IOS twitter feed tutorial - ios

I am currently building an app where they require all their users to be able to view their feeds only.
I looked at a lot of tutorials online which talk about the new api v1.1 of twitter and now authentication is required at all times.
I see a lot of examples and even successfully followed several of them like
I even saw a tutorial posted on the twitter dev page.Following all of these focused on a few key elements
Using ACAccount to retrieve the account settings of the current user
Using the SLRequest to encapsulate the HTTP request made to the twitter api
Retrieving the data in JSON format, parsing it and presenting it to the user
Well my question is, I do not want user specific feeds. It's like a company updates their twitter regularly, users using the app should get feeds regarding the company. So I was wondering if there was a way, the app provides some default or hard coded authentication information ?
Is there some sort of tutorial, library or anything out there to help me move in the correct direction ?
Thank You for your time and help.

Your going to want to implement the following API call to get that information:
Once your application is authorized you can make a call to,
That should give you the information you're looking for.


Using Instagram Basic Display API to get user's metadata

I am currently working on an iOS-App where Instagram users can fetch their data, such as profile information and images and will be able to post. There are similar apps like Flume ( which are capable of accessing those features. I already managed to get the access token and fetch the basic user information.
As the Instagram Legacy API will be shut down soon, I am wondering how to fetch detailed user information, as the Basic Display API only lists fields for account type, id, username and media count (
In both the Basic Display API as well as the Graph API it says that creating media is not supported.
Can anyone tell me how other apps (like Flume) are able to perform those actions? Are they perhaps still using the Instagram Legacy API?

iOS upgrade to twitter api 1.1

I currently have a bunch of apps that go and make simple anonymous calls to the twitter API, and grab several differing timelines. Obviously, twitter is changing things up with 1.1, and is demanding authenticated calls using oauth. Does that mean each of my users need a token (their own account) to do call, or do I need one app token for all of them? Should I be using the twitter api included with iOS 5? Note: These are not the user's timeline...just several news feeds on twitter. Am a bit confused. Any pointers would be appreciated.
This is a good question, I struggled with this myself.
You can use Twitter API client via PHP and then json_encode the user timeline you want and parse it. This is not the best practice, but is a work around I had to do for an app on which I wanted to only display tweets no other action was need, like getting links, retweets, etc.
hope this serves.

How do I submit my Facebook graph api action for approval?

I have a mobile phone app, supporting web site and a Facebook account
When certain actions are taken on my phone app I interact with my web server. My web server then posts some info to a page on MY Facebook account.
I chose to use the graph api to achieve the posts to my Facebook page but I can see no way of complying with Facebooks requirements for submission.
When I try to submit facebook states the following
No Aggregations created for this Action Type. Please create a
completed Aggregation populated with sample data before submitting for
Firstly I have no idea what an aggregation is?
Then the docs state
Review your Action Type before submitting for approval. Make sure your
definition is complete and your app is testable end-to-end for
publishing actions of this Action Type
Which makes sense but how do I get my mobile app to Facebook staff so they can test?
I should add that all works fine in development mode
If you are trying to create an action via the Facebook Open Graph Beta, you should first look into the documentation here. There you will find all information on actions, objects and aggregations you can generate on the timeline.
Further you will have to go to the subsection Open Graph of your App Settings: and create your aggregations populated with sample data.
If you want to make a simple post though, then use the Graph API and POST a Post object to the feed connection of the User object. There are a lot of examples and tutorials on the web and a lot of questions on that matter here on stackoverflow.

How to download Facebook page posts

I am an iOS developer and I am writing an app which needs to take statuses from my Facebook page and and display them in my app.
Does the Facebook API support that?
If it does, can anyone give a link for some tutorials or explain how can I make this?
I know that API supports an RSS feed but i don't found how to feed my statuses.
If you're using a Facebook page, you can easily use the graph API to query for posts made by that page. For example, for Starbucks:
You can simply load this in your browser to see the format the data comes back in, and all that's needed to access this data is a simple HTTP request. You can replace Starbucks with your Page's ID or username to get your Page's posts. These come back in JSON, which should be fairly easy to handle on your end.
Yes, the Facebook Graph API allows you to access your profile and extract any information you'd like from it.

Using oAuth to retrieve tweets of a particular ID (equivalent to a page in facebook)

I need to know as to how to implement oAuth in an iphone application.
I have already gone through lot many posts but none of them shows as to How to retrieve tweets from a user profile (like we access facebook wallposts). I tried using an example named bengottlieb/Twitter-OAuth-iPhone but all it does is show the Login prompt and posts a sample Twit at my Twitter profile.
I need to make an application where
the user can view twits for a particular page (same as accessing the wall post for a Page)
Post tweets that will appear on his profile or if possible then also at the profile page for given ID
I was able to fetch the tweets for a particular id using but may be due to closing of Basic authentication it does not return to me tweets older than a specific time period.
The Twitter search API is not meant to retrieve the tweets from one particular user, even though it does seem to work (up to a certain point back in time). As far as I know the search API does not need authentication, so you're not in trouble regarding the deprecation of Basic authentication there.
To retrieve the tweets for a user, you need to retrieve their timeline. Be sure to use OAuth authentication, as indeed Basic authentication no longer works now.
Check out for more information. The API is documented quite well. You mention basic authentication, so perhaps you could start with to get you going?
