Remove tag using Asana API - asana

Is there a way to do it? I couldn't find an endpoint for that in the documentation.

Do you mean deleting the tag globally? You can remove a tag from a task via POST /tasks/task-id/removeTag, but there isn't currently a way to delete a tag entirely.


Unable to add attachments to a Jira issue using Power automate

For the internal communication without our organization we're trying to setup a power automate flow to get the data from a microsoft forms form and create a issue in jira.
Using a Jira connector for Power-Automate we're able to create a issue but we're unable to add attachments to that issue.
We've created a Power-Automate flow that follows the following steps:
When a response is submitted, This is the trigger. When a response is submitted to the form the power automate flow will trigger.
Initialize a variable.
In order to add multiple attachments to a issue we're creating a array called aAttachments.
Apply to each loop.
Get response details from form
Create jira issue
Get attachments from form
Insert attachments in a json object.
loop trough all the entries in the json
Get file contents
Add file to array
HTTP Post request. Communicatie with the jira rest API and trying to send the file information.
All steps work apart from step 11. We keep getting a 404 return with the following output.
Issue doesnt exist or you dont have the right permissions to view the issue.
We know the issue exists because the issue is created, and the persmissions needed are open to the public.
This is the Post request:
What should change in order to add the attachments to the issue created.
This may help:
Issue attachments not getting through for non-admin users via email
1 - Navigate to the project where the issues are being created > Project Settings > Permissions and check if the user that is creating the issue (Or the default reporter set for your e-mail handler) is configured with the Create Attachments permission.
2 - Check if the attachment you are trying to add has the size allowed in your site, under Jira Settings > System > Attachments
Unable to attach files to issues in Jira

Tag JIRA item descriptions and build Documentation

Is there a way to Tag portions of the Description field in JIRA items and then build a Documentation file from it? Or something similar?
Use a custom field to store the text you want to appear in a report of some kind

Linking Bitbucket to Youtrack

I'm trying to link issues in commit messages from Bitbucket to Youtrack, but can't find proper solution.
I have for ex. commit message "CORE-214 adding foreign currency" and want to make CORE-214 link to our Youtrack as described here -
So I create new custom link in Repository / Settings / Links using Add a custom link:
Replacement URL:\1
Raw regex: CORE-\d+
However no links are showing in commit messages. We were using JIRA links integration before and everything was working fine, but that was configured using Add a repository link to JIRA feature.
The \1 part of the replacement regex is meant to insert a captured group from the regular expression. Your regex doesn't include any capture groups.
Try this instead: (CORE-\d+).

use Confluence-publisher-plugin in Jenkins to send build information to Wiki

I know there are some questions regarding this, but didn't get the right answer yet.
I am trying to use Confluence publisher plugin in Jenkins to send build information (Logs, artifacts...) to wikiD page. I can attach artifacts and write plain text to the wiki page. But I'm trying to update/append/prepend wiki page table with build info. I think I might be able to achieve this by using macros but not sure how to use that for data in tables??
does anyone here know how to achieve that?
Sure. I can mention how i did it. There might be different way others will do the same thing.
So, in Confluence, either create a Blank macros as mentioned on Confluence-publisher-plugin wiki and in Jenkins, use "Wiki Markup Replacements" options in plugin configuration to direct your Contents.
OR other option is what i did on mine, was to create table in the wiki and use Cell header ( |cell1||cell2|... ) as Marker Token. then select plain text option, where you enter all the contents that you want to be published in your Wiki.

Using Asana API to Copy a Project

Is there a way to copy an Asana project using the API, similar to the "Use as a Template (Copy Project)" functionality available in the web interface?
We use 'template' projects heavily and now we are looking to automate this process.
Thanks in advance.
Till now Asana API does not facilitate this. But still if you want to make it work, fetch your template project using Asana API and fetch the tasks too. After that create new project and paste your tasks or any other details that you want. That will make things work for you.
