Grails: How to define a domain property rendered on views but not persisted? - grails

I have this domain classes, let's say:
class Person {
String name
Integer age
//car data that needs to be shown and filled in views
//but not persisted in Person class
String model
String color
static afterInsert = {
def car = new Car(model: model, color: color)
class Car {
String model
String color
What I need is to show in my Person views (create and edit) the model and color properties that are defined inside Person class but these doesn't have to be persisted with this class. These data, model and color, have to be persisted using the Car domain class maybe using the afterInsert event. In other words, I need to save data from a domain class using the views from another domain class.
Thanks in advance.

You can use transients on properties you want GORM to ignore, for example
class Person {
static transients = ['model', 'color']
String name
Integer age
//car data that needs to be shown and filled in views
//but not persisted in Person class
String model
String color
Just curious but is there a reason you're not using associations
class Person {
static hasMany = [cars: Car]
class Car {
static belongsTo = [Person]
static hasMany = [drivers: Person]
.. or composition
class Person {
Car car
or simply data binding with multiple domains
//params passed to controller
//in your controller
def person = new Person(params.person)
def car = new Car(


Multiple Self-referencing relationships

I have an Abstract Class which all DomainClasses are extending.
This Abstracte Class looks like this:
abstract class DomainBase {
Date created = new Date(), modified = new Date()
User createdBy, modifiedBy
int dataStatus = 30
My DomainClass User also extends the abstract Class and has multiple self-referencing relationship:
User principal
static hasMany = [employees: User, skills: UserSkill,...]
static mappedBy = [employees: 'none' ]
class UserSkill extends DomainBase {
String category
String name
static belongsTo = [User]
static hasMany = [users: User]
static mappedBy = [users: 'skills']
static mapping = {
table 'skill'
users column: 'skill_id', joinTable: 'user_skills'
With that i'm getting an MappingException:
nested exception is org.hibernate.MappingException: broken column mapping for:
createdBy.skills of: de.streit.user.UserSkill
How do I mapp the classes correctly?
Stepping away from Grails for a moment... you've got an object-oriented design problem. According to your design, DomainBase sits at the top of your hierarchy. Because of this DomainBase should not depend on its subclasses. Here's why:
According to the Liskov substitution principle, if class B extends from class A, then an instance of class B should be usable wherever an instance of class A is expected.
For example, if class Duck extends class Bird, I can honestly say a Duck is a Bird. My nose would not get any longer. If a method expects a Bird and I give it a Duck the method won't know the difference.
In your case, a User cannot be a DomainClass because a DomainClass has a user. Can a Bird have a Duck? Nope. A Bird should not know anything about Ducks. Animals aside, your class hierarchy violates this principle. But this can be fixed :)
As long as you're using Groovy 2.3 or grater, a Groovy trait can address your issue.
First, create a trait somewhere in grails-app/src/main/groovy/. It's best if you place it in the same Groovy (Java) package as your domain classes.
package xzy
trait Auditable {
Date created = new Date(), modified = new Date()
User createdBy, modifiedBy
int dataStatus = 30
Then, have your domain classes implement the trait.
package xyz
class User implements Auditable {
User principal
static hasMany = [employees: User, skills: UserSkill,...]
static mappedBy = [employees: 'none' ]
class UserSkill implements Auditable {
String category
String name
static belongsTo = [User]
static hasMany = [users: User]
static mappedBy = [users: 'skills']
static mapping = {
table 'skill'
users column: 'skill_id', joinTable: 'user_skills'
This works because your domain classes will magically get the properties defined in the trait (created, createBy, and dataStatus) without baggage of inheritance. Plus, if a method expects an Audiable, you can pass it a User or UserSkill and the method wouldn't know the difference.
Watch this: Users and UserSkills are Auditable. Makes sense huh?

grails: multiple belongsTo with back reference

Is it possible to have a domain class that belongs to multiple domain classes with back reference? For instance:
class Person {
List<Book> books
static hasMany = [books: Book]
class Organization {
List<Books> books
static hasMany = [books: Book]
class Book {
def owner // what's the type?
static belongsTo = [Person, Books]
A Book can belong to a Person or an Organization, but not both.
Person and Organization have separate sequence IDs.
The solution I came up with is:
class Book {
Long ownerID
String ownerClass
static belongsTo = [Person, Books]
static transients = ['owner']
static constraints = {
ownerId(nullable:false, blank:false)
ownerClass(nullable:false, blank:false)
public BookOwner getOwner() {
grailsApplication.getArtefact("Domain", ownerClass)?.getClazz()?.get(ownerId)
where BookOwner is an Interface implemented by Person and Organization. So calling a bookInstance.owner will return a Person or Organization instance, both BookOwner.
My solution works well, but it doesn't feel right - a sure sign that I am not fully understanding what I'm doing. What's the best way to implement this? Should I completely give up on having the extremely convenient back reference?
Thank you
I guess, you should have made Owner superclass. Grails will create Owner table with field class meaning child class names (in your case: Person, Organization).

