Free subscription trial in iOS Newsstand app - ios

Following iTunes Connect Developer Guide, when I create In-App purchase of type "Auto-renewable subscription" for my application, I can offer a free trial and set it duration:
Reading this post: , I assume, that if we try to verify the receipt, which was send to the user after he subscribed first time (ever) and got a free trial subscription, we can differentiate, is this user at trial subscription, or has he purchased it already, only by checking difference between expires_date and purchase_date, if durations of purchased and trial subscriptions are different, or by checking the original_transaction_id or original_purchase_date (if current transaction is not first, the subscription was renewed -> it's not trial already). If I'm wrong, please, let me know, because that's how I see the process in theory, not the practice (can't test that at the moment).
Anyway, the main question:
At some day, user installs my app and subscribes. He automatically gets some time of free trial subscription. He enjoys my app, everything is great, and he decides to be subscribed in future and automatically pay me every time when subscription ends. He doesn't even need to care about that, OK. Thanks to auto-renewable subscription mechanism.
After some time, he decides to stop auto-renew process. When last subscription expires, he don't pay me -> he is not subscribed from that moment. Okay.
But if, after some time, he decides to subscribe to my app again --- how about trial again? Who decides that? Is it in my responsibility to check, had he trial subscription or not? If yes, even if I know, that he had trial subscription already, how do I force him to pay from the first day of subscription, not after another trial period?

If he's using the same Apple ID, and you are selling the same subscription product, he will not get any more trial. Trials on subscription can only happen once regardless if they've stopped and resumed their subscriptions.
I know Apple's documentation has been very sparse on Newsstand. I have also experienced the same pain. I don't have any Apple documentations to back my answer up, but from my experience this is what happens. Customers will only receive a one time trial for every unique renewable product.


How to support / offer iOS subscriptions with a free trial period?

I am working on shifting my existing iOS 10+ app to offer auto-renewing subscriptions.
While "normal" subscriptions (no introductory offer) work fine both within my app and on my server (receipt validation and user account handling) I am having a hard time to understand how a free trial period can be offered.
Setting up the free trial period in App Store Connect is no problem, but I do not understand how to implement it in my app and on my server.
Problem 1 : Understanding eligibility
From the Apple docs:
You can make introductory offers to customers who haven’t previously
received an introductory offer for the given product, or for any
products in the same subscription group (...)
Before offering introductory price, you must first determine if the
user is eligible to receive it (...)
To determine if a user is eligible for an introductory offer, check their receipt...
Assume I have setup a subscription with a 7 day free trial. A user purchases this subscriptions, uses the free trial and continues the paid subscriptions for a while before the subscription is canceled. Some time later the wants to continue the subscriptions
What happens if the user purchases the same subscription product again?
Will fail because he has already used the free trial? ("... who haven’t previously received an introductory offer...")
Will it start with another free trial period? (== Store does not check the eligibility at all)
Will it start with no free trial but directly with a payed period
In other words:
Is checking the eligibility only necessary to show the right UI (= grant offer yes/no is checked by store) or to make sure the user does not benefits from the same offer (= grant offer yes/no is checked by app)?
Problem 2 : How to check eligibility?
As described in the apple docs the best way to check the eligibility is to validate the app receipt and to check whether an introductory offer has been received or not. This should be done as early as possible, at app start at best.
Fine, but as far as I know the receipt is not guaranteed to be available. If no receipt can be found the user has to first provide his app store credentials to download the receipt...
It would be quite annoying if the first thing the app does on the the first start would be to ask the user to login to the store.
Is this really the intended implementation?
Problem 3 : How to handle eligibility?
Assume that I have successfully check whether the user is eligible to receive an offer or not: How to provide the offer?
Do I have to setup two different subscription products in App Store Connect (one with free trial and one without) to let the user purchase the one or the other?
Or the eligibility check only necessary to display the correct UI ("Purchase now with free trial" vs "Purchase now") while I can use the same product in both cases?
Problem 1 : Understanding eligibility
He will be charged for the subscription immediately. Free-trial can be availed only once
Problem 3 : How to handle eligibility?
Do I have to setup two different subscription products in App Store Connect (one with free trial and one without) to let the user
purchase the one or the other?
No. You only need to setup one product and add Introductory offer (free trial or intro offer)
Or the eligibility check only necessary to display the correct UI ("Purchase now with free trial" vs "Purchase now") while I can use the same product in both cases?
It is only for showing correct CTA and messaging. At the end of the day, Store(Apple) is the one who is taking the decision if user will get free-trial or not
To check eligibility of the user you need to pass the receipt to your server. Your server can then query Apple for the decoded receipt (/verifyReceipt endpoint). In decoded receipt, check all the txn in latest_renewal_info list. if you find is_in_free_trial field to be true for any product in same subscription group then you can safely assume that user has used free trial before and show right messaging to the user.
Also, user can get free trial only once per subscription group even if all the products under that have free trial enabled.
I agree that Apple would have provided eligibility in the app itself while querying the product. But trust me none of the App stores provide this information including Google.
As far as login is concerned, the receipt is always present at a sandbox location and can be retrieved from there. (Also, do consider that user anyway can't buy the subscription if he is not logged in)

Does free trial period for In App Purchases in iOS only work once?

