Is it possible NOT to use data annotations attributes ServiceStack OrmLite? - data-annotations

I'm trying to explore the functionality of ServiceStack.OrmLite and can't understand if it possible to use bootstrap class for configuration (foreign keys, data types, column indexes, aliases etc.)? I don't wanna use data annotation attributes on my entity classes. Even usage of some sort of config's would be better than attributes. That is because i wanna have the chance to replace the ORM in future. Maybe exists third-party lib for fluent configuration?

There is no fluent mapping for ServiceStack.OrmLite. I share your reluctance to refer even the DataAnnotations assembly from my Model definitions. I like my POCO's clean as in entirely clean: separate in their own assembly, not referencing any 3rd party assemblies. It's not as much aesthetics as it's a ways of twisting my arm to avoid temptations to do short-hand stuff that breaks good design. I'm like - if it's not a clean ORM, it's just a tightly coupled DAL, and then it's all for nothing anyway.
Anyway - you can definately annotate your POCO classes in a bootstrapping/impl. kind of place - it's really quite obvious: use reflection and add the attribute at runtime, e.g.
typeof (User).GetProperty("Id")
.AddAttributes(new AutoIncrementAttribute());
Same principle of any attribute of OrmLite (and any attribute, really).
I found the hint in the Unit-tests for OrmLite, there's actually a Can_add_AutoIncrement_Id_at_runtime() unit test. Even though this is essentially unit-testing .NET core and not really OrmLite. Thanks, thourough tester-guy, anyway.

ServiceStack OrmLite creates schemas based on code-first POCOs. Adding attributes are a convenience to alter the sql generated table schema if you wanted OrmLite to create the tables for you. If you don't want to use attributes then manually create the SQL Schema in your database out-of-band, or after the tables are created remove the attributes.
Or use another ORM, OrmLite will never support mappings stored in runtime configuration files - which is against it's code-first philosophy.


EntityFramework database vs model

I understand the fact that generating a model based on the DataBaseFirst method woill produce a collection of entitites on the ORM that are essentially mapped to the DB tables.
It is my understanding, that if you need properties from other entities or just dropdownlist fields, you can make a ViewModel and use that class as your model.
I have an AppDev course that I just finished and the author wrote something that if I understand it correctly, he is referring to change the ORM entities to fit what your ViewModels would look like, hence, no need for ViewModels. However, if you do this, and regenerate the ORM from the database, those new entities that you placed as "ViewModels" would be gone. If you changed the ORM to update the database, then your database structure in SQL Server would be "undone".
Please inform me if my understanding is correct that I simply need to use a ViewModel in a separate folder to gather specific classes and or properties in a superclass or a single class with the properties that I just need and use that as my model....
Here is the excerpt from the author:
EntityFramework is initially a one to one mapping of classes to tables, but you can create a model that better represents the entities in your application no matter how the data is stored in relational tables.
What I think the author may have been hinting at is the concept of complex models. Let's say, for instance, that in your Database you have a Customer Table and an Address Table. A one to one mapping would create 2 model items, one Customer class and one Address class. Using complex model mapping, you could instead create a single Customer class which contained the columns from both the Customer Table and the Address table. Thus, instead of Customer.Address.Street1 you could refer simply to Customer.Street1. This is only one of many cases where you could represent a conceptual model in code differently than the resulting data in storage. Check out the excellent blog series Inheritance with EF CodeFirst for examples of different mapping strategies, like Table Per Hierarchy (TPH), Table Per Type (TPT), Table Per Concrete Class (TPC). Note that even though these examples are CodeFirst, they still apply to Entity Framework even if the initial models are generated from a Database.
In general, if you use DatabaseFirst and then never modify the resulting entities, you will always have a class in code for each table in the database. However, the power of Enity Framework is that it allows you to more efficiently work with your entities by allowing these hybrid mappings, thus freeing you to think about your code without the extra burden of your classes having to abide by rigid SQL expectations.
When the Database-First or Model-First entities are generated, they are purposely generated as partial classes. You can create your own partials which extend the classes that are generated from Entity Framework without modifying the existing class files. If the models are re-generated, your partial classes will still be intact. Granted, using partials means that you have the Entity Framework default behaviors as well as your extended behaviors, but this isn't usually a huge issue.
Another option is that you can modify the TT files which Entity Framework uses to generate your models, ensuring that your models are always regenerated in the same state.
Ultimately, the main idea is that just because the default behavior of Entity Framework is to map the database to classes 1:1, there are other options and you are never forced into something that isn't efficient for your project.

