Rails 4: Joins in ActiveRecord relation lambdas not include when doing a join - ruby-on-rails

I'm creating a Revision system for a project where a base table contains the current revision for a given id, and a revision table contains the data tagged with a given revision, eg:
- id
- revision
- foo_id
- revision
For relations between these I have used the lamda syntax to specify conditions on the relation like this:
class Article
belongs_to :product, ->{ joins(:base).where("products.revision = product_revisions.revision") }, :class_name=> "Product::Revision", :primary_key => :product_id
Where article is not revisioned, but product is (Product::Revision is the model that contains the actual data, and is a ActiveRecord::Base mapping to product_revisions, while Product maps to products).
The :base relation is from Product::Revision to Product
This works fine for the normal things like
a = Article.find(..)
which products the sql (a.product only)
SELECT `product_revisions`.* FROM `product_revisions`
INNER JOIN `products` ON `products`.`id` = `product_revisions`.`product_id`
WHERE `product_revisions`.`product_id` = 406
AND (products.revision = product_revisions.revision) ORDER BY `product_revisions`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1
But when I do Article.joins(:product) it fails, since it doesn't join in the products table:
SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` INNER JOIN `product_revisions`
ON `product_revisions`.`product_id` = `articles`.`product_id`
AND (products.revision = product_revisions.revision)
with the error:
Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'products.revision' in 'on clause'
To me it seems like ActiveRecord simply ignores the joins in the lamba when it does the joins query, which seems stupid. Is this a bug, or is there a better/correct way to do this?

I've encountered a similar problem. Any joins specified in a lambda for a has_many are silently ignored.
I found this in the Rails issues that solves the problem for me:
The author mentions the problem occurring when there is an order clause but I think this muddies the water - it makes no difference whether there is an order clause or not.
I cannot say whether this is a bug or intended behaviour but I suspect the former.


How to pluck id of has_one associations?

class Post
has_one :latest_comment, -> { order(created_at: :desc) }, class_name: 'Comment'
I want to do something like:
but it's not valid syntax and it doesn't work.
Above works but it returns ids of all comments for a post, not only of the latest.
ActiveRecord::Assocations are a very leaky abstraction around SQL joins so your has_one :latest_comment assocation won't actually return a single row in the join table per record unless you're calling it on an instance of Post.
Instead when you run Post.joins(:latest_comment).pluck('comments.id')you get:
SELECT "comments"."id"
FROM "posts"
INNER JOIN "comments" ON "comments"."post_id" = "posts"."id"
ActiveRecord isn't actually smart enough to know that you want to get unique values from the comments table - and it actually just behaves like a has_many association. In its defence this isn't actually something thats even realistic to do in polyglot fashion.
What you want to do can instead is to select the rows from the comments table and get distinct values:
Comment.order(:post_id, created_at: :desc)
.pluck(Arel.sql('DISTINCT ON (post_id) id'))
DISTINCT ON is Postgres specific. The exact approach here will vary between RDBMS:es and there are many other alternatives such as lateral joins, window functions etc depending on your performance requirements.

Why does database functions break rails query plan on includes?

A plain call works as intended. The resulting SQL uses LEFT OUTER JOINs to link tables as desired.
> Subscription.includes(plan: { student: :person }).order('persons.name')
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation ... >
If a function is inserted upon order clause, seems that rails goes off-track in its query plan as the resulting SQL does not do the tables linkage and, therefore, issues the error:
> Subscription.includes(plan: { student: :person }).order('unaccent(persons.name)')
=> ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "persons")
LINE 1: ...subscriptions".* FROM "subscriptions" ORDER BY unaccent(persons.na...
: SELECT "subscriptions".* FROM "subscriptions" ORDER BY unaccent(persons.name) LIMIT $1
The same does not apply to joins that executes the command BUT using INNER JOINs as the table linkage (not exactly the intended relationship)
> Subscription.joins(plan: { student: :person }).order('unaccent(persons.name)')
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation ... > # GOOD
As a newbie here, what am I missing?
(Re-written from my comment above)
You need to add .references(:persons) to the query.
Rails tries to be "lazy" and avoid performing unnecessary JOINs when using includes. The usage of this unaccent SQL function is throwing off the ActiveRecord query planner - so you need to be more explicit, thus forcing rails to perform the JOIN.
See the documentation on "conditions":
If you want to add conditions to your included models you’ll have to
explicitly reference them. For example:
User.includes(:posts).where('posts.name = ?', 'example')
Will throw an error, but this will work:
User.includes(:posts).where('posts.name = ?', 'example').references(:posts)
Note that includes works with
association names while references needs the actual table name

