I'm trying to replicate a join like so using the laravel query builder:
LEFT JOIN content_userdata
ON content_id = content.id
AND user_id = $user_id
I have discovered that I can do additional "ons" using the following function in my model which extends Eloquent
public function scopeJoinUserData($query, $user_id)
return $query->leftJoin('content_userdata', function($join)
$join->on('content_userdata_content_id', '=', 'content.content_id')->on('content_userdata_user_id', '=', 10);
But this creates two problems. Firstly I cannot get the $user_id variable into the function and secondly even if I hardcode it for testing purposes as I have done above (to int "10") Laravel encases it in ` meaning that it is interpreted as a column name when it shouldn't be, like so:
left join `content_userdata`
on `content_id` = `content`.`id`
and `user_id` = `10`
So now I have two problems.
I cannot get the $user_id into the join function when using query scopes
Even if I could I cannot send a variable to the join since it always interprets it as a column name
Why would I want to do this?
I realise one response may be to place it in a where. However I am trying to do it this way as the join may not necessarily return any results (hence the left join), since the content_userdata table contains things like a users rating for a piece of content. If I use a where then results with nothing in the content_userdata table will not be returned, where as if I can put it in the join then they will be returned due to the left join.
Is there anyway to achieve this in Laravel and if not what are the alternatives, obviously completely changing ditching Laravel is over the top but the only alternative I can think of is to get the userdata in a separate query.
You need to pass the variable to the closure using the use keyword - which imports the variable into scope. Example:
public function scopeJoinUserData($query, $user_id)
return $query->leftJoin('content_userdata', function($join) use ($user_id)
$join->on('content_userdata_content_id', '=', 'content.content_id')
->on('content_userdata_user_id', '=', DB::raw($user_id));
This is a PHP syntax related issue and not a Laravel limitation!
In the accepted answer, just adding quotes around the DB::raw part of the query will not fully protect it from sql injection. Just pass some quotes in your user_id and see. To parameterize you can do something like this:
public function scopeJoinUserData($query, $user_id)
return $query->leftJoin('content_userdata', function($join)
$join->on('content_userdata_content_id', '=', 'content.content_id')
->on('content_userdata_user_id', '=', DB::raw('?'));
Notice in this example that you don't have to pass the variable into the closure. Alternatively you could try and write this part completely raw.
UPDATE: Taylor added joinWhere, leftJoinWhere... if you have a function join just use ->where and ->orWhere from within the Closure.
I managed to fix this myself, there's a note at the bottom of why it's not completely optimal but here's how to do it anyway:
public function scopeJoinUserData($query, $user_id)
return $query->leftJoin('content_userdata', function($join) use ($user_id)
$join->on('content_userdata_content_id', '=', 'content.content_id')->on('content_userdata_user_id', '=', DB::raw('"'.$user_id.'"'));
Note the use of "use ($user_id)" as suggested by #Half Crazed.
DB::raw() is used to wrap $user_id in quotes even though it's an integer and not a string. This will stop Laravel automatically using ` which makes it MySQL interpret it as a column name.
Performance: One thing to note is that MySQL queries can be considerably faster when using an integer rather than a string and will interpret it as a string if it's wrapped in quotes. I'm not worrying about that for now, but I figured I should mention it if others are using this as a solution.
Why dont you just use relationships? That is the whole point of an ORM like Eloquent?
Something like this;
class User extends Eloquent {
public function userdata()
return $this->hasOne('Userdata');
$result= User::find(1)->userdata();
edit to show you can do whatever you want with relationships
Option 1:
$place = new Place;
$array = $place->with(array('users' => function($query)
$query->where('user_id', $user_id);
or Option 2:
$place = new Place;
$array = $place->with('users')->where('user_id', $user_id)->get();
Both give different results - but you get the idea
Your first problem: You should use PHP syntax for closure as the answer of Half.
About your second problem, I think the part AND user_id = $user_id of the query does not belong to a JOIN clause but a WHERE clause because it just depends on one table, not both in this joining relationship. I think you should use a subquery like this:
public function scopeJoinUserData($query, $user_id)
return $query->leftJoin(\DB:raw("(SELECT * FROM content_userdata WHERE user_id = {$user_id}) AS t"), function($join)
$join->on('t.content_id', '=', 'content.content_id');
However, as you see, let be sure that the $user_id variable is safe because we use \DB:raw method.
I read and try a lots of things just to add a field witch is in relation.
