I would like to parse a set of expressions, for instance:X[3], X[-3], XY[-2], X[4]Y[2], etc.
In my parser.mly, index (which is inside []) is defined as follows:
| INTEGER { $1 }
| MINUS INTEGER { 0 - $2 }
The token INTEGER, MINUS etc. are defined in lexer as normal.
I try to parse an example, it fails. However, if I comment | MINUS INTEGER { 0 - $2 }, it works well. So the problem is certainly related to that. To debug, I want to get more information, in other words I want to know what is considered to be MINUS INTEGER. I tried to add print:
| INTEGER { $1 }
| MINUS INTEGER { Printf.printf "%n" $2; 0 - $2 }
But nothing is printed while parsing.
Could anyone tell me how to print information or debug that?
I tried coming up with an example of what you describe and was able to get output of 8 with what I show below. [This example is completely stripped down so that it only works for [1] and [- 1 ], but I believe it's equivalent logically to what you said you did.]
However, I also notice that your example's debug string in your example does not have an explicit flush with %! at the end, so that the debugging output might not be flushed to the terminal until later than you expect.
Here's what I used:
open Ytest
open Lexing
rule test =
"-" { MINUS }
| "1" { ONE 1 }
| "[" { LB }
| "]" { RB }
| [ ' ' '\t' '\r' '\n' ] { test lexbuf }
| eof { EOFTOKEN }
%token <int> ONE
%start item
%type <int> index item
ONE { 2 }
| MINUS ONE { Printf.printf "%n" 8; $2 }
item : LB index RB EOFTOKEN { $2 }
open Test;;
open Ytest;;
open Lexing;;
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
ignore (Ytest.item Test.test lexbuf)
I am trying to build a basic Latex parser using pest library. For the moment, I only care about lines, bold format and plain text. I am struggling with the latter. To simplify the problem, I assume that it cannot contain these two chars: \, }.
lines = { line ~ (NEWLINE ~ line)* }
line = { token* }
token = { text_bold | text_plain }
text_bold = { "\\textbf{" ~ text_plain ~ "}" }
text_plain = ${ inner ~ ("\\" | "}" | NEWLINE) }
inner = #{ char* }
char = {
!("\\" | "}" | NEWLINE) ~ ANY
main = {
lines ~
Using this webapp, we can see that my grammar eats the char after the plain text.
Before \textbf{middle} after.
New line
- lines > line
- token > text_plain > inner: "Before "
- token > text_plain > inner: "textbf{middle"
- token > text_plain > inner: " after."
- token > text_plain > inner: "New line"
If I replace ${ inner ~ ("\\" | "}" | NEWLINE) } by ${ inner }, it fails. If add the & in front of the suffix, it does not work either.
How can I change my grammar so that lines and bold tags are detected?
The rule
text_plain = ${ inner ~ ("\\" | "}" | NEWLINE) }
certainly matches the character following inner (which must be a backslash, close brace, or newline). That's not what you want: you want the following character to be part of the next token. But it's definitely seems to me reasonable to ask what happened to that character, since the token corresponding to text_plain clearly doesn't show it.
The answer, apparently, is a subtlety in how tokens are formed. According to the Pest book:
When the rule starts being parsed, the starting part of the token is being produced, with the ending part being produced when the rule finishes parsing.
The key here, it turns out, is what is not being said. ("\\" | "}" | NEWLINE) is not a rule, and therefore it does not trigger any token pairs. So when you iterate over the tokens inside text_plain, you only see the token generated by inner.
None of that is really relevant, since text_plain should not attempt to match the following character in any event. I suppose you realised that, because you say you tried to change the rule to text_plain = { inner }, but that "failed". It would have been useful to know what "failure" meant here, but I suppose that it was because Pest complained about the attempt to use a repetition operator on a rule which can match the empty string.
Since inner is a *-repetition, it can match the empty string; defining text_plain as a copy of inner means that text_plain can also match the empty string; that means that token ({ text_bold | text_plain }) can match the empty string, and that makes token* illegal because Pest doesn't allow applying repetition operators to a nullable rule. The simplest solution is to change inner from char* to char+, which forces it to match at least one character.