SQL not working for pg

I'm trying to use SQL to get information from a Postgres database using Rails.
This is what I've tried:
Select starts_at, ends_at, hours, employee.maxname, workorder.wonum from events where starts_at>'2018-03-14'
inner join employees on events.employee_id = employees.id
inner join workorders on events.workorder_id = workorders.id;
I get the following error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "inner"
LINE 2: inner join employees on events.employee_id = employees.id
Sami's comment is correct, but since this question is tagged with ruby-on-rails you can try to use ActiveRecord's API to do the same:
Make sure that your models relations are defined
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :employee
belongs_to :workorder
And then you can do something like:
.where('starts_at > ?', '2018-03-14')
.joins(:employee, :workorder)
.joins(:employee, :workorder)
.where('starts_at > ?', '2018-03-14')
And you don't need to worry which one goes first.
In general, it's suboptimal to create the SQL queries in rails if you don't absolutely need to because they're harder to maintain.
You request should look at this :
select starts_at, ends_at, hours, employee.maxname, workorder.wonum
from events
inner join employees on events.employee_id = employees.id
inner join workorders on events.workorder_id = workorders.id
where starts_at>'2018-03-14';

Using joins to query by attribute on associated recored

I currently have this horribly written query:
membership_ids = User.where(skip_membership_renewal: true).includes(:memberships).map(&:membership_ids).flatten
Memberships.where(id: membership_ids)
I have been trying to use joins so that I can just make one query.
Membership.includes(:user).where("user.skip_membership_renewal", true)
However, this doesn't work since I keep getting the error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR.
My relationship is:
User has_many :memberships
Membership belongs_to :user
What am I doing incorrectly?
You just have a pluralization error. In Rails, you define models as singular (User) and the database table is pluralized (users).
Membership.includes(:user).where("users.skip_membership_renewal" => true)
That said, you don't need to resort to using SQL literals for such a simple case. There are a bunch of other ways of assembling this query, like the scope option David Aldridge suggested, or either of these:
non_renewing_users = User.where(skip_membership_renewal: true)
Membership.where(user: non_renewing_users)
What's more is that these both only execute a single SQL query for most adapters because they use subqueries:
SELECT "memberships".*
FROM "memberships"
WHERE "memberships"."user_id" IN (
SELECT "users"."id" FROM "users"
WHERE "users"."skip_membership_renewal" = true
You can probably aim to use:
Membership.where(:user => User.skip_membership_renewal)
Add a scope onto User ...
def self.skip_membership_renewal
where(skip_membership_renewal: true)
You should find that it runs as a single query.

Ruby on Rails 4 count distinct with inner join

I have created a validation rule to limit the number of records a member can create.
class Engine < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :engine_code, presence: true
belongs_to :group
delegate :member, to: :group
validate :engines_within_limit, on: :create
def engines_within_limit
if self.member.engines(:reload).distinct.count(:engine_code) >= self.member.engine_limit
errors.add(:engine, "Exceeded engine limit")
The above doesn't work, specifically this part,
The query it produces is
SELECT "engines".*
FROM "engines"
INNER JOIN "groups"
ON "engines"."group_id" = "groups"."id"
WHERE "groups"."member_id" = $1 [["member_id", 22]]
and returns the count 0 which is wrong
Whereas the following
produces the query
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(DISTINCT "engines"."engine_code")
FROM "engines"
and returns 3 which is correct
What am I doing wrong? It is the same query just with a join?
After doing long chat, we found the below query to work :
.count("DISTINCT engine_code")
AR:: means ActiveRecord:: below.
The reason for the "wrong" result in the question is that the collection association isn't used correct. A collection association (e.g. has_many) for a record is not a AR::Relation it's a AR::Associations::CollectionProxy. It's a sub class of AR::Relation, and e.g. distinct is overridden.
self.member.engines(:reload).distinct.count(:engine_code) will cause this to happen:
self.member.engines(:reload) is a
.distinct on that will first
fire the db read, then do a .to_a on the result and then doing
"it's own" distinct which is doing a uniq on the array of records
regarding the id of the records.
The result is an array.
.count(:engine_code) this is doing Array#count on the array which is returning
0 since no record in the array equals to the symbol :engine_code.
To get the correct result you should use the relation of the association proxy, .scope:
I think it's a little bit confusing in Rails how collection associations is handled. Many of the "normal" methods for relations works as usual, e.g. this will work without using .scope:
that is because where isn't overridden by AR::Associations::CollectionProxy.
Perhaps it would be better to always have to use .scope when using the collection as a relation.