One Dance have a level (beginner, improver...) and one Level have a Style (Country music, disco...). So for a dance I can get the level and associate style. Dance is MTO with Level, and Level is MTO with Style. It work fine in traditionnel controller and in Dance Index twig I can do
{{ dance.level.style }}
It's work fine.
Impossible for me to do that in EasyAdmin: In Danse Crud Controller
yield AssociationField::new('level');
is naturally working fine but how adding the style name? I'm not familiar with Queribuilder if it's the solution. I read Symfony Documentation easyadmin about unmapped fields but I don't undestand "createIndexQueryBuilder" parameters. If you can help me to progress. Thank's in advance
I don't find examples in stack with Easyadmin 4. And (I'm sorry), documentation is not very clear for me.
class UserCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
// ...
public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
return [
// ...
public function createIndexQueryBuilder(SearchDto $searchDto, EntityDto $entityDto, FieldCollection $fields, FilterCollection $filters): QueryBuilder
$queryBuilder = parent::createIndexQueryBuilder($searchDto, $entityDto, $fields, $filters);
// if user defined sort is not set
if (0 === count($searchDto->getSort())) {
->addSelect('CONCAT(entity.first_name, \' \', entity.last_name) AS HIDDEN full_name')
->addOrderBy('full_name', 'DESC');
return $queryBuilder;
Why we have "entity.first_name" (why entity word and not entityDto...). dump parameters don't give me persuasive results
Easy finally.
You can choice the field you want to be rendered. Basically add __toString in Entity.
In my case just add for a many to many relation:
I am using ruby on rails with MongoDB. I have one field 'possession' as string type field. I've updated it as 'Integer'.
Now, I want to find old data with specific string(for example, '6') and need to update all as integer values(means 6).
So, instead of doing each loop on all record I will just distinct values and update_all based on distinct values.
Please let me know if anyone has idea about this.
To find data using $type you can use type value as 2 for string. And using forEach function you can update the records.
You can use this query:
possession: {
$type: 2
"$set": {
"possession": parseInt(data.possession)
I think #Mayuri has the right idea, but unfortunately did not test their answer. I get an error when I run their code. here is a fix to their solution. I used mongo shell to test...
I also took the liberty of using the $type string name instead of a number code.
possession: {
$type: "string"
db.collection.update({"_id": data._id}, {
"$set": {
"possession": parseInt(data.possession)
I use EasyGrid plugin and must find values where integer field like '%001%'
initialCriteria {
ilike('id', "%"+params.id+"%")
But ilike doesn't work with Integer. How to do it?
I tried to do:
initialCriteria {
ilike('id'.toString(), "%"+params.id+"%")
initialCriteria {
ilike('str(id)', "%"+params.id+"%")
but it's not work.
If id is an integer in the database, then ilike doesn't really make much sense and there is probably a better way to do what you are trying to do (like adding a type field or something to the domain object, and filter by type)
However, you should be able to do something like this (untested):
initialCriteria {
sqlRestriction "cast( id AS char( 256 ) ) like '%001%'"
Following criteria not working if you search from your textbox when user search any text character by mistake like 12dfdsf as your searchable id. It will give you an exception
initialCriteria {
ilike('id', "%"+params.id+"%")
For better use you can use following criteria
initialCriteria {
sqlRestriction "id like '%${params?.id}%'"
You could do:
String paddedId = params.id.toString().padLeft(3,'0')
initialCriteria {
ilike('id', "%$paddedId%")
The solution offered by tim_yates with the sqlRestriction would work in version 1.5.0 of easygrid.
One of the main differences from 1.4.x is that the gorm datasource no longer uses DetachedCriteria, but Criteria - which maps directly to Hibernate's Criteria API.
So you can try it on the last version.
(Keep in mind that the upgrade might break your existing grids. There's also many other changes)
Another small observation is that 'initialCriteria' is not the right place to do stuff like that. (it's not wrong, but there is a 'globalFilterClosure' property for applying column independent filters)
I mixed the code posted by #tim_yates and mine:
String paddedId = params.id.toString().padLeft(3,'0')
def crit = Book.withCriteria {
sqlRestriction "lpad(cast( id AS char( 256 ) ), 3, '0') like '%${paddedId}%'"
I've tried with a h2 in-memory db and it works, but I am not sure about two things:
the real usefulness of that
lpad syntax consistence across all db engines
I have the following query working which gets the results I want:
int associatedId = 123;
MyObject alias = null;
var subQuery = QueryOver.Of<DatabaseView>()
.Where(view => view.AssociatedId == associatedId)
.And(view => view.ObjectId == alias.ObjectId)
.Select(view => view.ObjectId);
var results = session.QueryOver<MyObject>(() => alias)
The DatabaseView has been mapped as an actual NHibernate entity (so I can use it with QueryOver), but it is not associated to MyObject in the HBM mappings.
