Fully Customizable MVC Forum [closed] - asp.net-mvc

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I needed to make a new custom forum for my mom's website( I have recently learned asp.net and mvc and hence plan to build for my mom and my practice).
I tried some forums on CodePlex.com like nearforums etc. But most doesn't let you modify the controllers and models
The controllers aren't there.. are they compiled in a .dll?
Then i found POPForums v9, which is completely customizable. and i kinda like it.. so..
are there any other mvc forums like POPForums?
Does anyone have experience with POPForums .. is it stable?

about question #1 , maybe you download a published project.look at the bin directory if exist.generally if it is published there is not any way to change it depending on my experience
about question #2 .really i cant help you
and finally about question #3 depending on my knowledge is it not stable.may be you can find some thing else to do that.

If you want the practice why not just write your own? A simple forum isn't very difficult and you'll learn a lot more from doing it yourself.
Also, if you're looking for source code of a forum to customize, you might want to try looking for an open source forum project.


ASP.NET Core 2.2 MVC - Identity - Where to put custom user class? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Simple 'best practices' question, hopefully not too opinion based:
In my Core 2.2 MVC app, I want to use a custom ApplicationUser class to implement IdentityUser class.
Where should I save this class in my file structure?
I'm thinking a Users/ApplicationUser.cs maybe?
The MS Docs show how to implement, but don't recommend where to put the actual class. I know it's probably arbitrary, but I am not a professional programmer, so the only way for me to know these 'common knowledge' things is to ask all you real developers lol.
Thank you!
Just to close out the question:
EdSf's answer is what I went with. After more research the other day I found multiple tutorials on the subject and they put their custom ApplicationUser classes in the Models folder as well.
I know it's arbitrary and opinion based, but for what it's worth, people seem to agree that the Models folder is a good place for the custom ApplicationUser class.
Thank you for the help!

What Linux-Hosted Web Language/Framework is most like asp.net mvc 5+ [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I know this is the kind of question that usually gets deleted, but I have to find some answers. I want to build a project in a new technology more suitable to hosting on a Linux server, but I like the way things are done in ASP.NET MVC. I've looked at Rails a bit but I've heard that Rails performs and scales poorly. Any suggestions appreciated.
Ruby on Rails doesn't scale well, but depending on your needs you may never have to worry about it.
My guess is you'd be most comfortable with something like CakePHP or just PHP and whatever MVC framework. It's pretty C# like, and it's FAST!
Python/Django is also a good choice. (My personal favorite)

Front end development best practices [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to build a web application. I'm wondering how I can find the best practices for front end development.
Although this is a general question.And Full answer to this question should be a big article that i will not be able to add in answer.But i can include some information that is useful.There will be lot of Information available on Web to learn and do best practice for Front end developer.Most of best practice you will learn by following blogs and by your own practice.
Few Tips that i would add are below.
Correct Syntax Makes Beautiful Code
Testing Your Site in Different Resolutions of screen size Desktop and Mobile
Test site using different Environments and browsers
Think about Future usability of the Site
Try to make it more responsive,fast and User friendly
Here are few Helpful Articles

Where to begin when developing a Rails app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am a beginner at web development and wanted to know where to begin when developing a web application. More specifically I am using RoR and wanted to know is there a particular stack developers start with for instance would it be better to start developing models or views? Or do I have the wrong approach all together.
This will guide you through installation and 'hello world' in rails.
And I highly recommend this book, if you are serious about rails. Finish it completely. It would give you insights which might take months to comprehend if you are searching only in web.
Book link: http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book
Rails sort of has two "default" stacks, as this blog post helpfully explains:
You'll see that mr. Klabnik also has some thoughts about the difficulty this creates for new developers. I'd recommend not worrying too much about all the different tools that are available to you at first. Wait until you have a problem or are experiencing some pain and then find a tool to solve that problem. Before that, just jump in and learn as you go. Or at least, that's how I'd approach it, but people learn differently!

Building a Code Generator in ruby.. Where to start? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been thinking about starting an open source admin panel for rails using the cappuccino JavaScript / Objective-J web framework..
How would I get started?
Are there any resources you can point me to, that explain dynamic scaffolding like code generation?
Thanks and looking forward to collaborating if anyones interested?
You may want to take a look # rails_admin. It is a port of Merb Admin. It's still pretty young, but may give you ideas on the approach.
ActiveScaffold has been around for a while too which may be another good reference project.
