F# GetDigitValue value or construct not valid - f#

I am new to F# and would like to have an advice.
I would like to use the GetDigitValue function.
open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Globalization
let getSubscript ichar =
match ichar with
|1 -> GetDigitValue(843)
| _ -> GetDigitVale(852)
I have the following error: The value or constructor 'getDigitValue" is not defined.

Without further information I can't really tell what you are trying to do.
GetDigitValue is a static method of the CharUnicodeInfo class.
It is used like this:
let testString = "1234567890"
let digitValue = CharUnicodeInfo.GetDigitValue(testString, 3)
This returns the digit value for the 3rd character in the string. It also works with a single character too.
let test = '5'
let digitvalue = CharUnicodeInfo.GetDigitValue(test)
To get the superscript of a string I think the Numeric value will return this:
let superscriptTwo ="U+00B2"
let numericvalue = CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue(superscriptTwo)

I would like to get the superscript of numbers.
Then I think you want this function that gives a unicode character that is the superscript of the given digit:
let superscriptOf n =
if 0<=n && n<10 then "⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹".[n] else
invalidArg "n" "Not a single digit number"
Note that F# supports unicode in F# code. You can even use unicode variable names like λ in F# code!


How to wrap printfn in F#?

I have read about continuations and partial applications; I am also aware of the kprintf function.
But I still don't know how to write something like:
let myPrintFunction format variable_length_arguments_list =
let a = sprintf format variable_length_ argument_list
do other things
what would be the syntax this this?
so I could use it like:
myPrintFunction "%s : %i" "hello" 3
This is different than How do I implement a method with a variable number of arguments? because that question is asking how to make a method with a variable number of arguments, but the issue I am facing is to pass that variable number of argument to the next function (sprintf) that takes a variable number of arguments too.
Or, at least that's where I suppose the problem is.
The test code, based on the solution proposed by Scott can be found here: https://dotnetfiddle.net/oCzcS9
I want to demonstrate the ksprintf function, because that one accepts a continuation that will allow you to pass on the resulting string to e.g. a log system.
For the purpose of demonstration, let's first create something that can take a single string as input and pass it on, in this case to the console.
let writeStringToConsole (s: string) = Console.WriteLine ("OUTPUT : " + s)
So now, if writeStringToConsole is all we have, how to we make it accept F# formatting?
let printToConsole format = Printf.ksprintf writeStringToConsole format
Example that demonstrates that it works.
type DU = A | B
let i = 7
let s = "thirteen"
let du = B
printToConsole """an int %i and a string "%s" here""" i s
printToConsole """an int %i and a string "%s" and DU %A here""" i s du
// OUTPUT : an int 7 and a string "thirteen" here
// OUTPUT : an int 7 and a string "thirteen" and DU B here
// Note that OUTPUT is also part of the actual output,
// and it demonstrates how you can add e.g. a timestamp
// or line number or something to the output string, without
// it being part of the formatting.
edit: Some additional notes
The format string must be a literal. That's because the literal string must be read at compile time in order to compute the function that must be returned in order to gobble up whatever values/types that follow the format string.
For example, if you do printToConsole "%i %s %A %A" 7 "x" myType yourType, then you'll see int -> string -> MyType -> YourType in the signature of printToConsole where it's used.
There is a way to use plain strings as format strings with this system, but I don't remember how it's done, and anyway it spoils the type safety. It comes in handy when doing internationalization of strings, and your format strings must come from a resource and not F# source due to external translator services.
edit 2 : Wrap e.g. log system
I created an interface to use for various logging systems, which pretty much share the same features.
type ILogger =
abstract member Debugf: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
abstract member Verbosef: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
abstract member Infof: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
abstract member Warningf: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
abstract member Errorf: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
abstract member Fatalf: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
Then an implementation for my currently used logging system looks like this.
type internal SiLogger(session: Session) =
let slogf = Printf.ksprintf
interface ILogger with
member _.Debugf format = slogf session.LogDebug format
member _.Verbosef format = slogf session.LogVerbose format
member _.Infof format = slogf session.LogMessage format
member _.Warningf format = slogf session.LogWarning format
member _.Errorf format = slogf session.LogError format
member _.Fatalf format = slogf session.LogFatal format
And there is a null logger.
let slogf = Printf.ksprintf
let dummyLog _ = () // The parameter is the title string.
let dummy format = slogf dummyLog format
let getNullLogger () =
{ new ILogger with
member _.Debugf format = dummy format
member _.Verbosef format = dummy format
member _.Infof format = dummy format
member _.Warningf format = dummy format
member _.Errorf format = dummy format
member _.Fatalf format = dummy format
open System
let myPrintFunction (format: Printf.StringFormat<_>) ([<ParamArray>] args) =
let a = sprintf format args
myPrintFunction "%s : %i" "hello" 3
To add the PrintF as a member function, this is the closest I could get. As you see, I had to pass the format string separately (in the constructor, or I could have used a property setter). I could find no way to pass the format string as the first parameter of the PrintF function as I could for a free function (see my other answer at https://stackoverflow.com/a/58822618/5652483).
Also, if I uncomment the line this.RaiseSomeEvent msg, then it breaks. So I could find no way to enable the PrintF function to have a side effect.
Hopefully, someone else can solve these issues.
type Foo (format: Printf.StringFormat<_>) =
member this.RaiseSomeEvent msg = printf "%s" msg
member this.PrintF ([<ParamArray>] args) =
let msg = sprintf format args
//this.RaiseSomeEvent msg
let foo = Foo("%s : %i")
foo.PrintF "hello" 3