In the following, I actually got rid of inner altogether, since it seems redundant:
main = { SOI ~ lines ~ EOI }
lines = { line ~ (NEWLINE ~ line)* ~ NEWLINE? }
line = { token* }
token = { text_bold | text_plain }
text_bold = { "\\textbf{" ~ text_plain ~ "}" }
text_plain = #{ char+ }
char = {
!("\\" | "}" | NEWLINE) ~ ANY
I'm working on a simple example parser/lexer for a tiny project, but I've run into a problem.
I'm parsing content along these lines:
Name SEP Gender SEP Birthday
Name SEP Gender SEP Birthday
… where SEP is any one (but not multiple!) of |, ,, or whitespace.
Now, I didn't want to lock the field-order in at the lexer order, so I'm trying to lex this with a very simple set of tokens:
%token <string> SEP
%token <string> VAL
%token NL
%token EOF
Now, it's dictated that I produce a parse-error if, for instance, the gender field doesn't contain a small set of per-determined values, say {male,female,neither,unspecified}. I can wrap the parser and deal with this, but I'd really like to encode this requirement into the automaton for future expansion.
My first attempt, looking something like this, failed horribly:
| EOF { [] }
| it = rev_records { it }
| (* base-case: empty *) { [] }
| rest = rev_records; record; NL { record :: rest }
| rest = rev_records; record; EOF { record :: rest }
last_name = name_field; SEP; first_name = name_field; SEP;
gender = gender_field; SEP; favourite_colour = colour_field; SEP;
birthday = date_field
{ {last_name; first_name; gender; favourite_colour; birthday} }
name_field: str = VAL { str }
| VAL "male" { Person.Male }
| VAL "female" { Person.Female }
| VAL "neither" { Person.Neither }
| VAL "unspecified" { Person.Unspecified }
Yeah, no dice. Obviously, my attempt at an unstructured-lexing is already going poorly.
What's the idiomatic way to parse something like this?
Parsers, such as Menhir and OCamlYacc, operate on tokens, not on strings or characters. The transformation from characters to tokens is made on the lexer level. That's why you can't specify a string in the production rule.
You can, of course, perform any check in the semantic action and raise an exception, e.g.,
last_name = name_field; SEP; first_name = name_field; SEP;
gender_val = VAL; SEP; favourite_colour = colour_field; SEP;
birthday = date_field
let gender = match gender_val with
| "male" -> Person.Male
| "female" -> Person.Female
| "neither" -> Person.Neither
| "unspecified" -> Person.Unspecified
| _ -> failwith "Parser error: invalid value in the gender field" in
{last_name; first_name; gender; favourite_colour; birthday}
You can also tokenize possible gender or you can use regular expressions on the lexer level to prevent invalid fields, e.g.,
rule token = parser
| "male" | "female" | "neither" | "unspecified" as -> {GENDER s}
However, this is not recommended, as it will, in fact, turn male, female, etc into keywords, so their occurrences in other places will break your grammar.
I'm in the middle of learning how to parse simple programs.
This is my lexer.
open Parser
exception SyntaxError of string
let white = [' ' '\t']+
let blank = ' '
let identifier = ['a'-'z']
rule token = parse
| white {token lexbuf} (* skip whitespace *)
| '-' { HYPHEN }
| identifier {
let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
scan_string buf lexbuf;
let content = (Buffer.contents buf) in
| _ { raise (SyntaxError "Unknown stuff here") }
and scan_string buf = parse
| ['a'-'z']+ {
Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
scan_string buf lexbuf
| eof { () }
My "ast":
type t =
String of string
| Array of t list
My parser:
%token <string> STRING
%token HYPHEN
%start <Ast.t> yaml
| scalar { $1 }
| sequence {$1}
| sequence_items {
Ast.Array (List.rev $1)
(* empty *) { [] }
| sequence_items HYPHEN scalar {
| STRING { Ast.String $1 }
I'm currently at a point where I want to either parse plain 'strings', i.e.
some text or 'arrays' of 'strings', i.e. - item1 - item2.
When I compile the parser with Menhir I get:
Warning: production sequence -> sequence_items is never reduced.
Warning: in total, 1 productions are never reduced.
I'm pretty new to parsing. Why is this never reduced?
You declare that your entry point to the parser is called main
%start <Ast.t> main
But I can't see the main production in your code. Maybe the entry point is supposed to be yaml? If that is changed—does the error still persists?
Also, try adding EOF token to your lexer and to entry-level production, like this:
parse_yaml: yaml EOF { $1 }
See here for example: https://github.com/Virum/compiler/blob/28e807b842bab5dcf11460c8193dd5b16674951f/grammar.mly#L56
The link to Real World OCaml below also discusses how to use EOL—I think this will solve your problem.
By the way, really cool that you are writing a YAML parser in OCaml. If made open-source it will be really useful to the community. Note that YAML is indentation-sensitive, so to parse it with Menhir you will need to produce some kind of INDENT and DEDENT tokens by your lexer. Also, YAML is a strict superset of JSON, that means it might (or might not) make sense to start with a JSON subset and then expand it. Real World OCaml shows how to write a JSON parser using Menhir:
In Regular Expressions, I can write:
And this will match the entire string in, for example
I try to simulate this with a token stream in Happy.
t : a wildcard b
wildcard : {- empty -} | wild wildcard
wild : a | b | c | d | whatever
However, the parser generated by Happy does not recognize
Is there a way around this/am I doing it wrong?
As you noted Happy uses an LALR(1) parser, which is noted in the documentation. You noted in the comments that changing to right recursion resolves the problem, but for the novice it might not be clear how that can be achieved. To change the recursion the wilcard wild is rewritten as wild wildcard, which results in the following file:
module ABCParser (parse) where
%tokentype { Char }
%token a { 'a' }
%token b { 'b' }
%token c { 'c' }
%token d { 'd' }
%token whatever { '\n' }
%name parse t
: a wildcard b
{ }
{ }
| wildcard wild
{ }
: a
{ }
| b
{ }
| c
{ }
| d
{ }
| whatever
{ }
Which now generates a working parser.
My fsyacc code is giving a compiler error saying a variable is not found, but I'm not sure why. I was hoping someone could point out the issue.
open Ast
// The start token becomes a parser function in the compiled code:
%start start
// These are the terminal tokens of the grammar along with the types of
// the data carried by each token:
%token NAME
%token EOF
// This is the type of the data produced by a successful reduction of the 'start'
// symbol:
%type < Query > start
// These are the rules of the grammar along with the F# code of the
// actions executed as rules are reduced. In this case the actions
// produce data using F# data construction terms.
start: Query { Terms($1) }
| Term EOF { $1 }
| VOID { Void }
| NAME { Conc($1) }
| TICK NAME { Abst($2) }
| LPAREN Term RPAREN { Lmda($2) }
| Term ARROW Term { TermList($1, $3) }
The line | NAME {Conc($1)} and the following line both give this error:
error FS0039: The value or constructor '_1' is not defined
I understand the syntactic issue, but what's wrong with the yacc input?
If it helps, here is the Ast definition:
namespace Ast
open System
type Query =
| Terms of Term
and Term =
| Void
| Conc of String
| Abst of String
| Lmda of Term
| TermList of Term * Term
And the fslex input:
module Lexer
open System
open Parser
open Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing
let lexeme lexbuf =
LexBuffer<char>.LexemeString lexbuf
// These are some regular expression definitions
let name = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9']
let whitespace = [' ' '\t' ]
let newline = ('\n' | '\r' '\n')
rule tokenize = parse
| whitespace { tokenize lexbuf }
| newline { tokenize lexbuf }
// Operators
| "->" { ARROW }
| "'" { TICK }
| "void" { VOID }
// Misc
| "(" { LPAREN }
| ")" { RPAREN }
// Numberic constants
| name+ { NAME }
// EOF
| eof { EOF }
This is not FsYacc's fault. NAME is a valueless token.
You'd want to do these fixes:
%token NAME
%token <string> NAME
| name+ { NAME }
| name+ { NAME (lexeme lexbuf) }
Everything should now compile.