solution is google-toolbox-for-mac.