How to pick correct method overload for function composition?

Here is a simple composition of functions in F#
let composedFunction = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes >> Array.length
"test" |> composedFunction
Type inference correctly defines the type of composed function string -> int. But compiler cannot pick correct overload of System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes method:
Error FS0041: A unique overload for method 'GetBytes' could not be
determined based on type information prior to this program point. A
type annotation may be needed. Candidates:
System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(chars: char []) : byte [],
System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(s: string) : byte []Blockquote
Is there any way to compose correct overload of System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes which accepts string parameter?
Or course, I can do following
// declare function which calls correct overload and then use it for compostion
let getBytes (s: string) = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes s
let composedFunction = getBytes >> Array.length
// start composition with ugly lambda
let composedFunction =
(fun (s: string) -> s) >> System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes >> Array.length
But I wonder if there is any way without additional function declarations to make the compiler pick right overload according to the inferred string -> int type of composed function?
You can always add annotations:
let composedFunction : string -> _ = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes >> Array.length
let composedFunction = (System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes : string -> _) >> Array.length
As your example shows, .NET methods do not always compose well - I think the idiomatic approach in such situations is just to use the .NET style when you're dealing with .NET libraries (and use functional style when you're dealing with functional libraries).
In your specific case, I would just define a normal function with type annotation and get the length using the Length member rather than using the function:
let composedFunction (s:string) =
The existing answer shows how to get the composition to work with type annotations. Another trick you can do (which I would definitely not use in practice) is that you can add identity function on string to the composition to constrain the types:
let composedFunction = id<string> >> System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes >> Array.length
It's fun that this works, but as I said, I would never actually use this, because a normal function as defined above is much easier to understand.

Convert int to string with leading zeros

I have an integer which I want to convert to a string with leading zeros.
So I have 1 and want to turn it into 01. 14 should turn into 14 not 014.
I tried:
let str = (string 1).PadLeft(2, '0') // visual studio suggested this one
let str = (string 1).PadLeft 2 '0'
let str = String.PadLeft 2 '0' (string 1)
But neither work :(
When I search for something like this with F# I get stuff with printfn but I don't want to print to stdout :/
Disclaimer: This is my first F#
You can use sprintf which returns a string rather than printing to stdout. Any of the print functions that start with an s return a string.
Use %0i to pad with zeroes. Add the length of the intended string between 0 and i. For example, to pad to four zeroes, you can use:
sprintf "%04i" 42
// returns "0042"