Grails GORM Query with Multiple Objects?

I am trying to write a query in Grails to return a set of results from a domain class, but within those return the relevant results of a separate class whom have the parentId of the main class.
def query = Cars.where {
(colour == 'red')
And then within each list item include the set of parts relating to that CAR ID (as an example of what I'm trying to achieve, I know the code is incorrect though....
this car. add(Parts.whereCarID{})
If you define your domain model properly, you should get it without a criteria involved.
As far as I understand you need to add static hasMany = [parts: Parts] in your Cars domain class, and static belongsTo = [car:Cars] in your Parts class.
So for example, here how it might look:
class Cars {
string colour
static hasMany = [parts:Parts]
// ... rest of your properties
class Parts {
static belongsTo = [car:Cars]
// ... rest of your properties
And to get your result just do this:
def cars = Cars.findAllByColour('red')
Then you can do:
cars.each { car->
println // <-- all the parts for each car is here

can i change the value of a property from another domain class? - grails

I'm a newbie in grails. i'm having a problem right now in my domain classes. I have 3 domain classes, class Patient,class Nurse and class NursePatient, the class NursePatient is a composite key where you can see who is the attending Nurse in a Patient, so if you view its table you can only see the id's of nurses and patients. This is my code for Nurse class:
class Nurse {
String name
Nurse partner
boolean idle = true
static belongsTo = [hospital: Hospital]
static constraints = {
String toString(){
"Nurse ${name}"
--> and this is my domain class for NursePatient:
class NursePatient implements Serializable{
Nurse nurse
Patient patient
static mapping = {
version false
id composite:['nurse', 'patient']
static constraints = {
patient(nullable:false, validator:{val, obj -> ==})
String toString(){
"Nurse ${} - ${}"
void saveIt(Nurse x, Patient y){
def np = new NursePatient(nurse: x, patient: y)
def n = nurse.get(
n.idle = false
--> I was asked to print a list of nurses who doesn't have a patient. I was thinking that the moment I save in table using the saveIt() method from class NursePatient, once the save() is successful it changes the value of the property idle of class Nurse from true to false so that querying is much more easier. My problem is I don't if my code in class NursePatient is correct or is it possible to change the value of a property from another class. Please Help me.. thank You!!
Changing properties of domain classes inside different classes is fine.
However, you don't really need a NursePatient class. If you declare the relationship between Nurses and Patients as many-to-many, like this:
class Nurse {
static hasMany = [patients: Patient]
class Patient {
static hasMany = [nurses: Nurse]
then Grails will create and update the needed join table automatically. You can then query for all the nurses without patients using Criteria API:
def nursesWithoutPatients = Nurse.withCriteria { isEmpty("patients") }

grails - how to save ArrayList in db

I use grails-1.3.2 and hbase plugin.
I have some difficulty in creating one-to-Many association with
hbase (i can work with hibernate), so
i decided to try create one-to-Many association with using ArrayList.
Here are my domain classes and controllers:
class Contacts {
String con
static constraints = {}
class ContactsController {
def create = {
def contact = new Contacts()
contact.con = params.con
class User {
String firstname
String lastname
// static hasMany = [contact: Contacts]
static ArrayList<Contacts> contact
static constraints = {}
class UserController{
def create = {
def user = new User() = params true)
def addContact = {
def user = User.get(params.userID)
def contact = Contacts.get(params.contactID)
In addContact action = null, so it can not work.
In user does nor appear contact field.
Can someone help me understand what i have to do for saving ArrayList in db?
I don't know anything about hbase, but the static contact property of the User class looks very suspicious. The fact that this property is static, implies that every user has the same contact list, which seems unlikely to be the desired behaviour.
In a standard GORM domain model - assuming you want each User to have their own contact list - this would be defined
class User {
String firstname
String lastname
static hasMany = [contact: Contacts]
Although it looks like we're also defining a static property here, it's actually just the definition of how the Contact and User classes are related (AKA mapping) that is static. The contact property that is dynamically added to the User class is non-static.
I recommend renaming the Contacts class to Contact and the contact property to contacts. The GORM mapping would then look like this:
class User {
String firstname
String lastname
static hasMany = [contacts: Contact]
