How to play Youtube videos using Video.js? - ruby-on-rails

Is there a way to play Youtube videos using video.js? I followed the steps here
but can't seem to make it work. Please help! Thanks a lot!

You can try . Before using, I recommend you to read trough the bug reports. In particular, do not follow the advice to use the provided video.js version with the script. It seems to contain a vulnerability. The new version of video.js works fine.

If anyone is still interested, it worked like a charm. Could hardly believe it. Just need to include the script You can style the player as you please.
Gee, this got downvoted as "not useful". What can I add? See here:
Look at the source. Video-js + It works.


How to build app Twitter using Retrofit?

I need to help. I'm doing a project about Twitter, but I don't know how to build it by using Retrofit. I really need some documents or an available one to make a reference.
Thank you!!!
This is an example in a complete tutorial for retrofit, I suggest you read the whole tutorial before you start working on the Twitter example, good luck:

How to get Swagger UI to work based on documentation guide? (even the example)

I am trying to use Swagger UI to document our node.js API, so I went to, down to Swagger UI Documentation -> Usage, to find this
Now, this is not the only place that provides these instructions, there are dozens of blogs & tutorials saying the same thing, so that's exactly what I did.
Cloned the repo, went into /dist/ and ran the /dist/index.html and all I get is an empty page with an error:
I'm slowly going crazy now as I can't find anything about it and literally every place I looked just has the same, copied, instructions with nothing else provided (like what could go wrong? you just open a file...)
Any help or explanations are much appreciated!
P.S. for some reason opening the /public/index.html works (mentioned nowhere on the www)
I think this is bug in new version of swagger-UI. This is fresh release and they are still modifying and fixing bugs.
Look here: Swagger-ui cannot access JS scripts. This seems to be similar problem, maybe it will help you.

Facing issues with react-native-webview

I have a code written in react-native wherein I'am using a webview to render a website. The URL for same is here
When I try to hit this URL, I'am getting Webkit Error domain, Error Code 101. I did research on this before posting the question here. But none of them gave me a workaround.
Below is the code.
Please excuse brevity. Any help is appreciated. Thank You.
I was having trouble with this as well, and it looks like the Plaid docs may have a typo in the example URL under "Link WebView Initialization URL". Try using the isWebView parameter instead of isWebview. Seems to work for me.
Switch to isWebview=false. It's working for me. Then catch the messages thrown by the webview in onMessage callback
I don't know why you send those many parameters, for example longtail, i can't find any reference to it.
This is my URL${PLAID_CONFIG.public_key}&clientName=${PLAID_CONFIG.clientName}&env=${PLAID_CONFIG.env}&product=${products}`
Also, as far as I know env should be one of sandbox, production, development.
Old question but worth noting a react-native-plaid
npm package that may address the issue in question.

How to embed tweets in umbraco / articulate articles?

This video is showing how to embed tweets in umbraco 7. In the current version it does not seem to work anymore. When I try to do it I get the error message "not supported".
Is there anything additionally to do to get this working? Any additional packages?
I think that feature uses OEMBED, it's possible that Twitter have updated their API and the functionality is broken. I'd log an issue on the Umbraco Issue logger: so that the core dev are aware of the issue and can investigate further.
Could also try this package , have used it before and works perfect but haven't tried it on v7 yet but it says it work and i trust Matt (the guy that made it big umbraco dev and contributor) so should work.

Is it possible to read out the console.logs if i compiled my sencha-app to an ios-simulator?

I compiled my sencha-app through "sencha app package.." to an iphone-simulator.
Now i wanna look into my console.logs, so that i can verify my client-programm behaviour. I opened the system-protocol but i can't find my logs. Maybe somebody can help me out here?
tia && regards
there are a couple of options for this. The easiest is to use the remote inspector from Webkit Nightly. All the steps required are explained here:
