Telerik MVC DatePicker in IE6 -

I am hoping there is someone here who had encountered and solved this problem with Telerik MVC Grid and DatePicker in IE6 (yes IE6! cant do anything as it's the browser used by the client and they are not upgrading anytime soon).
The setup is like this: A Telerik MVC grid using Ajax binding (select, add , edit, and delete). For add and edit, a popup editor is used. The editor template has a Telerik MVC DatePicker.
Telerik demo has the same setup here.Using IE6, the DatePicker disappears after selecting a date.

This code library submission was posted pretty recently on Telerik's website and it covers a workaround for disappearing DatePickers in IE6.

The code library is not available any more, but I contacted Telerik on their forum and they said this will be fixed for the next version, due in mid March.


why open event of the popup window in the mvc kendoui grid doesnt work?

I used mvc kendoui to create a new website.I used kendoui grid to create a grid list and used the Popup template window to edit.but when i wanted to test the open event of the popup window,i found it doesnt work.And when i saw the html source code generated by kendoui,i found the js handler did not exist in the grid code.Can anyone help?Anyone had the same issue?
The code like:
<script>function OpenWindow(obj){}</script>
I know this question is old, but Telerik has stated that the events on Popup windows do not work on Razor syntax. You would need to use the grid's Edit event.
Here is the answer from Telerik
Here is another solution given on Stack Overflow

jQuery Mobile and ASP.NET WebForms

I'm using jQuery Mobile 1.1 and .NET 3.5 WebForms. I've got a few dropdowns that I populate with choices in the Page_Load after checking !Page.IsPostBack. When using JQM, the UpdatePanel with these dropdowns comes back with all of the dropdowns empty. I feel like this is something with ViewState because it's all of the controls that were previously filled by the code. The dropdowns that are filled out in the ascx don't have the same problem.
The only thing in my mobileinit is:
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
jQuery Mobile, web forms and update panels simply don't work with one another:
JQueryMobile dialog shows twice because of a postback
You may also be having issues related to the select menu not refreshing when changes occur within the update pannel. Consider manually refreshing that:

how can I create drill down charts using telerik mvc controls

My question is the title itself.
Is there any way to achieve this ?
Thanks in advance .
I am using MVC3 Razor
I am using trial version of telerik controls and downloaded to from telerik site.
I haven't tried, but you can use the OnSeriesClick event to handle the element the user clicked and trying to redirect the user to the next level. More info on Teleriks documentation site

Telerik MVC grid issue in insert mode without edit mode

I have telerik mvc grid in ajax mode and editing is enabled. In my scenario i have to use only the insert mode so I disabled the edit mode. but when I run i get the javascript error on click of "Add New Record". Sample project can be downloaded from Here
I got this to work by the following:
function GridNotes_onEdit(e) {
$('#Content').after("<a class='t-button t-grid-cancel t-button-icon' href='#'><span class='t-icon t-cancel'/></a>")
.after("<a class='t-button t-grid-insert t-button-icon' href='#'><span class='t-icon t-insert'/></a>");
Now, this worked when I only had one field being inserted. If you have multiple columns, you may need to customize it to your specifications. But it is do-able. As well, it worked in a detail view grid.
Hope this helps...
If you are looking for an official support channel as you provided a sample project, post your request to the telerik MVC forums on their site.
Had the same issue. The answer is in-line needs the edit buttons to be there, so with in-line mode the insert breaks
This link covers this and has a fix.

Telerik mvc datepicker "Invalid argument" in Internet Explorer (IE) 8

I am using Telerik mvc extensions. I have an issue that happens only in IE. I have IE 8. I don't have this issue in Firefox (3.6.3) or Chrome (
The problem happens when I want to pick a particular date by first clicking on the year on top and then the month. At that time, I get Invalid Argument error in jquery-1.4.2.min.js
I am using VS2008 SP1 with ASP.NET MVC 2 RC2.
I have tried this in a new mvc solution after "manually" modifiying it to become MVC 2 compliant and then doing all that telerik says on this page
link text
And finally using Datepicker in the Home/Index.aspx
<%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
Has anybody else run into this issue?
I believe that this is a bug related with missing line-height CSS style, which is already fixed. More information about the problem in this forum thread:
