Why TButton.enable does not produce the expected result in this case? - delphi

The following occurs in a FireMonkey (Delphi XE3) application. Look at the following code (it’s just a dummy example, to illustrate the issue):
procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
Button4.Enabled:= false; //This should gray-out the button
// get busy for some time
for I := 0 to 100000000000 do
Button4.Enabled:= true;
I would expected Button4 to get grayed-out before entering into the busy operation represented by the “for” loop. Nonetheless, it doesn’t.
By the end of the OnClick handler execution, the button does not “seem to react” to the Button4.Enabled:= false. Why?
How can I workaround it?
This works just fine in VCL.

It's not reacting because the reaction is only visible when the button repaints itself. That only happens when the next wm_Paint message is processed, but your code isn't processing messages, so the button, and indeed the entire form, remains unchanged for the duration of that loop.
The immediate fix would be to call Button4.Repaint, which will allow the button to update its appearance. That doesn't process all messages, though.
A poor fix would be to occasionally call Application.ProcessMessages in your loop, but needing to call that is usually a sign you're doing something wrong.
Finally, the best fix would be to move your long-running task into another thread. Disable the button when you start the task, and enable it whenever the task completes.


Delphi, form release, preventing Application.MessageBox execution

so there have been a hundred questions whether to Release vs Free forms in Delphi.
I have encountered an interesting issue that I couldn't explain, below is the (over-simplified) pseudo-code:
procedure SomeProc;
var vForm: TForm;
vForm := create;
// more stuff
Application.MessageBox ('some message');
expected behavior:
upon closing my modal form, the messagebox would show up.
actual behavior:
Messagebox doesn't show, and execution proceeds as if user pressed 'No' ('No' is the default in the actual code)
tracing it:
ShowModal ends, no problems here
release is called, CM_RELEASE is posted in the event queue
MessageBox executes // begin internals of MessageBox code, VCL.Forms unit
TaskActiveWindow := ActiveWindow; // a handle to the active window is saved. who is the active window?
MessageBox invokes Application.ProcessMessages
our modal form destructor is finally invoked.
external call to Windows, with the saved handle TaskActiveWindow
If the call to Release is replaced by Free, the issue never occurs. Since the form is a Modal (internally, busy looping processing messages), there is no harm in calling Free, so that solves the immediate problem.
However it does not explain what is actually going on under the hood.
I can assume, but cannot prove, that the active window was still the modal form upon saving the handle. And since the handle's underlying form is then freed, this is why the MessageBox is not showing?
Would love some opinions / insights on the above.
PS: copy-pasting this may not reproduce the issue at your end, but what is definitely true is, no issues are faced when calling Free instead of Release.

OnShown event for TForm?

