App crash after Appstore update - ios

we released an update of our App to Appstore the new version works very well at the simulator and our dev devices, but if you make an update from the Appstore the App crashes on startup unless you delete it and reinstall it. You can only see the starting screen and after 1 second the app crashes. I searched the other topics about that and found that it could be the Core Data Migration, but we are using Core Data only with InMemoryStore. Is it necessary to Migrate the Database?

If you changed the data model for Core Data then you need to migrate the database. Otherwise when you attempt to use Core Data it'll crash the application. If your data model didn't change then the problem is elsewhere.


iOS Application is crashing After updating to new version and new firebasedb

happy to see you again.
I was successfully submit and update application in appstore.
here iam facing one issue while updating app from app store app is getting crash(after launch Screen).
while on fresh installation application is working good.
no crash while testing and in TestFlight.
no crash reports available from store.
here I am using firebase db.
finally it's important to inform you.
my db is different from previous version(fbdb_1) to present version(fbdb_2).
whole data is same for two db's.
Any suggestion would be helpful in my learning journey
Checking for unsaved keys in home screen, due to this app is crashing.
Updated keys and now working fine without crash.

Is it possible to retrieve deleted iOS simulator app data?

I've been working on an iOS app and making lots of progress on tweaking a sqlite DB. Using FMDB to interact with the DB, the copy I was working from was the one copied into the simulator app's bundle, not the version that sits in Xcode. I accidentally deleted the app from the simulator, and with it several days of progress on this DB I've been working on. Is there anyway to get that data back? Where do deleted simulator apps go to die?
It won't be possible to get anything of deleted application until and unless you are storing it to permanent storage i.e Keychain.
So, It's not possible to get the DB file for your previous installed application.

Preserve Core Data Between Development Distributions

I have a development distribution of an app out on a couple of devices.
Turns out my export functionality causes a memory leak - meaning I can't get that screen to open without reinstalling the distribution of the app.
Is that data totally lost? I'd really like to be able to save it.
Some ideas:
Write a second helper app that could grab the data
Write some sort of shell script that could retrieve the data plugged into a comptuer
Plug in the devices to a computer... do something in Xcode... no lost data?
Is there any hope?
There was hope!
First - Your data is accessible via Organizer in XCode.
Second - New versions in iTunes do not overwrite core data. BUT you're going to want to make sure the version # increases as iTunes was somewhat finicky about sending over the new version. Your testers might be tempted to delete the app - replacing it in iTunes and re-syncing is all they need to do.
If you update the app without deleting it first, the data is not removed by the OS. So the new version of your app has the opportunity to read the old data.

App crashes after updating it from appstore.Issue might be related to core data?

I recently updated my app with a new version in app store.My users experienced a crash after updating the app.If the user deletes the older app and downloads the app as a new app from the store the app works as desired.
The change i have done is included a new entity in my core data file for a functionality which is located in documents directory in the sandbox compared to older version.When the app is updated from the app store will the core data file be updated with new entities and properties?
In simulator if i include a new entity and run the app without removing build the app crashes and the crash gets resolved if i remove the build and run it again.
I hope this(New core data entity) is the cause for the crash when updated from the store.Could someone suggest how to overcome this.When the user updates the app, the core data file should be also updated.. How can i implement this plz help.
Thanks in advance.
If you change the database structure across version, you must add database migration logic in your code. You can't just expect app to automatically work across different database versions.
Read this stackoverflow post which gives you some useful informations.
Apple's documentation about the subject is here. A good tutorial here.

Application crashes on update from app store

I have a app working fine and it is already submitted to app store. Now the problem comes in when the users of my app try to update the app with the latest version from the app store. The app crashes at splash screen.
If they delete the old version and make a fresh download then it does not pose any problem.
So what could be the factors causing this problem ?
Thanks in advance.
Do you use CoreData in your project?
If yes, did you make any changes to database model?
If yes, did you make new version of database model?
If you didn't create new version of database model but just modify first version then it causes crash.
-> Check there crash logs
