How to test/check use of NSURLCache? - ios

I have added the two lines of code to my project as described in this blog post.
However, as nothing different happens in the app itself, is there a way to test this behaviour and check it is working as expected? Is there a profile in instruments? Is there something I can print to the log in Xcode when a response is cached/cached response is used?
It just seems so simple to implement, I want to make sure it is actually having an effect on my app and that I won't have to implement a caching system myself.
Many thanks,

go offline right after you got the page and then reload the web view. the caching should take effect and the page should load I'd think

You can make sure so by analyzing HTTP traffic through a third party software like Charles.
Whenever app will make a request, HTTP Analyzer will pick the request made. If it is using cache, then same will be reflected in it.
(Check the contents of response to confirm the same)


How to show response from GET ajax call after user is offline through service worker?

Basically, I want my PWA to work offline. But on page load of website, there is an GET ajax call which helps in showing some content of the page.
Question is how do I let my PWA work offline as there will be an ajax call on page load which would require me to either store the response in cache?
As the content can be heavy, is it even correct to cache so much data?
Also, I read somewhere that we cannot cache GET requests, so how can I proceed with making PWA work offline?
I have tried looking at the following links, but these do not say me how to cache a dynamic content
Of course you can cache "dynamic" content – that's because from the browser's point of view it's just anothe HTTP request :-) It is of course a matter of your application & server logic whether that is useful in any way. For some application caching dynamic content and then showing it to the user at a later time might work completely ok but for some other application it might come with problems. You know, it would be fine to show a rarely updated avatar image but not ok to show old currency info, right?
You could also design the app around these limitations, maybe show the user a notification saying "hey, you're using an offline version and the data is XX hours old!" or something like that.
You can easily store multiple megabytes of network responses into the cache. If you've got more than 50 megs browsers start to limit you. Also, always have error handling ready if the browser tells you the cache is full or whatever.
Does this explanation help you?

Using a custom URL scheme with UIWebView

I have a black box container. I love black boxes, they obfuscate things so well.
This black box is an encrypted zip (sort of) and has inside some html files (this is the short, not so painful to explain, version).
Those files need to be displayed in an UIWebView. Now, the easy way to do it, decrypt, unzip to filesystem, load file from filesystem. That's good, except, the black box contains secret stuff, and can't just lay around on the filesystem, not even a sec, so, I made a C library that actually streams the contents of the box (directly out of the box).
Now, I have this streaming capability and have to somehow make it work with UIWebView. First thing that comes in my mind would be to use a mini local HTTP server where the UIWebView can sent its requests. I would then manage the requests myself and return the contents the UIWebView requires using the streaming lib I've done. That would work I suppose well, but I think a mini HTTP server would somehow, maybe, be a little bit of a overkill.
So, I was wondering, is there another way to interfere between UIWebView and the filesystem? Maybe using a custom schema? Like myschema://? And every time the UIWebView makes a request to myschema://myfile.html I would somehow interfere and return the data it needs?
Is such a idea viable? Where should I look to start from? Maybe NSURLRequest?
EDIT: I found this: iPhone SDK: Loading resources from custom URL scheme. It sounds good, however, how will the browser know the size of the request, the type (xml/binary/xhtml) and all the info HTTP puts in its header?
Create a custom NSURLProtocol subclass and register it so it will handle the HTTP requests. This will allow you to handle the requests that come from the UIWebView however you see fit, including supplying the data from your library. You can examine an implementation of one that performs disk caching of requests to allow offline browsing by looking at RNCachingURLProtocol. I personally use a custom NSURLProtocol subclass that I wrote to handle injecting some javascript code into pages that are loaded in the UIWebView, and it works very well.

Sending data to form, but cant work out encrypted post data - work around

Im trying to send some data to a form on a site were im a member using cURL, but when i look at the headers being sent, they seem to have been encrypted.
Is there a way i can get around this by making the computer / server visit the site and actual add the data to the inputs on the form and then hit submit, so that it would generate the correct data and post the form ?
You have got a few options:
reverse engineer the JavaScript that does the encryption (or possibly just encoding) process
get a browser engine (e.g. the Gecko engine), and add some scripting to it to fill in the forms and push the submit button - of course you would need JavaScript support within the page itself
parse the HTML using an HTML parser, feed the JavaScript in it to a JavaScript runtime with the correct libraries, fill in the "form" and hit the submit button
It's probably easiest to go for the first option. The JavaScript must be in the open to be able to be executed in the browser. But it may take some time to reverse-engineer as it is likely obfuscated.
You can use a framework to automate user interaction on the web pages, like Selenium.
This would enable you to not bother reverse engineering anything.
Selenium has binding in various languages, including Python and java.
Provided the javascript is visible on the website in question, you should be able to simply copy and paste their encryption routines to prepare the headers exactly as they do
A hacky fix if you can isolate the function that encodes the data you type in the form - is to use something like PyV8 to execute the JS inside python.
Use AutoHotKeyIt and actually have it use the Browser Normally. It can read from files, and do repetitive tasks infinitely. Also you can push a flag to make it only happen within that application, which means you can have it minimized and yet still preform the action.
You seem to be having issues with the problem of them encrypting the headers and such, so why not simply use that too your advantage? Your still pushing the same data in, but now your working around their system. With little to no side effect too you.

How could I make an app login in a website and get info in the background?

I think I am mostly struggling with this problem because I do not know what to search for.
I want to make an app that allows the user to enter their gift card number and use that number to login to this website:
I have no idea how to do this without control over the website. Is it even possible to do so?
I don't want to use a UIWebView to show the page.
You should read up on NSURLConnection, you're going to have to execute a post request to login. Then you're going to have to determine whether or not you logged in successfully probably by parsing the returned page. NSURLConnection will handle storing the login cookie the site returns. After you've logged in you're probably going to need to execute another post request to query their system. Once again you will have to probably parse the result out of the HTML page that is returned.
NSURLConnection Delegate Protocol:
This all of course assumes that this website doesn't have an API you can use.
Looks like you need to programatically POST in https to the server, then you will get back some DOM document, or JSON, or some weird thing, which you then parse.
POSTing with iOS is pretty easy, look at something like LRResty or similar.
When you get the data back, first thing to do is look at it with NSLog. Then if the data is HTML, you will need to wade into the HTML to get the result.
The problem with that approach is that the company hosting the page may change their API at any time. You should ask them to either not ever change anything (if they want to change, then make a new page and leave the old one working, or better, support a simple REST API - which would also help them build nice AJAX/html5 web sites in the future.).

web scraping/parsing of college course site

Trying to parse/scrape the course site for memphis. The site is "". It appears to be some sort of javascript issue, or dynamic generation of the text. I can see the underlying DOM structure using livehttpdheaders/Firefox, but not when I simply view the underlying source/text of the page..
Thoughts/Comments/Pointers would be appreciated...
Well this modern days the site may be assembled in few steps. First the main structure is pulled in and then, often based on identity of the user additional AJAX calls are executed. Your best bet is to sniff HTTP to see what kind of requests are issued between the site is initially requested and when it's fully built
Since you are using firebug you can get HttpFox add-on which gives you what you need
