Highcharts rangeSelector for multiple charts - highcharts

I have 4 charts which contain multiple series. Is it possible to have the rangeSelector() change all charts at once?
Even more desirable would be using the sliding master detail which is enabled like so: $('#container').highcharts('StockChart', { ....
If it's possible could someone point me to references or examples
thanks in advance,

You can use afterSetExtremes() to catch event form one chart, and use setExtrmes to set range on the others charts. http://api.highcharts.com/highstock#xAxis.events.afterSetExtremes http://api.highcharts.com/highstock#Axis.setExtremes()


Custom charts in highchairs

I am trying to plot the chart as shown below
Not sure what to search for as this is a combination of three charts on same chart.Any starting point will help
To achieve the chart like that, you can use the Highcharts Stock with combination of three series:
line, flags and column.
Sample demo you can base on:
API Reference:

Highcharts: Legend not show

I tried to make a chart using Highcharts 3.0. Have a look at [http://jsfiddle.net/QL2Hn/][1]
The problem is, why the chart legend only perform 2 pieces only? Please help. Thank you.
Well for me it lists all items, see this http://jsfiddle.net/QL2Hn/1/ but you need to set showInLegend:true

Highcharts stacked bar graph as timeline

Is there a way to make the Highcharts stacked bar graph work like a timeline? What I'd like to achieve is demonstrated in this Google Timeline Chart example.
Of key importance is that values can be repeated on the same bar. I haven't been able to figure this out, and currently suspect I may need to fall back to the Renderer and draw this chart manually, or switch to Google Charts, both of which I'd prefer to avoid. Thanks for any thoughts!
Yes, it is possible. This is called a gantt chart. That link has various examples. Some dont work. In that case update the jsFiddle's jquery and change the highcharts.js inclusion url.

Highcharts combination

I would like to ask about chart combination in Highcharts.
Is there any possible combine the multiple axis chart which is located in Highcharts with the Highstock scroll bar features ?
thank you for reply.
You can use highstock.js with combine with Highcharts. Then scrollbar will be avaiable. Please take look at example:
I don't know about scroll bar but there is a example called master-detail check it out once. it may be helpful to you

high charts with master-detail and handles

I'm using highcharts to build a chart and I need to use the api that it exposes to do certain things. however I would like my chart to be a master-detail type chart like the one in the highstock library but which has the handles on them.
I know i can create a master-detail in highcharts but it does not seem have the handles for dragging the selected range.
In the end I used highstock and found an example with multiple series in the 'master' chart which is called 'navigator' the highstock charts.