MVC, Strongly Typed Views and Entity Framework dilemma

I've read quite a few Q & As relating to logic in views within an MVC architecture and in most cases I agree that business logic shouldn't live in a view. However having said this, I constantly question my approach when using Microsoft's MVC Framework in conjunction with the Entity Framework because of the ease of accessibility to foreign key relationships a single entity can give me which ultimately results in me performing Linq to Entities queries inline within a View.
For example:
If I have the following two entities:
Product ([PK]ProductId, Title, Amount)
Image ([PK]ImageId, [FK]ProductId, ImageTitle, DisplayOrder)
Assuming I have a strongly typed Product view and I want to display the primary image (lowest display order) then I could do something like this in the view:
Image image = (from l in Model.Image
orderby l.DisplayOrder
select l).FirstOrDefault();
This is a simple example for demonstration purposes, but surely this begins to bend the rules in relation to MVC architecture, but on the other hand doing this in the Controller and then (heaven forbid) jamming it into the ViewBag or ViewData would surely be just as much of a crime and become painful to manage for more than a few different related classes.
I used to create custom classes for complex Models, but it's time-consuming and ugly and I no longer see the point as the Entity Framework makes it quick and easy to define the View to be the primary Model (in this case a Product) and then easily retrieve all the peripheral components of the product using Linq queries.
I'd be interested to know how other people handle this type of scenario.
I also quite often do things like:
#foreach(Image i in Model.Image.OrderBy(e => e.DisplayOrder).ToList())
<img ... />
I'm going the 'custom classes for Models' way, and I agree it's time consuming and mundane, hence tools like have been created, to accompany you with this task.
Overall, I'm having similar feelings to yours. Reading some stuff saying it's good to have your domain model unrelated to your storage, then different class for your view model than the domain model, and then seeing that libraries actually seem to 'promote' the easy way (data annotations over your domain classes seem to be simplier than EF fluent interface etc etc).
At least we've got the choice I guess!
Model binding There is also issue that when you want to POST back the model data and store it in the database, you need to be careful and make sure MVC model binders bind all fields correctly. Else you may loose some data. With custom models for views, it might be simplier.
MVC gives you a way to validate using attributes, when you use viewmodels, you can freely pollute it with such annotations, because it's view specific (and validation should be view/controller action specific as well). When you use EF classes, you would be polluting those classes with unrelated (and possibly conflicting) logic.

How to create model quickly&elegantly with Linq To Sql in mvc?

Ok straight to the issue. I can get object mapping to tables easily with Linq To Sql. For instance: class Product, class Order, class Order_Detail from Northwind. IMO, these 3 object have already met model's meet. But i can't put some useful attr([Required] [HttpPost]) on properties of them(except modifying design.cs, which is not recommended).Do i have to create ProductModels OrderModels with the same properties myself, and maybe some additional DAL-like classes to turn the linq2sql objects to models??
Even if i put design.cs and my models in the same namespace, how can i make two partial classes have the same properties??
Yes, you should create DTO's for each Linq to SQL model, it is not considered a good practice to pass Linq2Sql objects through your layers.
Optionally, look into to using Entity Framework Code First. It is stupid simple to use and you can add validation attributes directly to your POCOs, which are enforced on the data persistence side as well as the presentation side in MVC.
here's a good EF codefirst primer :

EF 4.1 code first with Existing Database.Mapping Fks,table etc.Clarification needed

I am learning code first and I have project to be used with an existing database.
I am a bit confused of what I meant to be doing.I will explain:
Do I need to create an entityconfiguration for each table in my existing database?
Within this EntityConfiguration for each table do I need to create foreign key relationships?
Do I need to do a ToTable for each table in my existing database?
Is there any free tool "codeplex" that pointing to an existing db will generate this codeFirst stuff?
I have seem few blogs about "EF Code first with existing db" but I am not sure or was not clear to me If Need to create this stuff or I will be getting strange errors like "MyColumn_MyColum" basically as if codeFirst is trying to build some FKs or something.
can somebody clarify?
thanks a lot. I know there are few questions but if you can answer 01 or 2 that would be fine.
thanks again
If you want the code to be generated for you use database-first approach with DbContext API. Simply create EDMX file from your database and let DbContext Generator template generate all entities and context for you.
DbContext Fluent API is mainly targeted to the code-first development approach where EF will created database for you from the code you provided. It can be used with existing database but it requires much more skills and understanding of mapping wich EF can provide to you.
You don't need to provide EntityConfiguration for each table if you follow some naming conventions (entity name is singular form of table name, all properties have the same name, primary key in table and entity is named as Id or EntityNameId, etc.).
You don't need to define relationships manually if you follow conventions with exposing navigation properties and possibly also foreign key properties. The issue can be naming of many-to-many keys and junction tables.
ToTable is needed only if your entity does not follow naming convention or if you map some advance inheritance or splitting.
EF uses a lot of default conventions which drive how the names should be defined. Conventions can be removed.
You will not do anything wrong if you define EntityConfiguration for each table - it will at least allow you learning what is needed and your mapping will be explicit / self documented. MVC Architecture

I'm coming to the end of my first MVC project, and I'm not overly happy with how I constructed my Model objects and I'm looking for some ideas on how to improve them.
I use repositories for each DB table with Get, Save, Delete etc methods.
The repositories use Linq2Sql for the DB access.
I do mapping from the Linq2Sql objects to MVC Model objects, in the main, these are very much 1 to 1 mappings.
My problem is, I don't think my MVC model objects were granular enough, and I am probably passing more data back and forth than needed.
For example, I have a User table. An admin can edit a users details as can the user themselves, so I reckon I should really have a "AdminUserModel" and "UserModel" objects, where "AdminUserModel" has a greater set of values (IsEnabled for example).
So my bigger question is really, what kind of architectures are people using out there in the wild, in order to map many similar, related Model objects down through the layers to the DB?
Any sample architecture solutions anyone can suggest beyond NerdDinner?
thanks in advance!
In the case of your user model, you should use inheritence in stead of 2 seperated models. In this way you can use the code that was created for user in the ones that inherite from it.
the type of model you use depends completely on what you want to do with it. A good thing might be to take a look at patterns and try to get the patterns working that are needed for your situation...
I usually take implement inheritance in my models.
I usually have a base class of entity, which will have id, datecreated, valid and any other fields that are shared between entities (publishStatus, locked etc).
If needs be you can create other base classes inheriting from entity: person entity, product entity etc.
this way you can have a generic repository base, constrained to Entity or IEntity, i find that most entities CRUD functions dont need much more behaviour than that provided by the generic base (perhaps you will need to add a few additional get methods for some types)
In your case, AdminUser could inherit from User