We are integration IAP in our iOS11 app and want to give new users some start offerings with a long free trial period.
My implementation alternatives are:
Use auto-renewable subscription with a generous free trial (like 2 months for monthly subscription), and rely on Apple that a user that cancels can't restart and get 2 months again. Is this correct?
Make two IAPs, present the one with free trial to new users and present the one without free trails to a user that has canceled or stopped the free trail version. But users might find the IAP on App store (specially now when Apple will start feature IAP) and buy it anyway?
What is the best thing to do?
I'm managing an application with InApp Purchase and auto-renewable subscription.
As far as I know, InApp Purchase is linked to user AppStore account, and free trial can be consume only once per account.
If you present the same product after a free trial period, the user will resume your auto-renewable subscription and not benefit the free trial again.
So in my mind the first option is the best.
However if you would like to implement the second one, you should know that the new IAP management feature in your product store page allow you to show and hide the subscriptions you want.
For more information about this new feature, take a look at the WWDC video : What's New in StoreKit

what happens on multiple purchase - Non-Renewal subscription in-app purchase

I am implementing a sample which includes the in-app purchase feature. The subscription is of non-renewal type.
In case of auto-renewal subscription, if the user has made a purchase, and within the validity period if the user retries to make the purchase, the iTunes shows the alert that
You are already subscribed to the purchase
and won't proceed further. The user can restore his subscription using the app restore feature.
But in case of non-renewal subscription type, if a user has made a purchase, and within the validity period if the user retries to make the purchase, the iTunes shows a confirmation alert that
You have already purchased the subscription, to renew or extend the
subscription press buy or press cancel
and if the user presses buy it proceeds further.
So, my doubt is what exactly happens in the later case (non-renewal repeated subscription).
Is the user again charged?
What happens with the user's subscription validity?
Can it be handled and controlled inside the code by me?
In case yes, any idea to proceed with would be highly appreciated and will be very helpful for me.
Thanks in Advance.
For Apple, there is no "within the validity period" for non-renewing subscriptions. The duration of the period, fortunately or unfortunately, is left up to the developer.
Yes, when the user buys a non-renewing subscription a second (or third, etc) time, the are charged again.
Subscription validity is up to the developer.
It seems common for developers to use their own server to track the expiry period of a non-renewing subscription. For example, this helps with the "restore" feature required by Apple.
You can alter the subscription start date from the day of repurchase of the APP. This will enable extended validity.
This validity extension mechanism also serves when the user realizes his subscription is about to expire and renews it before hand rather than letting the subscription end.
From the development perspective, logging the first subscribed time along with the current sub and expire time would serve the purpose.
Yes i am altering the subscription start date obviously, and i am getting this from the transaction. According to this subscription start date i am altering the expiry date as well.
The concern here is to avoid the user from getting charged again in any case if he has already subscribed. And, for that i am using iCloud to support restore functionality in user's multiple devices.

