Initial View Controller on top level of hierarchy loses NavigationBar - ios

I have a hierarchy of 3 TableViewControllers embeded in Navigation Controller and I need to launch on the most detailed level on the top of the hierarchy. If I change 'Is Initial View Controller' in storyboard to the last detailed TableViewController, my app launches with the selected TVC, but with no NavigationBar. How can I launch on the desired level of hierarchy and keep the Navigation Controller managing the stack of views?
Thank you.

You're telling the storyboard that your third view controller is the root view controller--it has no navigation bar. If you want the navigation controller present as the root view controller then you need to make it the initial view controller, then change the navigation's root to your third view controller.
initial-->[navigation controller]-->[third VC] [first VC]-->[second VC] (keep these around if you want... just disconnect them from the navigation controller)

You would have to select the ViewController that you want as initial and embed it into a NavigationController, and then add all of the other views after that using push segues.
But why do that? Why not just have the first viewcontroller display the data that you will have in the third view controller? you will end up with the same results.
You should also check out this.


Back Navigation from Embedded UISplitViewController Using Single Navigation Bar

I’d like to have split views in several places of my iOS app, none of them as the root view controller. I understand that split views are initially designed to sit at the root of the app and provide the root navigation controller, and that Apple’s guidelines initially did not allow any workarounds. Updated guidelines state
You cannot push a split view controller onto a navigation stack. Although it is possible to install a split view controller as a child in some other container view controllers, doing is not recommended in most cases.
Now the split view pattern would really benefit my app, and I don’t want to reinvent the wheel here, so I gave it a try using a container view, mainly using the following steps:
Create a scene with a regular UIViewController.
Add a UIContainerView covering the entire screen.
Add a UISplitViewController to the storyboard, which creates a split view controller, a navigation controller, a table view controller (for the master view), and a regular view controller (for the detail view).
Create an embed segue from the container view to the split view controller.
This has a few quirks, which I hope to iron out eventually (e.g. initially showing detail view, swiping in the table view from the left on an iPad apparently tries to also back nav on the main navigation), but it basically works. So far, so good.
Now, the problem is that I have two navigation controllers: the main navigation controller at the root of my app and the navigation controller in the embedded split view. This gives me two navigation bars with independent navigation, allowing me to:
navigate back to the root of the split view using the embedded navigation controller
navigate back from the container view in the enclosing navigation controller
Besides two navigation bars not being appealing, I don’t want iPhone users to perform the second directly from the detail view. So my next steps were:
hide the navigation bar in the outer view controller
add a back navigation button to the inner navigation bar to take over the role of the main navigation bar’s back button
Left to do is the implementation for that back button that pops the container's view controller of the main navigation stack. The question is: how can I access the main navigation controller from the embedded view that has its own navigation controller (using Swift)?
Accessing the navigation stack of the parent's (containing view controller's) navigation controller turned out to be straightforward:
#IBAction func backButtonTapped(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
parent?.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
I had to face a similar kind of problem while developing my app.
My problem was, I had to display navigation controller and splitviewcontroller on side bar. Again a problem was navigation controller form splitview to navigation controller. Below are the steps which i followed
1) While creating a split view controller, I hided the navigation controller of master and detail and set it to root view, please also keep the reference of your top level navigation controller.
2) I increased the 'y' of splitview.root.window and view to accommodate custom view.
3) I created a custom view with a back button and then handled the transition with animation.
Please let me know if you want code snippets. I would have shared it now. But i have to search for it.

Navigation bar is empty, created from storyboard

This is my story board:
Whenever I jump to a view controller embedded in navigation controller, the navigation bar is shown but empty, why?
The sequence I created it is:
connect buttons with destination view controllers
embed destination view controllers in navigation view controller
And the segue I use is present modally - cross dissolve.
The First root controllers of a navigation controller won't have any Back button attached to its navigation bar. You should add an additional View Controller next to any root View Controller of Navigation Controller with Push Segue ( or Show Segue for newer IOS ) to navigate between them.
I tested different segue transition methods with test projects, the answer I got is: if you are transitioning by presenting it modally, you don't get the back button, you only get it by push.

parentViewController and presentingViewController both are nil

I have a tabBarController with 5 tabs the third tab is a navigation controller with TableViewController as the root view controller.
When I press on a row on the table view it push a detail view (regular view controller) about the selected row.
The problem is first time parentViewController and presentingViewcontroller properties (in the details page) are set, all other consecutive both properties are set to nil.
I created a single tab application with navigation controller same as the one in the picture but I did not disable auto layout in the storyboard, every time parentViewController is set correctly.
I believe this is a bug if you disabled auto layout.
You are neither creating a child view controller, nor presenting a modal.
(Pushing a detail view controller onto a navigation controller's stack is kind of like adding a child, but navigation controllers predate the parent/child view controller mechanism, so they don't use it.)
What you need to check is the navigationController property of your detail view controller. That should be non-nil if it was pushed onto a navigation controller stack.

Segue-ing to Embedded view controller

I have have a view controller that is embedded in a UINavigationController and I want to segue to another view controller that is also embedded in a different UINavigationController. If I try to use a push segue, I get an error saying that I can't push a UINavigationController. However, I don't think using a modal segue is appropriate. How should I go about this?
How should I go about this?
You should use a single navigation controller.
the problem is that I want different bar button items for each view controller and they won't change
Each view controller can set up the bar buttons however it likes. Take a look at UINavigationItem. Each view controller has a navigation item, and the navigation item has various properties such as leftBarButtonItems and rightBarButtonItems that you can use to set the buttons.

Modally Presenting a Navigation View Controller in a UITabBarController With a Segmented Control

I've spent the past few days searching on the web for a solution to my problem, however, I can't seem to find a problem similar to mine. I am using a TabBarController and on one of the tabs I have a segmented Control in the navigation bar that I would like to use to switch between view controllers. The problem is that when I present the second view Controller it appears over the tabbarcontroller. Is there anyway to keep the modally presented Navigation controller in the tabbarcontroller?
This is the first controller.
And this is the controller I am trying to present.
well we can't really comment unless we saw some code. But I think your problem may be to do with your view hierarchy. If I was going to build what you are attempting I would do as follows:
UITabbar controller that contains a custom navigation bar controller
The custom nav bar controller would contain the segment controller and have a protocol defined so that a delegate could be alerted when either segment was selected by the user.
The nav bar's root view controller would be a view controller that acted as a UIView container for the two screens you are displaying (friends and circle screens)
This root view controller would be the delegate for the custom nav controller so that it will know when the user selected a segment.
When the user selected a segment the root view controller would then switch between the friends and circles view controllers in the container.
To do the above have a look at the documentation for creating UIViewController Containers and working with delegates
Hope that helps!
