I'm working with no experience on a Dojo project and don't know which version I'm working on.
There is a textBox for a search form which doesn't accept whitespace. I searched in this documentation for a solution, but no method seems to be applicable. http://dojotoolkit.org/api/dijit/form/TextBox
So my question is: is it possible to accept whitespace in a textBox form or is it just possible with a ValidationTextBox?
me.filterBox = new TextBox({
style: 'margin-bottom: 0',
class: 'STQuicksearch',
trim: false,
intermediateChanges: true,
placeHolder: 'Quick search'
There is no difference between setting trim false or true. But that's not my problem: I need to put whitespace between multiple words. Trim only removes leading and trailing whitespace!
If you look carefully in the documentation, you will find that the TextBox has a trim property, which removes leading and trailing whitespace if true. Setting this to false will hopefully give you the desired result.
Coded a working solution:
me.filterBox = new TextBox({
onKeyDown: function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === keys.SPACE) {
this.set('value', this.get('value')+' ');
Please review the below given code:
const a=document.querySelector('.nice');
a.addEventListener('click', (e)=>{
The problem is that although value length is more than 5 characters, a href is not working and I can not go to another html page when I click on a.
What can be the problem?
By default, the tinymce input gets passed to the DOM as a paragraph tag:
I would like to remove that element wrapper so that tinymce passes exactly what I entered in the text editor.
How do I do that ? Please if you provide a code, can you also let me know where that code gets added ?
Regards !!!
Actually I solved my problem. All I had to do was change the styling for paragraph tag :
p {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
You need to specify the forced_root_block to false. However the documentation states that not having your root block as a <p> tag can cripple the editors behaviour. Newlines will be spaced with <br> tags instead.
selector: 'textarea',
forced_root_block: false
See the documentation here
I strip out those pesky things with gsub and regex like this:
<%= #event.desc_long.gsub(/^\<p\>/,"").gsub(/\<\/p\>$/,"") %>
First .gsub removes the <p> at the start of the TinyMCE string, and the second one removes the </p> at the end. Working great for me. This would work for any language that uses regex (gsub is for rails). JavaScript example:
var str = "{TinyMCE HTML string}";
str = str.replace(/^\<p\>/,"").replace(/\<\/p\>$/,"");
Hope this helps!
Re: where to put it. You leave what TinyMCE puts in your database alone. Add the above only when you display it (in the view, e-mail whatever).
In case you just want to get rid of margins:
setup: function(ed) {
ed.on('init', function() {
var doc = this.getDoc().getElementById("tinymce");
doc.style.margin = 0;
Is the left over text in input accessible programatically? If so, how?
I only allow tags from autocomplete (to use as search filters), and want to use the left over text as additional keywords, meaning I want to know if it's bound to anything so I can pass it to a search function.
Thanks for the help
That's not directly possible, but you can hack into the directive and make it work by using a helper directive:
app.directive('bindInternalInputTo', function() {
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
var property = attrs.bindInternalInputTo,
input = element.find('input'),
inputScope = input.scope();
inputScope.$watch('newTag.text', function(value) {
scope[property] = value;
Now you can bind some variable in the outer scope to the inner input by doing the following:
<tags-input ng-model="tags" bind-internal-input-to="variable"></tags-input>
Working Plunker
Please note that this solution isn't guaranteed to work with future versions of ngTagsInput since it relies on internal implementation details.
I'm trying to render a general link field like this - FieldRenderer.Render(item, "link").
This works as expected but how do I set custom text within the a tag that gets rendered. I want my output to look something like this
[custom text from another field]
Basically, the text for the link should come from another field on the item.
Jason has a great idea, but this functionality is out of the box.
#Html.Sitecore().BeginField("Link Field", new { haschildren= true })
#Html.Sitecore().Field("Text Field")
No need to modify anything at all.
You probably want to try the following:
#Html.Sitecore().BeginField("Link Field")
//custom code
Varun's answer is definitely correct, however you will encounter an issue when the content editor has put a value into the Description field of a General Link. The link renderer will output both the description and whatever is between the BeginField and EndField methods.
A solution would be to allow for an extra parameter (HideDescription) which can hide the description. Two possible solutions for this would be;
Override the standard Sitecore.Xml.Xsl.LinkRenderer class with your own that would stop the description from being put in.
Add a custom pipeline step after the Sitecore.Pipelines.RenderField.GetLinkFieldValue which will do some post rendered processing to remove the description.
Option 2 is less invasive but is a little more difficult to make sure the results are 100%. Once you have this you can then render fields like the following;
#Html.Sitecore().BeginField("Link Field", new { HideDescription = true })
#Html.Sitecore().Field("Text Field")
already has been answered but this worked for me
#Html.Sitecore().BeginField("Target URL", item.InnerItem, new { text = #Html.Sitecore().Field("Title", item.InnerItem) })
You can also use begin and end-field and use the haschildren property, this will hide the text and just display any child-content between the begin and end statements:
#Html.Sitecore().BeginField("ItemName/ID", Model.DataSourceItem, new {
haschildren = true,
#class = "my-custom-class"
<span class="extra-content">
#Html.Sitecore().Field("Text Field")
When I use the Paste from Word or Paste as plain text options in CKEditor double line returns get converted into double instances of <br>.
Whilst this is technically exactly what exists in the source file it would be fantastic if there were a way to have all double line returns be converted into paragraph tags when pasting from an external document. TinyMCE doesn’t seem to struggle with this.
Is this possible with CKEditor?
I'm using Pixel & Tonic's Wygwam version of CKEditor and the inference of this support thread is that it can't be done as exists :(
Since I spent hours searching for the same thing and found lots of posts asking but none answering I decided to work it out on my own.
Here is the solution, hope it saves you the time I wasted:
In config.js add:
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function (ev) {
ev.editor.on('paste', function (ev) {
ev.data.html = ev.data.html.replace(/<br>\s*<br>/g, '</p><p>');
What really really fixed this issue for me was:
Put this line in config.js:
"config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;"
This will create a "br" instead of a "p" when you hit ENTER in the ckeditor.
Then put this script where you replace the
CKEDITOR.replace( 'descripcion', { enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR, shiftEnterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR } );
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev )
ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'br',
indent : false,
breakBeforeOpen : false,
breakAfterOpen : false,
breakBeforeClose : false,
breakAfterClose : false
That script prevented the double "br"
Hope it helps.
Here is my work-around for this in CKEditor 4 (where ck is an editor instance):
ck.on('afterPaste', function() {
var data = ck.getData();
data = data.replace(/<br \/>\s*<br \/>/g, '</p><p>');