At program start, in the OnActivate event handler, I need to do something which blocks the program for a few seconds. During this time the form's client area is still not completely painted, which looks ugly for the user. (During this blocked time I don't need the program to respond to clicks or other user actions, so there is no need to put the blocking operation into a thread - I just need the form to be completely painted). So I use TForm.Update and Application-ProcessMessages to update the form before the blocking operation which works very well:
procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
However, I wonder whether there is not another more elegant solution for this problem. This could be for example a OnShown event implemented in a descendant of TForm which will be fired AFTER the form has been completely painted. How could such an event be implemented?
Your real problem is that you are blocking the UI thread. Simply put, you must never do that. Move the long running task onto a different thread and thus allow the UI to remain responsive.
If you are looking for event which is fired when application finishes loading/repainting you should use TApplication.OnIdle event
This event is fired once application is read to recieve users input. NOTE this event will be fired every time application becomes idle so you need to implement some controll variable which will tel you when OnIdle even was fired for the first time.
But as David already pointed out it is not good to block your UI (main thread). Why? When you block your main thread the application can't normally process its messages. This could lead to OS recognizing your application as being "Hanged". And aou definitly wanna avoid this becouse it could cause the users to go and forcefully kill your application whihc would probably lead to data loss. Also if you ever wanna design your application for any other platforms than Windows your application might fail the certification proces becouse of that.
In the past a simple PostMessage did the trick.
Essentially you fire it during DoShow of the base form:
procedure TBaseForm.DoShow;
PostMessage(Handle, APP_AFTERSHOW, 0, 0);
then catch the msg and create an AfterShow event for all forms inherited from this base form.
But that no longer works, well not if you are skinning and have a good number of VCL controls.
My next trick was to spawn a simple thread in DoShow and check for IsWindowVisible(Handle) and IsWindowEnabled(Handle). That really sped things up it cut 250ms from load time since db opening and other stuff was already in the AfterShow event.
Then finally I thought of madHooks, easy enough to hook the API ShowWindow for my application and fire APP_AFTERSHOW from that.
function ShowWindowCB(hWnd: HWND; nCmdShow: Integer): BOOL; stdcall;
Result := ShowWindowNext(hWnd, nCmdShow);
PostMessage(hWnd, APP_AFTERSHOW, 0, 0);
procedure TBaseForm.Loaded;
if not Assigned(Application.MainForm) then // Must be Mainform it gets assigned after creation completes
HookAPI(user32, 'ShowWindow', #ShowWindowCB, #ShowWindowNext);
To get the whole thing to completely paint before AfterShow it still needed a ProcessPaintMessages call
procedure TBaseForm.APPAFTERSHOW(var AMessage: TMessage);
procedure ProcessPaintMessages; // << not tested, pulled out of code
msg: TMsg;
while PeekMessage(msg, 0, WM_PAINT, WM_PAINT, PM_REMOVE) do
My final test was to add a Sleep to the AfterShow event and see the Form fully painted with empty db containers since the AfterShow events had not yet completed.
procedure TMainForm.AfterShow;

Delphi 7, Windows 7, event handler, re-entrent code

I've got some very old code (15+yr) that used to run ok, on older slower machines with older software versions. It doesn't work so well now because if fails a race condition. This is a general question: tell me why I should have known and expected the failure in this code, so that I can recognise the pattern in other code:
procedure TMainform.portset(iComNumber:word);
windows.outputdebugstring(pchar('portset ' + inttostr(icomnumber)));
with mainform.comport do
if open then open := False; // close port
if open then mainform.statusb.Panels[5].text:=st[1,langnum] {Port open}
else mainform.statusb.Panels[5].text:=st[2,langnum]; {port set OK}
on E: exception do begin
windows.OutputDebugString('exception in portset');
windows.outputdebugstring('portset exit');
Note that flushinbuffer is protected with EnterCriticalSection(); AFAIK Nothing else is protected, and AFAIK there are no message handling sections. BUT
When this code is called from a click event, it gets part way through, then is interupted by a paint event.
The only tracing I have done is with outputdebugstring. I can see the first string repeated on entry before the second string is shown on exit. Is that real, or is it an illusion?
The trace looks like this:
4.2595 [4680] graph form click event
4.2602 [4680] portset 1 'from click event handler'
4.2606 [4680] graph form paint event
4.2608 [4680] portset 1 'from paint event handler'
4.2609 [4680] portset exit
4.3373 [4680] portset exit
This is a race condition: The paint event handler of the form is called before the click event handler code finishes, which causes failures. Serial code is AsyncPro. No thread code. Yes, there is more code, no it doesn't do anything in particular before "portset 1" but it does write to a form before it gets there:
with graphform do begin
if not waitlab.Visible then begin
Don't hold back: What is it doing wrong, what should I be looking for?
This is expected behaviour - opening or closing a TApdComPort will service the message queue, specifically by calling a function it names SafeYield:
function SafeYield : LongInt;
{-Allow other processes a chance to run}
Msg : TMsg;
SafeYield := 0;
if PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) then begin
if Msg.Message = wm_Quit then
{Re-post quit message so main message loop will terminate}
else begin
{Return message so caller can act on message if necessary}
SafeYield := MAKELONG(Msg.Message, Msg.hwnd);
The TApdComPort is an async component - the com port is managed on background threads and opening or closing the port requires either starting or signaling those threads to stop. While waiting for them to free the component services the message queue in case it takes some time for things to synchronize (for example) :
if Assigned(ComThread) then
{Force the comm thread to wake...}
{... and wait for it to die}
while (ComThread <> nil) do
You haven't really show us enough of your own code to say why this is problematic in your case, however. I think David's point about com ports being manipulated in a paint handler is valid... we need to see the broader picture and what, exactly, the problem is that you are having.
A standard paint event cannot happen on its own, it can only be triggered by message retrieval. So the only way the code you showed could be interrupted the way you describe is if either the Serial component itself, or an event handler you have assigned to it, is doing something that pumps the calling thread's message queue for new messages.
Since you are closing the port in the beginning of your event handler, if there is any chance of triggering the event twice (i.e. by calling Application.ProcessMessages anywhere from your code, or calling TMainform.portset() directly from a worker thread), the new instance will close your port while the older one tries to communicate trough it, which will result in an error. AFAIS there are two solutions:
The faster but least bearable one is to protect your entire function with a Mutex (or event which is not a syncronisation object but can be used as one), but this only hides the coding error you have made.
The more pro solution is to find where the race condition gets raised, then fix your code. You can do it by searching all references to Application.ProcessMessages() and TMainform.portset(), and make sure that they won't get called paralelly. If no reference can be found on either mentioned function, the problem could still be caused by running multiple instances of your code ('cause it will not create multiple com ports :) ).
Remy Lebeau gets the credit for answering the question, because, as I asked for, it was a general reply to a general question. But it would have been inadequate without his comments in response to Uwe Raabe.
And what conclusively demonstrated that Remy Lebeau was correct was the exceptional answer from J, pointing out the specific point where the code failed.
Thanks also to David Heffernan for asking "why does code that responds to WM_PAINT call portset", which also makes a general point. And yes, the quick fix was just to block the path from the paint event handler to the comms code, but I'd done that without recognising the more general point.
I'll be having a look at the comms code, to see if there are more problems like this, and I'll be looking at the event handlers, to see if there are more problems like this, so thanks to everyone who read and considered the question.

