Assimp not properly loading indices - parsing

I'm trying to load simple 3d model cube.3ds, but next error occurs: when I read indices to my vector, vector contains: [0, 1, 2, 3, ...]. It's not properly. I found almost the same topic: Assimp and D3D model loading: Mesh not being displayed in D3D, but I don't found the answer. Can anyone describe in detail properly algorithm for loading indices from meshes. Thank's a lot!

Here is a example pulled from the assimp sample code on accessing the mesh indices.
for (; n < nd->mNumMeshes; ++n)
const struct aiMesh* mesh = scene->mMeshes[nd->mMeshes[n]];
if(mesh->mNormals == NULL) {
} else {
for (t = 0; t < mesh->mNumFaces; ++t) {
const struct aiFace* face = &mesh->mFaces[t];
GLenum face_mode;
switch(face->mNumIndices) {
case 1: face_mode = GL_POINTS; break;
case 2: face_mode = GL_LINES; break;
case 3: face_mode = GL_TRIANGLES; break;
default: face_mode = GL_POLYGON; break;
for(i = 0; i < face->mNumIndices; i++) {
int index = face->mIndices[i];
if(mesh->mColors[0] != NULL)
if(mesh->mNormals != NULL)


HLSL-'RestartStrip' in Geometry Shader actually meanning?

in geometry shader, i written a little code that just append vertices to stream following this guide:
so, as it's obvious, i added code stream.RestartStrip() after stream.Append(gs_stream).
but I had a problem with nothing being rendered. after i changed the code(:stream.RestartStrip()) to annotation, it was rendered properly again.
what this funtion meanning actually and what works in pipeline?
void GS(triangle GS_IN input[3], inout TriangleStream<GS_IN> stream)
GS_IN gs_stream = (GS_IN)0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
gs_stream.p = input[i].p;
gs_stream.n = input[i].n;
gs_stream.c = float4(1, 1, 1, 1); //input[i].c;
gs_stream.t = input[i].t;
//if (input[i].strength > 0)
// gs_stream.p.y += input[i].strength * altitude.x;
// gs_stream.c *= input[i].circle;

Using fgets and strtok to read in data and create linked list

Need some help with reading in lines of data from a text file using the fgets and string tokenization commands, which will then be used to create a linked list. I've followed some examples I've found on Stack Overflow and other tutorial websites, but still cannot get the read function below to work properly in my program, it just causes it to crash. The data file has lines like this:
Zucchini, Squash, pound, 2.19, 45
Yellow, Squash, pound, 1.79, 15
Based on everything I've read, I believe I have the necessary code, but obviously I'm missing something. Also, I commented out one of the fields (the one for float price) as I'm not sure what to use to copy the float value from the data, as I cannot treat it as a string (the integer value right below it seems to let me get away with it in my compiler).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Struct for linked list node
struct produceItem
char produce[20];
char type[20];
char soldBy[20];
float price;
int quantityInStock;
struct produceItem *next;
// Function to read in data from file to
void read(struct produceItem **head)
struct produceItem *temp = NULL;
struct produceItem *right = NULL;
//char ch[3];
char line[50];
char *value;
FILE *data = fopen("RecitationFiveInput.txt", "r");
printf("Trying to open file RecitationFiveInput.txt\n");
if (data == NULL)
printf("Could not open file RecitationFiveInput.txt\n");
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), data))
value = strtok(line, ", ");
strcpy(temp->produce, strdup(value));
value = strtok(NULL, ", ");
strcpy(temp->type, strdup(value));
value = strtok(NULL, ", ");
strcpy(temp->soldBy, strdup(value));
//value = strtok(NULL, ", ");
//strcpy(temp->price, strdup(value));
value = strtok(NULL, " \n");
strcpy(temp->quantityInStock, strdup(value));
temp->next = NULL;
if (*head == NULL)
*head = temp;
right = *head;
while(right->next != NULL)
right = right->next;
right->next = temp;
printf("Successfully opened file RecitationFiveInput.txt\n");
// Function to display the nodes of the linked list that contains the data from the data file
void display(struct produceItem *head)
int value = 1;
struct produceItem *temp = NULL;
temp = head;
printf(" Item # Produce Type Sold By Price In Stock\n");
if(temp == NULL)
while(temp != NULL)
printf(" %d %s %s %s %lf %d\n", value, temp->produce, temp->type, temp->soldBy, temp->price, temp->quantityInStock);
temp = temp->next;
if(temp == NULL)
//Main function
int main()
int input = 0;
struct produceItem *head = NULL;
printf("\nList Operations\n");
printf("1. Stock Produce Department\n");
printf("2. Display Produce Inventory\n");
printf("3. Reverse Order of Produce Inventory\n");
printf("4. Export Produce Inventory\n");
printf("5. Exit Program\n");
printf("Enter your choice: ");
if(scanf("%d", &input) <= 0)
printf("Enter only an integer.\n");
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
printf("You have exited the program, Goodbye!\n");
return 0;
printf("Invalid option.\n");
return 0;
Never mind everyone, found the issue. The crashes were due to me not allocating memory for the temp pointer in the read me function.

