Share user location to Google+ API - geolocation

After Google Latitude retirement I got a question is there any way to share user device location to Google+ thought Google API?
I'm trying to implement "Share Location" feature which Android devices have out-of-the-box. (

Currently there is no way to set a user's location in Google+, there is however a very primitive way to read a user's location, as mentioned here:
Future of Google Location History API
There is no replacement or workaround for the current Google Latitude API functionality.


Getting location coordinates from Address

The user will be prompted enter his address in a textfield and in the backend I want to get the location coordinates of the address.
I’m using geocoding service from google but not any of their APIs. I read somewhere in their document that “use of the geocoder for any purpose other than obtaining locations that will be displayed using the google maps APIs is a violation of the Terms of Service”.
And this is how HTTP request I use
Can I do this? I’m confused because I'm not showing any map at all but I want to get the coordinates. Will this be violating their terms?
Unfortunately, yes, I think you'd be breaking Google's rules here. See also this answer.
You could still use iOS' built-in forward-geocoding engine. See here for the docs.
Google Maps terms are very restrictive. However, it looks like they do allow showing results without Google Maps (Geocoding API Policies):
You can display Geocoding API results on a Google Map, or without a
map. If you want to display Geocoding API results on a map, then these
results must be displayed on a Google Map. It is prohibited to use
Geocoding API data on a map that is not a Google map.
So you can't display Google Geocoding API results on "non-Google" maps.
Nevertheless, please remember that you still can't cache (only lat/long on the end-use device for 30 days) and store results.
Fortunately, there are many geocoding services that are based on open data. For example, we at Geoapify allow our customers to store and even redistribute data. Try our Geocoding API, and maybe you find that it's a worthy alternative to the geocoding service from Google.

How to get user's location in iOS using google plus sdk?

I am integrating Google Plus login in my app along with Facebook and Twitter login. So, is it possible to get user's location(city) Like Facebook and Twitter? If yes, how?
Any kind of help would be appreciated.
There is a field in the Google+ profile for "places lived" that may contain a location. However, it is not very common for people to share that publicly, so you will likely find only a small proportion of users have it available.
If you want to try, you can retrieve the profile data by following this documentation: - this returns GTLPlusPerson for the current user.
From that, look at the placesLived property:

Is it possible to get the geolocation of Google Plus Feeds which user is following

Currently I am working on iOS/android app in which I need to fetch the Geolocations of the feeds/posts on the Google plus for ex.News Company XYZ having page on G+ and they are posting the News feeds on it so I want the feeds with there location programatically for iOS
Does google provide such api to share the geolocation of every Feeds?
Location data isn't returned with posts in the current API. Might be worth starring the feature request, or creating a new one with your specific needs:

Google Latitude API and iOS not working

I am using latitude API to make an iphone app which is similar to the latitude app for iOS.
For authentication i am doing the steps told in the latitude api documentation and sending the url after getting the oAuth.
The posting of the location is working fine but only for the users which I have switched ON the access.
I found out that the url for showing the user option of sharing his location with friends is but on opening the link in webview,it is being redirected to itunes with latitude app for iOS instead of showing the dialog asking user to permit access his sharing of location to his friends.
What is the correct way of asking for user's permission.Please help if someone has faced same issue and has solved it for iOS.I am badly stuck up and has been looking in it for weeks but no avail.
Thanks in Advance

Track exact Geolocation with Google Analytics and show on Map

Situation: I want to track some Data with Google Analytics on the server-side.
Problem: My application is able to provide an exact geolocation (lat, lng). I want to track it with GA as the 'users location' so i can show them on a Map in the GA Dashboard.
I know i may track custom variables/events, but am unsure how to plot them on a map in Google Analytics. My company would like to stay with one reporting tool.
You will not be able to plot these in the Google Analytics dashboard, but you should not let this stop you from moving forward. You could do this fairly easily by saving the geolocations in a custom variable and then pulling that data and then plotting it using a combination of the Data Export API and the Google Maps API. You will not, however, be able to embed this within the Google Analytics dashboard.
It currently is not possible to provide geolocation information directly to google analytics. Google automatically extrapolates that information based on data gathered from the web client (e.g. ip address), and you cannot provide that information since you are invoking tracking on the server-side.
It would be nice if google added the ability to provide at least city level geolocation data for server-side tracking, but it doesn't appear possible at this point in time.
