Scroll bars with a translucent navigation bar - ios

If you setTranslucent to YES on a UIViewController, it shifts the content 'up' (I suppose what it is really doing is not shifting it down).
Since all of my content is in a UIScrollView, the navigation bar is effectively covering the top of this scroll view. I can bump the items in the scroll view down a little, but the scroll indicators still get partially hidden under the nav bar.
I would consider moving the whole scroll bar down 44 points, except that's not going to look right in landscape orientation on an iPhone.
A vanilla UITableView seems to handle this scenario just fine - how can I do the same in my UIViewController?
I've realized that I'm supposed to set contentInsets and scrollIndicatorInsets to 'shift' things down. But still my problem remains - In landscape mode, there is an ugly gap between the nav bar and the scroll view.

It took me 2 minutes to google this answer: contentInset
Check this question for an explanation:
After that you need to adjust ScrollIndicatorInsets as well.
Edit: this fellow has similar rotation issues:
He needed to reset the scroll position after rotating back. It's an edge case though.


scroll up tableview to hide half of navigation bar and the whole table gets offset

I'm using a UITableViewController embedded in a navigation controller, I've checked the "hide bars on swipe" for the navigation controller in the storyboard. No crazy code, scrollview functions are not overridden, didn't write any code that would offset any views.
When I scroll up the tableview a tiny bit and release it when the navigation bar is half hidden, the whole table gets offset and it's off screen (sometimes the top left corner of the table is visible), then if I scroll up the table view a bit, it's back to its normal position, if I check "adjust scroll view insets" in the storyboard, the whole screen flashes black.
Has anyone encountered the same problem?
p.s. I'm using Xcode 9 beta with iOS 10.3, not sure if this has anything to do with it.
Scroll navigation bar half way
The view after releasing
So I created a new set of TableviewController and NavigationController, and tested it step by step by adding changes to it, it turned out that I had set my navigation bar to be translucent in the storyboard, once I unchecked it the issue was resolved. There's still an unwanted bounce effect if I release the navigation bar at half hidden position, which appears to be the view adjusting the offset, but it's way better than what it was like.
P.S. make sure "Adjust scroll view insets" is checked.
Turns out setting extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars to True also resolves this issue, if you want to keep the navigation bar opaque.

UIPageController inside UINavigationController is offset from the top?

This a little bit wierd i have made UIPageController that works and everything is fine. But when i put it inside UINavigationController, it offset from the for status bar. Than i swipe up on that screen it positions itself right and everything is ok. I don't really understand what is happening. Here are the images
try setting adjustScrollViewInsets to false on UIPageController.
This is the property that determines whether the system should automatically add inset to a UIScrollView in your view controller's view hierarchy when it is being displayed behind transparent bars (here , the navigation bar). What happened here is that the system assumed the bounds of the page controller overlaps with that of the nav bar and so it adds insets so that the view's contents is fully visible and is not obscured by the nav bar. But in this case it is wrong since it seems your page controller's bounds starts at the bottom edge of the nav bar.
I think you can also set the nav bar as opaque to disable the automatic adding of insets.

UIView added to ScrollView not fitting full screen with Navigation bar at the top

EDIT: Small update to my issue, what i did as a solution for now was obviously just having my scrollview white. This fixes my issue, but my real curiosity was to why exactly the content view was doing what i explained below. Also still curious to what common practice formatting is when adding a scroll view to a VC with a navigation bar.
So i am a bit confused with what is going on here. I have a VC with a navigation bar at the top and i need to add a Scroll view to it. So when i did that i stretched it to just below the navigation bar at the top of the screen, then added constraints. (I also made the ScrollView background red so i could differentiate it from the content view)
Secondly i added a UIView which i named Content view and i stretched it to the exact same position as the Scroll view. Then added constraints for that as well. (No objects were added yet)
I then ran the app to check how it looked and i noticed that under the navigation bar my there was a big chunk of red, meaning the Scroll view was full screen in the correct position right below the nav bar, but my content view was not.
A couple things i did to fix this was
I extended the Scroll view all the way to the top of the VC, past the nav bar, but when i ran the app i could see red behind the nav bar, which i figured meant it was not right.
I extended just the content view to the top of the VC, but this did not seem right to me either, even though both seemed to fix the problem.
So my questions are:
When adding views in general to a VC with a nav bar at the top should i be extending those views only to the bottom of the nav bar, or all the way to the top of the VC?
I am new to Scroll views as this is my first time dealing with one, am i missing something in this situation? Or doing something wrong?
Your help is greatly appreciated, thank you.
1) Move the scroll view all the way up and beyond nav bar.
2) Have the scroll view match the height of its parent.

Animate Controls down with change to UINavigationBar

I have a UINavigationController with standard UINavigationBar. When presenting certain UIViewControllers and orientations, the UINavigationBar may or may not appear and it may or may not have a prompt element. This means that the bar height changes frequently.
I have some subviews below the UINavigationBar set with NSLayoutConstraints to topLayoutGuide. It generally lays out as expected, adjusting vertical position of the subviews appropriately based on the height of the UINavigationBar. What it does not do is move the subviews at times when the UINavigationBar is animated after the view is already displayed.
Specifically, coming from a state with UINavigationBar hidden, transition to a UIViewController which does not hide the navigation bar to one which does. The view displays, then navigation bar animates into place. The subviews do not move down. If I rotate the device, every things lays out appropriately again. Only when animating the navigation bar in and out or to display/hide the prompt I not find a hook to reevaluate the constraints.
I tried [self.view updateConstraints] and [self.view updateConstraintsIfNeeded] in various places such as viewDidAppear, viewDidLayoutSubviews. Nothing seems to update that topLayoutConstraint.
I am familiar with edge restraints, translucent navigation bar and other various methods of keeping the entire view from appearing under the navigation bar. I do want to keep view full size and I want the translucent bar so these are not solutions for me. It seems the constraints should handle this automatically, hence the "auto" in auto layout.
To simplify, for recreation, UINavigationController with rootViewcontroller showing normal navigation bar with just a title. In viewDidLoad of the next presented viewController I have [self.navigationContoller setPrompt:self.myPrompt]. The view is presented, when the prompt is set, the navigation bar grows larger. Some labels below the bar are set with relation to topLayoutGuide, which places them correctly initially. I expect they would move down when the bar grows. Rotate device back and forth, they now layout correctly. Pop the viewController and push back to top, repeats as above.
So, it turns out it was all me. After trying all manner of forcing layout updates in all sorts of ways, the solution was to move the [myView setPrompt:myPrompt] out of viewDidLoad and call it in viewDidAppear instead.
Works completely as expected. Navbar grows, subviews shift and shrink as needed. Now I have to hunt down all the experimental code I plastered everywhere trying to do it wrong.

GLKView frame size animation causes GL to render only a portion of the screen

I have a GLKView contained in a UIView under a top, nav-like bar. The bar can be shown/hidden with an animation and the autolayout pinning causes the views to fill the portion of the screen under the bar (or the full screen if hidden).
What's odd is that when the top bar begins its show/hide animation, the GLKView immediately jumps to the final height. When showing the top bar (which shrinks the GLKView), it causes clear band to be seen on the top and bottom.
What's also odd is that the view's position seems to work correctly, and animates smoothly down as the top bar comes down until they all eventually line up as they should.
Dumping out out the GLKView's layer.presentationLayer property seems to indicate that it's bounds animates correctly.
The GLK-ness of the view could be a red-herring as I haven't tested this on other parts of the app...will do though...
Very confused. Sorry no photos but it's all NDA and I've no time to make a sample project right now. Maybe later if need be. Thanks...