Which is the best place to initialize code? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Splash Screen Programatically
Show a splash screen while a database connection (that might take a long time) runs
Which is the best place to initialize code such as loading INI file? I want first to show the form on screen so the user know that the app is loading and ONLY after that I want to call lengthy functions such as LoadIniFile or IsConnectedToInternet (the last one is REALLY slow).
The OnCreate is not good because the form is not yet ready and it will not show up on screen.
I do this I DPR but not working always:
program Test;
Application.Title := 'Test app';
Application.CreateForm(TfrmTest, frmTest);
frmTest.Show; <---------------------- won't show
The form will not show until LateInitialize (4-5 seconds) is executed.
procedure LateInitialize;
// all this won't work also. the form won't show
frmTest.Visible:= TRUE;
DoSomethingLengthy; {4-5 seconds}
end; <--------- Now the form shows.
And yes, frmTest it is my only form (the main form).
After calling frmTest.Show, you can call frmTest.Update to let it render onscreen, before then calling LateInitialize. But until Application.Run is called, the main message loop will not be running, so the form will not be able to do anything else until then.
Another option is to use the form's OnShow event to post a custom window message back to the form via PostMessage(), then have the form call LateInitialize when it receives that message at a later time. That will allow the form to process painting messages normally until LateInitialize is called.
Anything that blocks the main thread for more than a few milliseconds/seconds really should be moved into a separate worker thread instead (especially things like IsConnectedToInternet). The main thread should be used for running the UI.
An easy way to do this, is to send a message to yourself.
I do this all the time
procedure OnCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure AfterCreate(var message: TMessage); message MSG_AFTERCREATE;
procedure OnCreate(Sender: TObject);
PostMessage(Self.Handle, MSG_AFTERCREATE, 0, 0);
procedure AfterCreate(var message: TMessage);
//Do initializing here... the form is done creating, and are actually visible now...
Variant 1: Use TTimer with a 1 second delay, run it from main form's OnShow
In TTimer do the initialisation
This will give time for most components to initialize and draw themselves
Variant 1.1: use message method in function and call Win API PostMessage (but not SendMessage aka Perform) from OnShow. This is seemilar but more cheap and fast. However that message "do init now" sometimes may be received before some complex component on the form would fully draw itself.
Variant 2: use threads (OmniThreadsLib or even plain TThread)
Launch it from MainForm OnCreate and let it prepare all data in background, then enable all needed buttons, menus, etc
That is truly the best way if you have long and blocking functions, liek you described IsConnectedToInternet.
Variant 3: use SplashScreen before showing main form.
That is good because users see that application not read yet.
That is bad for that very reason - people start feeling your program is slow. Google Chrome was told to draw their main form as picture in 1st moments just to make look "we are already started" even the actual control would be ready a bit later.
A long time ago in another forum far far away, someone posted the following to document the life cycle of a form. I have found it useful, so am sharing it here.
Create OnCreate
Show OnShow
Paint OnPaint
Activate OnActivate
ReSize OnResize
Paint OnPaint
Close query OnCloseQuery
Close OnClose
Deactivate OnDeactivate
Hide OnHide
Destroy OnDestroy
Try the OnActivate event.

