iOS Application is crashing After updating to new version and new firebasedb - ios

happy to see you again.
I was successfully submit and update application in appstore.
here iam facing one issue while updating app from app store app is getting crash(after launch Screen).
while on fresh installation application is working good.
no crash while testing and in TestFlight.
no crash reports available from store.
here I am using firebase db.
finally it's important to inform you.
my db is different from previous version(fbdb_1) to present version(fbdb_2).
whole data is same for two db's.
Any suggestion would be helpful in my learning journey

Checking for unsaved keys in home screen, due to this app is crashing.
Updated keys and now working fine without crash.


Old Fabric app won't show crashes on new Firebase implementation

I have implemented Firebase/Crashlytics to an app. I can see in the logs that app is sending crashes. Firebase Console doesn't show anything. I can see crash free user count decreased after the implementation. Console doesn't show up anything. Please help. My app ID: com.obssmobile.mychesspuzzlegame
I have disconnected the Xcode debugger, relaunched the app and remade the crashes. Issue is persisting.
Here I can see that crash free users started dropping.
Here I can see "report submission successful" log
Console is not updated after several hours.
For apps migrated from Fabric that have been deleted and reintegrated with Firebase, sometimes a linking issue in the backend can cause your app to go into a state where the Firebase listener is unable to make the correct settings request to onboard your app using the new SDK. In these situations there are currently two workarounds.
Delete your app, and reonboard with either a new bundle ID or using the same bundle ID in a different Firebase Project.
Write in to Firebase support and they can try to manually delete the backend link that's causing this issue. However, this should only be done if you have a lot of historical crash data that you need to preserve.

Fabric notified me "STABILITY ALERT" for my iOS app while app is working fine without any crash

I got email from fabric that my iOS app has issue and dropping crash free users but when I am testing, app is working fine without any error or crash even I checked twice XCode logs too.
Here the screenshot:
User's question was resolved by support(at)fabric(dot)io. The filter was pre-cached for a previous date which had no crashes. Resetting the filter populated the correct data.

Issues after giving update app from AppStore

We have an app in Appstore which is functional, Now we have build the app for new Version with complete new architecture, Design. Every thing is changed. Now we have given a update for out existing app in the Appstore. App went live and we updated the current app in Phone, We got the new version as expected.
But the problem starts here. In the Updated app we are not able to login and some other services are not working.
But if we download as new app (I mean deleting the old app and download it again). Every thing is working as expected, like login, and all the services.
We are not understanding what went wrong. What may the issue, Can any one help us.

App crash after Appstore update

we released an update of our App to Appstore the new version works very well at the simulator and our dev devices, but if you make an update from the Appstore the App crashes on startup unless you delete it and reinstall it. You can only see the starting screen and after 1 second the app crashes. I searched the other topics about that and found that it could be the Core Data Migration, but we are using Core Data only with InMemoryStore. Is it necessary to Migrate the Database?
If you changed the data model for Core Data then you need to migrate the database. Otherwise when you attempt to use Core Data it'll crash the application. If your data model didn't change then the problem is elsewhere.

Application crashes on update from app store

I have a app working fine and it is already submitted to app store. Now the problem comes in when the users of my app try to update the app with the latest version from the app store. The app crashes at splash screen.
If they delete the old version and make a fresh download then it does not pose any problem.
So what could be the factors causing this problem ?
Thanks in advance.
Do you use CoreData in your project?
If yes, did you make any changes to database model?
If yes, did you make new version of database model?
If you didn't create new version of database model but just modify first version then it causes crash.
-> Check there crash logs