Formatting strings in Swift

In some languages, like C# for example, you can create a string in the following way:
"String {0} formatted {1} "
And then format it with String.format by passing in the values to format.
The above declaration is good, because you don't have to know of what type its parameters are when you create the string.
I tried to find similar approach in Swift, but what I found out was something like the following format:
"String %d formatted %d"
which requires you to format the string with String(format: , parameters). This is not good because you would also have to know parameter types when declaring the string.
Is there a similar approach in Swift where I wouldn't have to know the parameter types?
Use this one:
let printfOutput = String(format:"%# %2.2d", "string", 2)
It's the same as printf or the Obj-C formatting.
You can also mix it in this way:
let parm = "string"
let printfOutput = String(format:"\(parm) %2.2d", 2)
Edit: Thanks to MartinR (he knows it all ;-)
Be careful when mixing string interpolation and formatting. String(format:"\(parm) %2.2d", 2) will crash if parm contains a percent character. In (Objective-)C, the clang compiler will warn you if a format string is not a string literal.
This gives some room for hacking:
let format = "%#"
let data = "String"
let s = String(format: "\(format)", data) // prints "String"
In contrast to Obj-C which parses the format string at compile time, Swift does not do that and just interprets it at runtime.
In Swift, types need to conform to the CustomStringConvertible protocol in order to be used inside strings. This is also a requirement for the types used in string interpolation like this:
"Integer value \(intVal) and double value \(doubleVal)"
When you understand the CustomStringConvertible, you can create your own function to fulfill your needs. The following function formats the string based on the given arguments and prints it. It uses {} as a placeholder for the argument, but you can change it to anything you want.
func printWithArgs(string: String, argumentPlaceHolder: String = "{}", args: CustomStringConvertible...) {
var formattedString = string
// Get the index of the first argument placeholder
var nextPlaceholderIndex = string.range(of: argumentPlaceHolder)
// Index of the next argument to use
var nextArgIndex = 0
// Keep replacing the next placeholder as long as there's more placeholders and more unused arguments
while nextPlaceholderIndex != nil && nextArgIndex < args.count {
// Replace the argument placeholder with the argument
formattedString = formattedString.replacingOccurrences(of: argumentPlaceHolder, with: args[nextArgIndex].description, options: .caseInsensitive, range: nextPlaceholderIndex)
// Get the next argument placeholder index
nextPlaceholderIndex = formattedString.range(of: argumentPlaceHolder)
nextArgIndex += 1
printWithArgs(string: "First arg: {}, second arg: {}, third arg: {}", args: "foo", 4.12, 100)
// Prints: First arg: foo, second arg: 4.12, third arg: 100
Using a custom implementation allows you to have more control over it and tweak its behavior. For example, if you wanted to, you could modify this code to display the same argument multiple times using placeholders like {1} and {2}, you could fill the arguments in a reversed order, etc.
For more information about string interpolation in Swift: https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/LanguageGuide/StringsAndCharacters.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014097-CH7-ID292

How to pass F# a string and get the result back in c# [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Call F# code from C#
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am SQL developer and am really new to both F# and C#. I need help on how to pass a string to f# function below and to return the result from F# to C#.
Description of project:
I am using stanford postagger to tag a sentence with the parts of speech.
Reference link from where i copied this code.
module File1
open java.io
open java.util
open edu.stanford.nlp.ling
open edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent
// Path to the folder with models
let modelsDirectry =
__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + #'..\stanford-postagger-2013-06-20\models\'
// Loading POS Tagger
let tagger = MaxentTagger(modelsDirectry + 'wsj-0-18-bidirectional-nodistsim.tagger')
let tagTexrFromReader (reader:Reader) =
let sentances = MaxentTagger.tokenizeText(reader).toArray()
sentances |> Seq.iter (fun sentence ->
let taggedSentence = tagger.tagSentence(sentence :?> ArrayList)
printfn "%O" (Sentence.listToString(taggedSentence, false))
// Text for tagging
let text = System.Console.ReadLine();
tagTexrFromReader <| new StringReader(text)
it won't matter if C# or F# - do make a function that gets a string and returns ... let
s say an int, you just need something like this (put it in some MyModule.fs):
namespace MyNamespace
module MyModule =
// this is your function with one argument (a string named input) and result of int
let myFun (input : string) : int =
// do whatever you have to
5 // the value of the last line will be your result - in this case a integer 5
call it in from C#/.net with
int result = MyNamespace.MyModule.myFun ("Hallo");
I hope this helps you out a bit
For your example this would be:
let myFun (text : string) =
use reader = new StringReader(text)
tagTexrFromReader reader
as you'll have this in the module File1 you can just call it with var res = Fiel1.myFun(text);
BTW: use is in there because StringReader is IDisposable and using use F# will dispose the object when you exit the scope.
PS: is tagTexrFromReader a typo?
