Orchard - Can't find the Resource defined in ResourceManifest.cs - asp.net-mvc

I have a custom there, where I try to require some of my css and js files via the ResourceManifest.cs file - I keep into running a quite weird issue tough.
I get the following error:
a 'script' named 'FoundationScript' could not be found
This is my ResourceManifest.cs:
using Orchard.UI.Resources;
namespace Themes.TestTheme
public class ResourceManifest : IResourceManifestProvider
public void BuildManifest(ResourceManifestBuilder builder)
var manifest = builder.Add();
In the Layout.cshtml, I have following:
What am I missing here?

The issue here is, that the project Themes has a problem with the dynamic compile mechanism of Orchard (i don't know what is wrong exactly) because it resides in folder Themes. Even if you define a class inside the Themes assembly, it will result in an error telling you there is no such class in that assembly.
solution :
Try re-generating your theme with /CreateProject:true and /IncludeInSolution:true parameters as follows:
codegen theme TestTheme /CreateProject:true /IncludeInSolution:true /BasedOn :TheThemeMachine
It will create your theme in a separate project and orchard will pick your registered ResourceManifest.
Hope this helps.


Vaadin #CssImport not working in jar dependency

I can't seem to get the #CssImport annotation working when the component class is in a separate jar. (Main web project is Vaadin 18)
I checked out the addon starter:
And adjusted the TheAddon class to add a css class name:
public class TheAddon extends Div {
public TheAddon() {
I then added the theaddon.css file to:
With the styles:
.theaddon {
However when I use the addon, I do not see the style applied. I do see the style if I extend the TheAddon class within my web project. So this leads me to believe there's some classpath magic that isn't happening correctly.
Argh - the issue was that the vaadin.whitelisted-packages property was set. Thus Vaadin was not scanning / finding the components when building the front-end. Correcting this property fixed it.

ASP.NET Core Razor SDK Class Library - Area Views Not Within Areas Directory

I'm trying to use the new Razor SDK to include my views within my class libraries where each class library is an MVC Area. If I include the views with an Areas directory in my class library e.g.
Then it loads fine. However I don't like that I have to place them inside an Areas directory ideally the path would be:
I'm guessing I would have to use a view location expander to achieve this. However I don't know how to achieve this for a view which is contained within a class library and not within the application. So far I have come up with:
public class AreaViewLocationExpander : IViewLocationExpander {
public virtual IEnumerable<string> ExpandViewLocations(ViewLocationExpanderContext context, IEnumerable<string> viewLocations) {
return viewLocations.Concat(new[] {
"../{2}/Views/{1}/{0}" + RazorViewEngine.ViewExtension
public virtual void PopulateValues(ViewLocationExpanderContext context) { }
This throws the error:
InvalidOperationException: The view 'Index' was not found. The
following locations were searched:
But I'd imagine even if it did work locally, it wouldn't in production or when the library is packaged up in a NuGet package.
I'd appreciate it if someone could show me how this can be achieved. Thanks
Step 1
From #pranavkm on GitHub:
The Razor Sdk uses well-known MSBuild metadata to calculate project
relative paths. You may set the Link metadata for a file and Razor
would use that. For instance, adding this to your project file would
update all cshtml files to have a view engine path with the project
name as a prefix:
<Target Name="UpdateTargetPath" BeforeTargets="AssignRazorGenerateTargetPaths">
<RazorGenerate Include="#(RazorGenerate)" Link="$(TargetName)\%(RazorGenerate.RelativeDir)%(RazorGenerate.FileName)%(RazorGenerate.Extension)" />
This does not work with runtime compilation - i.e. if you were to
apply this to Application.csproj, it'll work for build time compiled
views, but runtime compiled views would continue to use
Step 2
You would then need to add the following IViewLocationExpander:
public class AreaViewLocationExpander : IViewLocationExpander {
public virtual IEnumerable<string> ExpandViewLocations(ViewLocationExpanderContext context, IEnumerable<string> viewLocations) {
return viewLocations.Concat(new[] {
"/{2}/Views/{1}/{0}" + RazorViewEngine.ViewExtension
public virtual void PopulateValues(ViewLocationExpanderContext context) { }

