Google Latitude API and iOS not working - ios

I am using latitude API to make an iphone app which is similar to the latitude app for iOS.
For authentication i am doing the steps told in the latitude api documentation and sending the url after getting the oAuth.
The posting of the location is working fine but only for the users which I have switched ON the access.
I found out that the url for showing the user option of sharing his location with friends is but on opening the link in webview,it is being redirected to itunes with latitude app for iOS instead of showing the dialog asking user to permit access his sharing of location to his friends.
What is the correct way of asking for user's permission.Please help if someone has faced same issue and has solved it for iOS.I am badly stuck up and has been looking in it for weeks but no avail.
Thanks in Advance


Get my facebook friends visited places in iOS App

I've implemented login using Facebook account in iOS app developing using Swift. Now want to get list of all places visited by my facebook friends.
Referred this document but could not found search visited places API:
Is it possible?
Appreciate your help and suggestions!
Accessing data of friends (or any user) is not possible, unless they specifically authorized your App with the neccessary permissions.

iOS/objective-c: Facebook integration importing contacts no longer possible?

I am following a tutorial for integrating Facebook in an app. However, it seems that when Facebook upgraded to V2.0 of their graph, they stopped allowing imports of contacts unless the contact has the App installed.
Does anyone know if there is any workaround to this? The options available as described in these answers a year ago all seemed essentially inadequate for a commercial app. But wondering if there have been any changes in the status quo so that you can import Facebook contacts.
(Facebook remains super aggressive itself about getting contacts from iPhone, google, etc.)
Many thanks for any suggestions.
You can follow the Facebook SDK Graph API for getting contacts .
Graph API Friends List
Unfortunately, nothing has changed: you still can get only the contacts that are using your app AND that gave to your app the user_friends permission.
Please see this other question with more details.

How to get user's location in iOS using google plus sdk?

I am integrating Google Plus login in my app along with Facebook and Twitter login. So, is it possible to get user's location(city) Like Facebook and Twitter? If yes, how?
Any kind of help would be appreciated.
There is a field in the Google+ profile for "places lived" that may contain a location. However, it is not very common for people to share that publicly, so you will likely find only a small proportion of users have it available.
If you want to try, you can retrieve the profile data by following this documentation: - this returns GTLPlusPerson for the current user.
From that, look at the placesLived property:

salesforce login in ios native App

I am quite new to iOS and i am trying to post something from my App on salesforce(like we share something on twitter). For that i want to first display the login screen if user is already not logged in and if user is logged in he can post on salesforce from my app. Please guide me to a tutorial or some sample code. i have done a hell lot of searching on web but didn't find any good tutorial. i have already added the SDK to my project but not able to figure out how implement all this.
Thank you.
what about this : SalesForce on iOS login without using the SalesForce Webview?
The post point to SFDC API for iPhone. May be you will found what you need.

Retrieve facebook data in backend service

I'm currently working on an app (iOS 6) where the user will be signing in using their facebook account.
In regards to this I have a few questions:
a) Since the app asks the user for permission to access cetain data (like: basic profile info, friend list, access to post to wall etc), I assume that the app based on it's app id will be somehow authenticated to access this information as long as the user doesn't restrict access through their facebook account.
b) will it be possible for example via a service application to authenticate with the same app id as the mobile app, and hence be able to collect data from the facebook users who authenticated with the app?
The purpose of my question is, that I would like do some analysis on the users using the iphone app, but I don't want the app to first download the information from facebook, and then pass it on to my service for analysis.
If the above is possible, could anyone please guide me in the direction of what it is that I need to do? Perhaps links to tutorials that describes this setup, og simply tell me the right facebook terminology that I'm looking for to achive this.
Thanks in advance!
It's a bit late and you may have already picked a service. I have been using
(tutorial site). They're very good. They have SDKs and sample code for many platforms a RESTful service for others.
They have recently been acquired by FaceBook, and already have strong links to Facebook's SDK.