Xlib Muti-thread program only works under strace

I'm writing a muti-thread program using xlib, pthread and cairo.
This program create a thread in order to draw ten points after a click event.
The problem is:
After the program drew three points, it got crashed and xlib complaint
X Error of failed request: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 0 ()
Serial number of failed request: 67
Current serial number in output stream: 97
However, it can work properly when I'm using strace like "strace ./a.out".
Here's my code-clips:
void *draw_point(void *arg) { //paint random-postion point
int i = 0;
int seed;
double x ,y;
cairo_set_source_rgba (cairo, 1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6);
for(i = 0; i< 10; i++) {
x = rand() % 200;
y = rand() % 200;
if(candraw) {
cairo_arc (cairo, x, y, 10.0, 0, 2*M_PI);
cairo_fill (cairo);
hasdraw = true;
return NULL;
bool win_main(void)
int clickx = 0, clicky = 0;
unsigned long valuemask;
XEvent event;
valuemask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | PointerMotionMask;
XSelectInput(display, win, valuemask);
pthread_t thread;
while (1) {
while (XPending(display) == 0) {
candraw = true;
candraw = false;
XNextEvent(display, &event);
candraw = false;
switch (event.type) {
case MotionNotify:
case ButtonPress:
clickx = event.xbutton.x;
clicky = event.xbutton.y;
if(clicky < 50)
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, draw_point, NULL);
case ButtonRelease:
return 0;
Does anyone has an idea about this weird problem?
Thanks a lot!
The problem is caused by using multi-threading with the 2 threads trying to access the display at the same.
strace will change the timing, so the threads are accessing the display at different times.
Xlib does have functions to prevent conflict. Lookup XInitThreads, which enables thread support and XLockDisplay and XUnlockDisplay, which you will need to call from each thread before and after accessing the display.

OpenCv image unstable while running AES decryption

I am trying to capture video from webcam using Opencv and transmit it over TCP. In addition, I wanted to encrypt the video using AES. But whenever run the AES decrpt function the video is unstable.
I am using the opencv over tcp example and AES example
Whenever I run this function:
img->imageData = aes_decrypt(&de, img->imageData, &imgsize);
my video gets unstable.
I have attached the code segment where I wrote the function.
/* start receiving images*/
/* get raw data */
for (i = 0; i < imgsize; i += bytes) {
if ((bytes = recv(sock, sockdata + i, imgsize - i, 0)) == -1) {
quit("recv failed", 1);
for (i = 0, k = 0; i < img->height; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < img->width; j++) {
((uchar*)(img->imageData + i * img->widthStep))[j] = sockdata[k++];
img->imageData = aes_decrypt(&de, img->imageData, &imgsize);
is_data_ready = 1;
/* have we terminated yet? */
/* no, take a rest for a while */
This is my first post, sorry for my bad English and format of the post.

Get PDF GoTo Actions on iOS with Quartz

i´m new to apple´s core graphic for PDF. I developing an app to display a PDF with links/actions which will go to the page x/y. The first code/help i found was here. But that code is for external URLs to websites. In the pdf ref doc from i found out, that i have to use the "GoTo" action. I´ve tried all 3 types (object, name and byte string) but it doesn´t work. Can anyone get me a hint, what i´m doing wrong?
for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayCount; ++i) {
CGPDFObjectRef aDictObj;
if (!CGPDFArrayGetObject(outputArray, i, &aDictObj)) {
} // END if
CGPDFDictionaryRef annotDict;
if(!CGPDFObjectGetValue(aDictObj, kCGPDFObjectTypeDictionary, &annotDict)) {
} // END if
CGPDFDictionaryRef aDict;
if(!CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary(annotDict, "A", &aDict)) {
} // END if
const char *gotoNameRef;
CGPDFArrayRef gotoArray;
if (CGPDFDictionaryGetArray(aDict, "D", &gotoArray)) {
if (!CGPDFArrayGetName(gotoArray, 0, &gotoNameRef)) {
} else {
} // END if
int gotoCounter = CGPDFArrayGetCount(gotoArray);
CGPDFArrayRef rectArray;
if(!CGPDFDictionaryGetArray(annotDict, "Rect", &rectArray)) {
} // END if
int arrayCount = CGPDFArrayGetCount( rectArray );
CGPDFReal coords[4];
for( int k = 0; k < arrayCount; ++k ) {
CGPDFObjectRef rectObj;
if(!CGPDFArrayGetObject(rectArray, k, &rectObj)) {
} // END if
CGPDFReal coord;
if(!CGPDFObjectGetValue(rectObj, kCGPDFObjectTypeReal, &coord)) {
} // END if
coords[k] = coord;
} // END for
Thanks for any help.
There is a PDF reader in source available here:
It is on ObjectiveC and contains everything you need.