Error when using MvxAppCompatActivity

I am writing an application with Xamarin.Android with MvvmCross. I want my Activity to inherit from MvxAppCompatActivity so that I can use fragments. Here is my base class:
public class BaseActivity<TViewModel> : MvxAppCompatActivity<TViewModel> where TViewModel : MvxViewModel
public new TViewModel ViewModel
get { return base.ViewModel; }
set { base.ViewModel = value; }
I get this error on the OnCreate of my Activity:
Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v7/appcompat/R$drawable; Didn't
find class "android.support.v7.appcompat.R$drawable" on path:
But if I change MvxAppCompatActivity to MvxActivity it works fine...why?
I downloaded your solution and tried to build the Android project. It fails with 18 occurrences of the same error:
error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'loginButtonBackgroundColor' in package ...
So after a little inspection of your solution, I did the following steps to solve your issue:
1) In login_screen.axml I saw you had this line:
xmlns:[YOURNAMESPACE]="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/[YOUR PACKAGE]"
Which is unnecessary. After removing it, and changing the lines [YOURNAMESPACE]:loginButtonBackgroundColor=... to local:loginButtonBackgroundColor=... the build succeeds.
2) I saw some layout files are located inside the /drawable folder (button_round_corner.xml, input_box.xml and login_button.xml). I moved them to the /layout folder and fixed the issues the change produced (only two).
3) Made Setup class inherit from MvxAppCompatSetup.
4) Added a RegisterAttribute over the LoginButton control. So the class definition looks like this:
using Android.Runtime;
namespace Xxx.Droid.Components
public class LoginButton : FrameLayout, IMvxNotifyPropertyChanged
And that's it! Probably (2) was not necessary, but leaving it here just in case.
It could be several things but it is probably the lack of some android support packages. Mainly the lack of Xamarin.Android.Support.Design gives that error. So check if you have that added and if not add it and it should solve your problem.
If it doesn't it's highly likely you lack some other android support packages

Why should Ninject dlls be in the Web/bin folder? Can't I just put them in the GAC?

My company has got a deployment policy (I skip the details) such that any 3rd party software should be installed in the GAC, whilst our libraries are in Web/bin folder. But this approach doesn't work with Ninject and MVC 3/4. Let's follow an example:
This is my dependencies binding code:
public class RequestorDependenciesRegistration : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
And this is my MVC controller:
public MyController(IMyDearDependency something) {
this.something = something; // 'something' is set only if Ninject dlls are in Web/bin... X-(
If Ninject dlls are in the GAC, it loads the module correctly, but when instantiating the MVC Controller the dependency is not injected (in some cases is null, in some cases MVC returns an error "No parameterless constructor etc etc"). If I manually copy Ninject*.dll in the Web/bin folder, than everything works fine, even without restarting IIS! Can't really understand why...
Even more surprisingly (for me), if I do something super-dirty like storing a reference to the Ninject Kernel instance in a public static property and use it as a ServiceLocator, it works! (Something dirty like this, in the MVC controller):
public MyController(IMyDearDependency something) { // 'something' is always null if Ninject is only in the GAC...
var controller = Kernel.Get<MyController>()
this.something = controller.something; // ... but this 'controller.something' is set, even if Ninject is only in the GAC!!! 8-O
Can anyone suggest me the reason why? And possibly a solution? :-) Many thanks!!
Ninject has a built in extension loading mechanism which is used to load the different extension like the Ninject.Web.Mvc.
But mechanism is looking only for the application folder to load the extensions so if your dll are in the GAC Ninject won't find them.
To solve this you can turn off the automatic extension loading and load the MvcModule module by hand when creating your StandardKernel:
var _kernel = new StandardKernel(
new NinjectSettings() { LoadExtensions = false },
new MvcModule(),
/* your other modules * /);

Monodroid Spinner Resource reference error

I'm following the spinner from monodroid tutorial. But encountered problem on the resource.
It cannot lookup the SimpleSpinnerItem & SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem on VS 2010.
Am I missing something?
Edit: Create a partial class to register android runtime as per jonp
public partial class Resource
public partial class Layout
public const int SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem = 17367049;
public const int SimpleSpinnerItem = 17367048;
Edit 2: Tried the global resource
Edit 3: Conflict on my project namespace
I already identified why the const cannot be recognize. It's because of my namespace projectname.Android, it's being duplicated. When I changed it to projectname.AndroidMobile the global resource is there.
See the conflict below.
Also, to avoid the conflict just use the global:: as per jonp
You need to qualify the class, as there are two Resource types: one local to your project (Your.Namespace.Resource, located in Resource.designer.cs), and global::Android.Resource. You need to use global::Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem.
