Editing keyboard layout in iOS - ios

Is there a possibility to change the button layout on a pre-made ios keyboard?
I would like to add "done" and "punctuation" buttons to numeric keyboard.
There is the Decimal Pad available but in this case i would have to add a custom done button at the top.
Is there a way to move the "delete" button to the right and make it half of its current width, put next to it the "decimal" button and on the former place of "delete" locate "done"?

No, you'll have to implement your own keyboard, if you duplicate the Apple one it will get rejected.

iOS does not support making those types of changes to the keyboard, the only thing you can do is change the text associated with the Done/Enter button by changing the UIReturnKeyType of the associated UITextField.

You can make a View With the buttons you want and set the inputView to the custom view you made ,, and you got a custom keyboard :D

You cannot directly modify the keyboard other than by choosing one of apple's presets. However, it is possible to add additional keys above it using -inputAccessoryView, like WolframAlpha has done in its app.
It looks like you can replace the keyboard entirely, but the accesory view is probably the way to go. See the answer to Adding key to IPad keyboard
EDIT: For an example of how this would look, check out WolframAlpha's blog post on the subject. In your case the accessory view probably won't be quite so tall


iOS custom error popup

I would like to add "more info" collapsible accordion into my error alert view. So it will expand with additional information about the err after user presses it. And of course it will animate the size of error alert too. How it can be done? Maybe there is already existing solution for what I need?
Thanks a lot!
The standard UIAlertView does not allow this. You'll have to make your own view that mimicks the appearance of an alert view (using a UIVisualEffectView and possibly even a UIInterpolatingMotionEffect if you really want it to look like the real thing). Takes a fair but of work, especially if you want to support older iOS versions. And of course with every new iOS version that changes the appearance of alerts, you'll have to update the code. You might be better off just going with a completely different appearance unique to your app.
Once you have made that custom view, you can add the extra field as a hidden text field. When the triangle button is pressed, you set the height of that hidden field to 0, unhide it, then animate the height of the text field and the height of the containing view to their new values.
Try this custom alert view
You can add whatever animation you want.

Editing a Keyboard in iOS

In terms of application for iOS coding, how can you manipulate the pre-existing keyboards? I want to change a button on the keyboard (for example, the A button on the English key board) to a custom image and custom output.
So I guess what I'm asking is: if and how you can access a pre-existing keyboard and if you can change the output of one of the keyboard buttons to a custom image which others will see if you send it to them?
Can't be done. There is no way to alter standard keyboards. You can add toolbars above them (via inputAccessoryView), you can't alter the actual keyboard.
You would need to create your own custom keyboard.

iOS custom keyboard on iPad

I'm building an iPad app witch will use a numeric keyboard. The numeric keyboard for the iPad is really huge, all i need is something smaller, something like the decimal keyboard for the iphone.
If i use the default one, half the screen gets covered with keys i dont need. I know i can move the textfields out of the way but it is such a waste of screen space.
So i tried building a custom UIView with no button for start and setting the textfield.inputview to my custom UIView.
The only thing i got is that my custom view is displayed like/in place of/the stock keyboard and the only thing i can change is the height of the custom view.
How could i build a sort of custom keyboard that apple will accept and works with the textfields.
Thank you.
I found what i was looking for. The answer is UIPopover. I managed to build a custom keypad inside a uipopover.
Here's a good tutorial for the uipopover:
And here's some more info on what you have to do to make it work:

iOS TableView Form Navigation

When using Safari and filling out a form, there are three buttons conveniently located at the top of the keyboard labeled Previous, Next, and Done. Is there a keyboard setting that can enable those or do you have to create and program these buttons manually?
I've had some success using this library:
There is no default property of keyboard provided in ios. You need to add toolbar for that. Then you add previous , next or done UIBarButtons in the toolbar.
When keyboard appears toolbar is also displayed above it using some animation or directly same way when it hides/disappears you have to hide the toolbar also using animations or by changing it positioning in view.
Hope it helps you.
XCDFormInputAccessoryView is an accessory which contains the features you needed. It is easy to use. Here is how it looks with keyboard

Custom keyboard with regular keyboards?

I'm creating an app that uses a custom keyboard, now if I provide the default English keyboard using the same globe icon that iOS uses, it should be able to switch to the default English keyboard fine, but I'm not sure if the user can return back to my custom keyboard from the system keyboards (assuming the user has more than 1 keyboards).
Can someone please confirm if that would be possible?
It's not. the system keyboards have no "switch to custom keyboard" button. They're not even aware you made a custom keyboard.
What is it you're trying to accomplish? Why are you building a custom keyboard? If you tell us, maybe we can suggest an alternate way to do what you need to do.
You should set an inputAccessoryView in your UITextView with a button to toggle between your custom and the standard keyboards.
Every time the user taps the button you change myTextView.inputView between your custom keyboard and nil, which restores the original keyboard.
You'll also need to reassign first responder, and also try to animate it if you want:
Animating UITextInput's textInputView
What you need is making a custom keyboard check this:
App Extension Programming Guide