in-app purchase for auto-renewal subscriptions notifications

I've been reading the various threads on in-app purchases auto-renewal subscriptions, and I think I've pieced together most of the information I need, but there are a few missing pieces. I'm hoping someone can help me.
The situation:
I have various subscription packages the user can subscribe to (e.g., package A for £1 a month, package B for £2 a month, etc.). I store the user's subscription information in my database. When the user logs in, I check which package he's on and if it's expired or not. My website, android and iOS all use the same database, hence this approach seems to make sense.
Subscribing users via in-app purchase seems straight forward enough. I check paymentQueue and once the payment is cleared, I can update my database.
My questions:
1) My understanding is the user can use iTunes to manage their subscription. Say, they go in to iTunes and cancel their subscription, how can I be notified so I can update my database? Do I need a daemon that checks expired subscriptions to see if the user renewed?
2) If the user wants to upgrade their subscription from Package A to Package B, how do I handle the pricing? Say on Jan 1st, they buy Package A, I charge them £1.00 and set the expiry date to Jan. 31st. On Jan. 15th, they want to upgrade to package B via in-app purchase. Ideally, I would charge them £2 for Package B minus £0.50 of credit they have for Package A and set the new expiry date to feb 14th. However, Apple forces me to associate each package with a tier price. How can I handle this? I don't want the user to wait until the end of the month to put them on a higher tier package...if they upgraded mid-month, it means they want the new content package B will deliver to them immediately.
Any help appreciated!
1) Yes you'll have to reverify your receipt check out the Receipt Validation Programming Guide in the documentation. They mention some important keys:
status - 0 if receipt is valid, or an error code
receipt - JSON response of the receipt
latest_receipt (auto-renewable only) - base 64 encoded receipt for the most recent renewal
latest_receipt_info - JSON version of latest_receipt
With this information, when a purchase is made, send the receipt to your backend for validation, the backend will keep the receipt in the DB and verify with status = 0 that it's a valid receipt. From there, every x days you can validate that receipt with a chron job, daemon, etc. and reverify. The response back each time will have latest_receipt_info that you now need to save to your DB so you have an up-to-date receipt for the next check in x days. This way you will always have the latest receipt. There is no instant notification for telling when a user cancels a subscription, but with this you'll know every x days if they have the subscription still.
2) Pricing like this unfortunately can't be handled. It was not intended for a user to "upgrade" with subscriptions - each subscription is access to it's own exclusive content as of this writing. However, if a customer emails in and complains about it, you could ask for their user name and figure out in your DB if this user has indeed upgraded mid-month and reimburse them appropriately. Very old-school and not feasible for a big user base, but hopefully you won't have that many and can keep them happy.
For the second question, Apple's auto-renewable subscription system does not technically offer upgradeable plans between different products.
Every subscription is a stand alone product and it's up to the user to turn on/off subscriptions manually using the Subscription Manager in the iTunes Store.
However if package A and package B offer the exact same content only different duration than what ajay_nasa said is correct, you can create an single auto-subscription product with different duration options. If the user is on 1 month subscription and then the user tries to change to 2-months subscription they will get the following error message asking them go to the App Store's subscriptions manager
So basically the ONLY place the user can actually change the subscription's length is in the App Store. Whether Apple decide to pro-rate the amount left on the old subscription or just append it to the current one is really up to Apple. You need to make sure the user have access to the subscription as long as it's active by reading the Original Purchase Date and Subscription Expiration Date field from each receipt entry and determining the start and end dates of the subscription.
Answering question 1, you can verify subscription receipts in the same way as other IAP, but you'll need to check it periodically to see if the subscription has expired (the verification will tell you if it's expired).
There is more info on the Apple docs here:
Actually, Apple's auto-renewable subscription system does offer upgradeable plans.
To achieve this we simply should add duration in existing Auto-Renewable Subscription. Every Auto-Renewable Subscription could be family of Subscriptions so whenever developer wants to achieve upgradation in subscription he should add duration in existing Auto-Renewable Subscription with different productID.
Whenever, user upgrade his plan in between the month then his upgrade plan will be automatically works from next month.
Answering to your question #1
Recently Apple launched a feature to enable server notification whenever the subscription is renewed. However, the subscription should be in-app.
See the links given below for your reference:
We Need to Check Cancellation-Date provided in Receipt.

Delivery of auto-renewing subscriptions for iOS

I am finding that the renewal of an expired auto-renewing subscription is never being delivered while the application is active and running, but rather when the application is woken up from background or on launch.
In other words if you are using the app, and the subscription expires, it won't be delivered to the app (assuming it is auto-renewing and valid etc) while the user continues to use the app.
This behaviour does not seem to be documented by Apple, can anyone else with experience of this confirm or otherwise?
Obviously one can detect that the sub has expired and then offer the user the chance to check their subscription status and restoreCompletedTransactions which will pull in the new subscription - but I'm just wondering if we're doing something wrong, or if this behaviour is normal.
Yes. That's what I experienced as well.
Before I continue, please see the following posts on why you might want to stay away from auto-renewing subscriptions:
Marco Arment's piece on The limited world of auto-renewable subscriptions, and
The Comments on this SO Question: Auto-renewing subscription – Differences to non-renewing subscription
When your app becomes active, that does seem to trigger the App Store to send any new auto-renewing subscription receipts to your app. But you shouldn't rely on that. And, you don't have to restoreCompletedTransactions to get the latest receipts.
You can see another one of my answers for more detail on this subject.
What you should be doing (based on Apple's documentation and some experimentation) is storing receipts on your server. Then when you want to check if a person's subscription has been auto-renewed, follow Apples procedure for verifying one of those receipts with iTunes. Apple will respond with info about that receipt as well as the latest receipt in that subscription. If it's different than the one you sent, then you know an auto-renewal has occured.
