why open event of the popup window in the asp.net mvc kendoui grid doesnt work? - asp.net-mvc

I used asp.net mvc kendoui to create a new website.I used kendoui grid to create a grid list and used the Popup template window to edit.but when i wanted to test the open event of the popup window,i found it doesnt work.And when i saw the html source code generated by kendoui,i found the js handler did not exist in the grid code.Can anyone help?Anyone had the same issue?
The code like:
<script>function OpenWindow(obj){}</script>

I know this question is old, but Telerik has stated that the events on Popup windows do not work on Razor syntax. You would need to use the grid's Edit event.
Here is the answer from Telerik
Here is another solution given on Stack Overflow


ASP.Net MVC Kendo UI Grid draggable, how to implement

I'm new to ASP.NET MVC and Kendo UI. In my project I'm using kendo UI grid and need to implement the drag and drop functionality form grid to other component. Basically I've referring following example.
But my grid is created in an .cshtml file in razor syntax. Not in java script or JQuery like in the example. My question is how can I bind the data source to the grid and the events and pass to controller if I initialize the grid using java script like shown in the example.
The Kendo Beta Q1 2014 Brings a SORTABLE framework feature into the battle. Check it out here.

Component similar to DevExpress ASPxTreeList (mix of Grid and TreeView) but for ASP.NET MVC

I'm looking for a component similar to ASPxTreeList (mix of Grid and TreeView) from DevExpress, but suitable to use in MVC 4:
My general requirements are:
tree structure with a few additional columns,
possibility of using images in some cells,
possibility of sorting by each column (optional).
I was looking at Kendo UI with it's TreeView control with it's templating option:
Problem is that probably it's not possible to fully simulate table layout using a tree based on ul/li elements. Maybe there are any jQuery solutions which solve that problem?
Thanks in advance for help!
The DevExpress MVC TreeList extension is available in the latest release: DXperience ASP.NET v2012.2
You can take a look at jqGrid and its TreeGrid functionality (the demo is in the "New in version 3.5" section).
You can also check following demos of how to use it in ASP.NET MVC:
jqGrid in ASP.NET MVC - Strongly typed helper
jqGrid in ASP.NET MVC 3 and Razor
There is an equivalent for MVC from DevExpress. The component offer almost all the functionalities of the webform's one.
Look at the MVC's demo page

how can I create drill down charts using telerik mvc controls

My question is the title itself.
Is there any way to achieve this ?
Thanks in advance .
I am using MVC3 Razor
I am using trial version of telerik controls and downloaded to from telerik site.
I haven't tried, but you can use the OnSeriesClick event to handle the element the user clicked and trying to redirect the user to the next level. More info on Teleriks documentation site

Telerik MVC DatePicker in IE6

I am hoping there is someone here who had encountered and solved this problem with Telerik MVC Grid and DatePicker in IE6 (yes IE6! cant do anything as it's the browser used by the client and they are not upgrading anytime soon).
The setup is like this: A Telerik MVC grid using Ajax binding (select, add , edit, and delete). For add and edit, a popup editor is used. The editor template has a Telerik MVC DatePicker.
Telerik demo has the same setup here.Using IE6, the DatePicker disappears after selecting a date.
This code library submission was posted pretty recently on Telerik's website and it covers a workaround for disappearing DatePickers in IE6.
The code library is not available any more, but I contacted Telerik on their forum and they said this will be fixed for the next version, due in mid March.

How can I do a messagebox in asp.net mvc?

I've been trying to do a messagebox in a controller in asp.net mvc, but every time I type MessageBox or MsgBox it doesn't give me the option to import a namespace...
What can I use that would be similar to a MessageBox?
the MessageBox functionality is provided by the System.Windows library which is not available in the ASP.NET MVC context, since your site is running within a browser.
Instead, you should use a javascript library to show a message box.
You could use the following in order to display a message box
alert('Hi there')
Message box can be shown using Javascript, you can write your own HtmlHelper for this or have a partial which takes the message as input and diplays it, in this way you can reuse your partial
you could render out a script tag as a actionresult that has
alert('{0}'); where the placeholder is you message
I suggest using the jQuery UI dialog. It's incredibly easy to use, very powerful, and really easy to style.