Delphi idle handler only fires when I move the mouse

I have an OnIdle handler in my D2006 app. With this code:
procedure TMainForm.ApplicationEvents1Idle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
Inc (IdleCalls) ;
Sleep (10) ;
Done := False ;
end ;
the app runs smoothly, the idle handler is called 100 times per second, and the CPU usage is next to zero.
I then added a TActionList and connected up some controls to actions, coded an Execute and Update handler.
procedure TMainForm.ActionNewButtonExecute(Sender: TObject);
DoNewProject ;
end ;
procedure TMainForm.ActionNewButtonUpdate(Sender: TObject);
ActionNewButton.Enabled := AccessLevelIsSupervisor ;
Problem. The OnUpdate event doesn't fire. On a hunch I set Done := true in the OnIdle handler and the OnIdle handler is then only called when I move the mouse. And the Update action still doesn't fire.
Why might the Update handler not be firing, and should I set Done to true or false? Or both?
Use the source, Luke. :)
Look at the Forms unit, specifically TApplication.Idle. It contains, in part, the following:
Done := True;
if Assigned(FOnIdle) then FOnIdle(Self, Done);
if Done then
if FActionUpdateDelay <= 0 then
// Excluded to avoid copyright violation
// See also the else portion, which contains (in part)
if IdleTimerHandle = 0 then
IdleTimerHandle := SetTimer(0, 0, FActionUpdateDelay, IdleTimerDelegate);
if IdleTimerHandle = 0 then
// Omitted
As you can see, DoActionIdle is only called when either Done = True and FActionUpdateDelay <= 0 or IdleTimerHandle = 0. DoActionIdle (also part of TApplication) is what calls UpdateAction. So if neither of the above conditions are met, TAction.OnUpdate is never called.
There's a separate method, TApplication.DoMouseIdle, that you may want to peruse as well.
As mentioned in the comments, Sleep in the idle handler will do no good, also the bacground processing will stall if there is no activity on the application.
You can however lower the CPU usage w/o much disturbing effects: After processing all OnIdle events, the application will call WaitMessage (which will sleep while the message queue is empty), if the Done parameter is True - you can just unconditionally set it in your handler.
As for background processing, use either a thread and call back to the main thread via Synchronize or, if you really-really have to, use a timer and don't ever forget to handle reentrancy (both solutions will by the way wake the application even while WaitMessage).
Get rid of that OnIdle event handler, you accepted it is there just in case.
If you later need to perform background tasks, learn how to use threads. To get a specific frequency, you're allowed to use sleep or any other technique within a thread.
My advice is in this way because, as you see, that way of do things is interfering with other parts of your application. If it is a bug in the TApplication, I don't know, maybe it is. If you want to investigate more, make a copy of your project, check everything and if you think this have to work another way, fill a QC entry about that.
I was looking the XE source code and it seems Ok, they set an event to update the actions if the Idle event is not done.. I don't see a bug there. I have no pre-2010 ready installations to check ancient versions.
