jquery tooltip display from td contents - jquery-ui

I have a td which I do not want to have a title attribute.
Within that td are some display stuff, and an input type="hidden"
I want to use jquery ui tooltip to display the value of the hidden input item
Everything is dynamic, so I was hoping to use the tooltip "open" method to override tooltip contents.
Any advice ? I have not been able to get anything to work. The event will trigger, but I'm blowed if I can see how to update the tooltip content on the fly.


Highcharts: How to display multiple tooltips by click in multiple series with shared true

I search for a way to display a tooltip permanently, when the tooltip is shared. These points are very important:
Click on the point --> tooltip is cloned and displayed permanently
Click on the same point again, the clone is removed
Multiple tooltips are allowed to be displayed at the same time
As Sebastian pointed out in comment - you could clone tooltip.
When tooltip has useHTML set to false (by default it does), then you will only need to clone SVG element. See similar topic: link
When useHTML is set to true then div element is created and appended to container of chart. You will need to clone not only SVG frame, but also HTML's div. Another issue is to check cloned tooltips only by x, because tooltip is shared.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/7vkZV/14/
When useHTML is true HTML will overflow other SVG elements - to avoid this you could style HTML div with tooltip text and remove visible style in SVG tooltip. In other words - make tooltip in pure HTML.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/7vkZV/15/

Jquery tooltip creates tooltip for Child elements

I have an LI with A tag in it.
<li title="LI TEXT" id="test">
I want to create jquery tooltip for the LI and default tooltip for its child elements. But this does it both for the jquery elements for LI and its childs.
Okay, what you've described is quite easy with the items option. Simply include a selector restriction for the items you want to show their tooltips, e.g. the same as the original selector that you're calling .tooltip() on:
$("#test").tooltip({items: "#test"});
The question doesn't make this explicit, but you probably also want to show only one (rather than 2) tooltips when you hover over the children element. To do that, you can disable and reenable the parent's tooltip on the mouseenter and mouseleave events. JQuery provides a nice shortcut for that with the hover function:
$("#test a").hover(function() {
}, function() {
Note that you can use any relevant selector, not necessarily $(this).parent(), depends on how your HTML is structured
Here's the example fiddle updated: http://jsfiddle.net/957r8x51/

How to create radiobutton horizontal list via API with jquery mobile

I've been trying to create an horizontal radiobutton horizontal list, but somehow I don't get the same visual result as when done with the data-* attributes.
If I do it with code I get squared buttons, while using the attributes I get a nice rounded corner toolbar.
Here is the code I use for creating the button list:
$(element).controlgroup({ mini: true, type: "horizontal" });
which should be the same as the one I use with the data-* attributes:
<fieldset data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal" data-mini="true">
I've posted a jsfiddle to show the result
Can someone shad some light on this strange behavior?
To make them look the same, try this:
$("#mycontrolbox").controlgroup({ mini: true, type: "horizontal"});
$("#mycontrolbox").attr("data-role", "controlgroup");
updated jsFiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/zeDt4/4/
Now, why is this.
I think that jQuery mobile is actually not build upon jQuery UI even though it is currently very close. jQuery mobile is using those data-** attributes to select what is going to be a role of each tag. When the element is added to the html, jqm reads the content and based on what is in these data-role attributes, it decorates / replaces / the current content with its own. This is more about what is done to the element in order how it looks.
On the other hand, when you call
This does create a jQuery component allowing you to use the methods of that component. etc.
This is close to how the component behaves from the script point of view. This does not, however, add data-role attribute to the element itself.

angularjs same textarea to edit multiple elements

I have this case where I set a current item from a list and I need to use a textarea to edit that element's value.
Because of some constraints I have to use a keyup event but I don't think that's a problem.
Check this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/terebentina/Euj2C/
click on first/second buttons - it works, it changes the text in the textarea to the value of each element.
change the text in the textarea to something
click on the first/second buttons again - the textarea is not updated anymore. If you look in console, you can see that it switches between the elements, it's just that the textarea is not updated anymore.
Any suggestions? this is driving me nuts!
I know there is a better way modifying your directive to do this but as a quick fix for now you can try binding your textarea to a ngModel value that is just a copy of the current text in the selected element:
<textarea keyup="" ng-model="keyupText"></textarea>
With this in as your current function:
$scope.current = function(idx) {
$scope.current_element = $scope.elements[idx];
$scope.keyupText = $scope.current_element.value;
console.log('current is', $scope.current_element.value);
See this fiddle for an example.

Disable tooltip on some elements even when title is defined

Is there a way not to show a tooltip when the title of an element is defined ?
Im using huddletogether's LightBox2 which takes whatever is in the anchor's title and converts into HTML.
Can I insert links in the caption?
Im calling a javascript function in that link and that tooltip shows this when the mouse hovers the image.
Other option is to change return [anchor.href, anchor.title]; to something like return [anchor.href, anchor.aTitle]; as mentioned here.
