Revoking OAuth Access Token Results in 404 Not Found - oauth

I'm working on an application that integrates with GitHub and am having issues "logging out" a user that was previously authenticated. When I attempt to revoke the authorization token for the user, I get a 404 Not Found response from the API.
According to the documentation, it looks like I should just be able to make a DELETE request to[authTokenId]. I have tried a couple of different things including:
Ensuring the Authorization header is set with the current auth token
Ensuring the UserAgent header is set with what I use for the rest of the API calls
Nothing seems to result in anything but a 404 though. I have validated that the token is valid and has that the Id matches with what is expected (id property from the authorization response and from the "check an authorization" response as well). Anyone have another thought on something I could be missing?

Looks like currently you need to include a basic authentication header (including a base64 encoded string of your username/password).
Not ideal for my purposes since I want to revoke the token when a user "logs out" of my application and I don't want to store their username/password. I've sent GitHub support an email about it to see if they have any other ideas.
Update 6/12/2013
GitHub support has stated that the above is expected at this juncture, but they are considering updating to allow revoking an authorization using the authorization as the means of authentication.
For now I'm going to require the user to enter their username/password a second time to revoke the authorization.


Keycloak User Logout

I'm having trouble to allow users to logout from an application that uses Keycloak for access management.
I have found this topic being discussed here and there, but not clear instructions on how to handle the logout.
I tried to cause the logout of an user redirecting the browser to an endpoint of the following format:
What I used as "mytoken" was the access_token I had obtained making a post request to the endpoint:
passing to it parameters like the ones bellow:
and reading the body of the response. The content of the body was a json, like the one bellow:
'access_token': 'long_token_I_used_latter_as_token_hint_trying_to_logout',
'expires_in': 300,
'refresh_expires_in': 1800,
'refresh_token': 'other_long_token',
'token_type': 'bearer',
'not-before-policy': 0,
'session_state': 'a_shorter_code',
'scope': 'email profile'
My logout attempt resulted in the following message in Keycloaks log:
22:53:51,686 WARN [] (default task-24) type=LOGOUT_ERROR, realmId=playipintern, clientId=null, userId=null, ipAddress=, error=invalid_token
and the response said "We are sorry, session not active".
Now I'm aware that I should have used the id_token and not the access_token to logout, but received no id_token in the json.
Somewhere, someone said I should have included
in the parameters that I used to obtain the token. I did it, expecting to find an "id_token" field in the json, but nothing changed.
Someone else reported to have needed to create a scope (I believe using Keycloak's GUI) named "openid" to obtain the token. That didn't make much sense to me, but I tried it anyway and added the just created scope to the client scopes using Keycloak's GUI again. Oncemore, the json didn't change.
I tried to use the refresh_token as the id_token, but that also resulted in an invalid token message.
I don't know what to try now. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
/token endpoint returns only the access token by default. No refresh token is returned and no user session is created on the Keycloak side upon successful authentication by default. Due to the lack of refresh token, re-authentication is required when the access token expires. However, this situation does not mean any additional overhead for the Keycloak server because sessions are not created by default.
In this situation, logout is unnecessary. However, issued access tokens can be revoked by sending requests to the OAuth2 Revocation Endpoint as described in the OpenID Connect Endpoints section:
POST /revoke HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
You need to put your token in place of 45ghiukldjahdnhzdauz.
token_type_hint can take either access_token or refresh_token as value to define which type of token you want to revoke.
You will have to add scope=openid to your initial request to (note the /auth instead of /token at the end) before the redirect from where you copied the access code.
You can find further information and explanation in this article.

Discord API - random "invalid code" error passing back generated OAuth2 code

I've successfully implemented Discord's OAuth2 flow using the authorization code grant type into my application. The end user navigates to Discord's OAuth2 link for my bot, authorizes its access, and Discord redirects them back to my site with a code querystring. The bot then exchanges this code for an access token by querying Discord's API. Documentation on this process is available here for reference.
However, roughly every 50-100 requests to the exchange endpoint, I receive a 403 with the error invalid_grant and the description Invalid "code" in request. Frankly, I don't understand how the code just provided by Discord's system is instantly invalid. The same user can complete the process again and no error is returned the second time.
Out of desperation, I tried toggling on the option in the Developers Dashboard named Requires OAuth2 Code Grant seeing that it said "if your application requires multiple scopes," but it made no effect. I've also tried endless debugging, but the circumstances under each occurrence are apparently random. Oddly enough, I can't find anyone with the same issue online.
Below is the request I'm making in Node.js using the superagent library. It matches the documentation and works perfectly, other than the response randomly being the error described.'')
.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
client_id: process.env.BOT_ID,
client_secret: process.env.BOT_SECRET,
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
redirect_uri: process.env.OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI,
scope: 'identify guilds.join',
I can confirm that all variables match their expected values. The value of redirect_uri matches that of redirect_uri in the original URL used. code is the value of the code querystring returned through the OAuth2 flow.
What (if anything) am I doing wrong that's causing the error?
Update 1:
Discord has directed me to the API GitHub repo, and I found the issue closed here. Commented and will update here if I receive any helpful info or resolve the issue completely (hopefully the case).
Ran into the same issue using nodejs. Leaving here notes for prosperity:
On Node, if there is no explicit app.head() handler, the .post() handler receives all head requests
Several Android phones, upon being redirected from discord, first send a head request to the endpoint
The user authenticates on discord, then through the redirect back, does a head request. This pulls discord with the code, BUT directly afterwards it also does a post request, which will fail (as you already used the code once), and possibly un-authenticates the user.
Solution for my specific issue was an explicit .head handler for all callback endpoints, which basically just returned the same headers (a redirect) as the post one did, but without calling discord.
Hope this helps.
did you use the OAuth2 link to invite your bot to your server - with the correct permissions? If so, in your main.js file did you define the token?
I.e. bot.login(“YOUR_TOKEN_HERE”)
I would recommend not toggling the ‘Requires OAuth2 Code Grant’ as it is a pain to do anything with in the beginning.
Please let me know of any progress :)

How to request access token from OAuth with authorization code?