This query returns an IList<MyObject> using a SELECT ... FROM MyObject WHERE EXISTS (subquery for DatabaseView here). How can I re-write this to return the same data but using a JOIN instead of sub query?
In NHibernate 5.1+ it's possible for QueryOver/Criteria via Entity Join:
int associatedId = 123;
MyObject alias = null;
DatabaseView viewAlias = null;
var results = session.QueryOver<MyObject>(() => alias)
.JoinEntityAlias(() => viewAlias, () => viewAlias.ObjectId == alias.ObjectId && viewAlias.AssociatedId == associatedId)
Criteria example:
int associatedId = 123;
var results = session.CreateCriteria<MyObject>("alias")
Restrictions.EqProperty("viewAlias.ObjectId", "alias.ObjectId")
&& Restrictions.Eq("viewAlias.AssociationId", associatedId),
You can join onto unrelated entities with Linq in NHibernate 3+
Funnily enough you use the join query expression element:
from type1 in Repository.Query<MyType1>()
join type2 in Repository.Query<MyType2>()
on type1.Id equals type2.Id
Note: Repository.Query is just returning an IQueryable Query from the session
I'm hoping there is a solution for QueryOver as I don't always want to model two-way relationships in my domain but they are still useful for querying.
Also, you can map a Access="noop" 2 way relationship using Criteria API without putting into your POCO classes:
I realize this question is 5 years old, and the "correct" answer is definitely that you can't do this with QueryOver, as the other answers indicate. However, if you really need this functionality (as I did), there is a decent workaround that I found.
The solution is to use a "loader query" with native SQL in your mapping XML to produce a related collection (see http://nhibernate.info/doc/nhibernate-reference/querysql.html#querysql-load). In the OP's specific example, you would go ahead and map your DatabaseView as an entity as suggested, and then write the following in your mapping:
<class name="MyObject"...>
<set name="MyViews" inverse="true">
<key column="ObjectId" foreign-key="none"/>
<one-to-many class="MyObject"/>
<loader query-ref="myObjectViewsLoadQuery"/>
Then we just need to define our named myObjectViewsLoadQuery in raw SQL to explain to NH how to join the two:
<sql-query name="myObjectViewsLoadQuery">
<load-collection alias="view" role="MyObject.MyViews"/>
SELECT view.*
FROM DatabaseView view
WHERE view.ObjectId = :id
We can now pretend like there is a "real" collection named MyViews relating MyObject to DatabaseView in our query:
MyObject alias = null;
DatabaseView view = null;
var results = session.QueryOver<MyObject>(() => alias)
.JoinAlias( () => alias.MyViews, () => view )
//.Where( () => view.Property == "myValue" ) // optionally, restrict the view etc.
Certainly, this is a lot of trouble to go through if you only care about an "elegant" query. However, if the reason you are using QueryOver is that you want to be able to accept arbitrary input Expressions to filter your DatabaseView by, or various similar activities, this works very nicely.
I have 3 models:
article [name, title]
photo [name, description]
video [name, description, transcription]
Now, I want to create an autocomplete search that will search each of those models and db fields for matching string in the input field.
Is it possible to do a search over these 3 tables?
If so, how would I go about it?
UNION operator is what you're looking for.
I guess your using propel.
Its absolutetly possible to do this, but if these table are not related to anything that could result in some messy code when saving. But if you absolutely need to search in those tables, my approach would be to create an action like:
public function executeAutocomplete(sfWebRequest $request)
$q = $request->getParameter('q');//The value to be searched
$limit = $request->getParameter('limit');//Not completly necessary but recommendable
if(count($q) == 0)
return sfView::NONE;//With no input, no search
$results = array( 'article' => array(), 'photo' => array(), 'video' => array());
$article_search = ArticlePeer::search($q,$limit);
$photo_search = PhotoPeer::search($q,$limit);
$video_search = VideoPeer::search($q,$limit);
//Process those three arrays to fit your need
return $this->renderText(json_encode($result));
Now, the search function on the Peer classes could look like this:
public static function search($q,$limit = null)
$c = new Criteria();
return self::doSelect($c);
Finally as for the widget, i have used and adapted sfWidgetJQueryAutocomplete and it work pretty good so you should check it out.
EDIT: The short way to an embbed search field si creating sfForm wit the jQuery widget i mentioned before and leave configuration and js to the widget. You'll have to find a way to handle search resutls.
Well i hope this helped you!