I have a hobby project in mind to use login. I'm wondering how I can obtain the access token from the API after receiving the authorization code.
This is Oauth flow question rather than a question.
Currently I can successfully authorize the user for my app which is registered in and then I try to use the authorization code returned from the login to obtain the access token by sending a request to https://<region>
However I keep receiving this error:
"error": "unauthorized",
"error_description": "An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext"
I use postman extension to send post requests to that uri. I authenticate my request with my client id and secret. I pass redirect_uri (https://localhost), granty_type (authorization_code), code(the code returned from the previous authorization step). However I keep getting the error above.
I couldn't find much about online. There are other oauth related help articles but couldn't really find my way.
Wondering if you can help me with this easy stuff. I'm just wondering what I'm skipping here.
Here is the documentation:
https://localhost is added in my mashery dev account's app settings.
Me again, I resolved this problem after trying almost every combination in the universe:)
Steps to apply:
Don't use the same authorization token for different access token trials, they are not valid
Always use https on every domain you test including localhost, you
redirect_uri must be https as well.
You must use the "basic authentication" in the header of your POST request while requesting the token from the authorization code you obtained from the previous step.
This is one of the most important ones: For requesting token, Pass redirect_uri, client key and secret as POST form parameters to the authenticated request. This is interesting because it's already an authenticated request; why would i need to pass my secret again? Anyways, that's how it works.
Here are the full text:
This is working prototype:

Google's OpenID Connect says: OAuth 2 parameters can only have a single value: client_id

As part of the OpenID Connect (OAuth2 for Login), my application is supposed to request an access token, given a one-time authorization code, via the endpoint According to documentation, this request needs 5 parameters passed to it, client_id among them. That is exactly what my application does, using the Perl module Net::OAuth2.
Everything has been working fine for several months, but today I was notified that it stopped working. No updates were made to the application code nor the libraries used by it.
The message my application now receives from the server when calling the token endpoint is this, in a 400 error response:
OAuth 2 parameters can only have a single value: client_id
A Google search suggests nobody has ever seen this message before, or lived to tell the tale. There doesn't seem to be a general issue with Google's OpenID Connect (other services based on it are working flawlessly), and the imminent shutdown of the old login protocol doesn't seem relevant.
More testing: removing all parameters except client_id causes this error message:
Required parameter is missing: grant_type
Supplying only client_id and grant_type produces the original error message again.
Does anyone have an idea what's going on here?
Google changed this behavior few days ago, so any OAuth2 library using Basic Auth headers AND body request parameters will start to see messages like
OAuth 2 parameters can only have a single value: client_id
OAuth 2 parameters can only have a single value: client_secret
So, you must now do NOT use both (the Auth headers and body request parameters) at the same time to send credentials to Google.
And according RFC 6749, the preferable way to send credentials is through Auth headers (thanks #JanKrüger for alert me about this).
Got the same error. It seems the problem is that NET::OAuth2 sets the authorization header when exchanging authorization code for access token. If you remove this header everything works fine.
Check the get_access_token method in Net::OAuth2::Profile::WebServer module. The authorization header includes client_id:client_secret base64-encoded string. Apparently Google now treats this duplication as an error.
The right way of fixing this is to set the secrets_in_params parameter when creating Net::OAuth2::Profile::WebServer object. Look in the Net::OAuth2::Profile documentation for more details.

Generating Linkedin Access Token

I have been trying with the simple REST Client as well as the REST Plugin for Mozilla. I am getting
"HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" response with
"{"error":"unauthorized_client","error_description":"the client is not authorized"}" in the body.
I have been successful in getting the auth code, and the below is the POST request for access token, (Scope is r_fullprofile)
The redirect_uri= is the one used for getting auth code as well.
Do we need to perform any URL encoding before making the POST request?
When I log into the linked in to my app, it has the below tokens,
OAuth User Token: c3ae4cee-1b23-xxx-9d2a-206f578dee4d
OAuth User Secret: 76bc48cc-c94f-xxx-bf9d-a663f7003383
I am not sure where it is used. we are using API & secret key to get auth code.
Thanks in Advance.
This is a 2-step process.
First, go to:
Then, within 10 secs of receiving the response, go to:
The response of the second request will have the actual access token you need to use.
When I followed the two steps I faced an issue where I got an error as
{"errorCode":0,"message":"Access to posting shares denied","requestId":"TYWULO2WPZ","status":403,"timestamp":1497353538016}
So I had to remove the &scope=r_basicprofile since it was preventing reading all the Default Application Permissions
I faced a similar problem and the problem was with the initial authorization code. You should mention the scope=rw_company_admin or whatever it is that you want to authorize to while doing the initial redirect URL call. Something like this -
