BlackBerry OS 6 App Dev - blackberry

When developing a application for iOS that pulls in a web site, you have a very simple web app wrapper that as far as I know acts like an iframe, pulls in the web site and boom - you have an app.
My understanding is that if done this way you are using a "stripped down" Safari to view the web site in a "app" as it is a web wrapper.
When developing an app for BB OS6, is it the same concept? If I develop a wrapper that says "go fetch site x and display it in this app" is it going to use BB OS6 default browser APIs to render said site?
Also is there links to said API?

If all you want is a container to display Web content I'd highly recommend you use Webworks (or cordova for cross platform) as opposed to Java. WebWorks already creates and sets up the bf2 for you in a tested and proven way.

The equivalent of UIWebView for iOS would be the BlackBerry BrowserField.
If you want some examples of how to use it, I recommend installing the BlackBerry Eclipse plugin. That will install in Eclipse the full BlackBerry Java SDK (e.g. version 6.0, 7.0, etc.), which comes with lots of sample code. From Eclipse, you can then
Import... -> BlackBerry -> Import BlackBerry Samples -> BrowserField2Demo.
Note that you want the BrowserField2Demo, not BrowserFieldDemo!
Or, you can go directly to the github site with BlackBerry sample code.


Why is QWebEngineView not ready for mobie apps?

My apps will use some widgets to show web pages. But QTextBrowser just support HTML 4.1, and QtWebView just support QML, and QWebEngineView just spoport Linux/Unix/MacOSX/Windows. Why does QWebEngineView not support Android and IOS? It is the reason of Chromium donot support Android and IOS ?
Current mobie apps often use WebView to show web pages, so we can't wait for QWebEngineView. What is the official idea and plan?
It is the reason of Chromium donot support Android and IOS ?
Apple does not allow Chromium on iOS.
See rule #2.5.6 at -- Apps that browse the web must use the appropriate WebKit framework and WebKit Javascript.
It is technically possible to add support for Qt WebEngine on Android, but this support does not exist at the moment.
See for the reasons.
This is my interpretation:
It requires a lot of work. The Qt Company's resources are being spent in other areas.
An Android app that uses QWebEngineView will need to include the Qt WebEngine library, which is very large (~30 MB?). This is not desirable.

Can I use Ionic Framework to create a mobile optimized website (not just a mobile app)?

I have been doing research to figure out the best way to create a mobile optimized website using Rails variants. I see that Framework 7 does this nicely, but I can't figure out if I can also do this with Ionic Framework? Can I use ionic components to create a mobile website that runs in a plain browser like Safari?
As Ionic works with AngularJS and according that the development process uses a simple http server on the folder /www, you can easily develop a mobile website with Ionic.
You will not have to use Cordova/Ionic plugins. But you'll can use HTML5 API to get geolocation or webcam access, etc.
But it is not because you can that you have to. Give it a try and tell us if you think it was a good idea.

Port a library written for BB7 to BB10

I have developed an User-Authentication Library on BB7.
It constructs the UI for the Login Screen and authenticate the user from the server after credentials are entered.
I want to know that is there any change present in the BB10 development from BB7 development ? As I want to use this library for my BB10 app also .
There is a series of three (at the moment) articles on porting BlackBerry Java applications to Cascades, if that helps.

How to prepare old Blackberry app for BlackBerry 10?

We have a couple of Blackberry apps and are now trying to prepare them for BB 10. These apps are made in Java via Eclipse and/or RIM IDE tool. However, when I went to, I saw that there is no even a mention of Java SDK. Take a look at image below.
So how am I supposed to update Blackberry app to BB 10? Any ideas?
You have to decide what to do with your applications. If you have an Android version, one option is to repackage the APK to a BAR using the provided tool set so that it will run under the Android player. There are many good Android applications that provide an acceptable or even good user experience this way. Another option is to port your BlackBerry Java application to Android (if there is no existing Android version) then package the Android version for the player. This would also allow you to market the application to Android users. The final option is to port the BlackBerry Java applications to the Native SDK, Cascades, HTML5 or Adobe Air.
The best way forward depends on how tightly integrated into the BB10 system you want to be. While there are facilities provided in BB10 that are the equivalents to those is BlackBerry OS, there have been significant changes required to enable the improvements everyone wants to see on the new platform. If you see BB10 as a significant part of your future business then porting to Cascades would be very worth while.

Is PhoneGap only for NativeApplications or for remote web app HTML pages too?

I am new to PhoneGap I want to know whether PhoneGap is only for Native Applications or for remote web app HTML pages too. Please any one answer me.
Thank you Lakshmi
Phonegap! enables software programmers to build applications for mobile devices using JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3, instead of lower-level languages such as Objective-C/core-java. The resulting applications are hybrid, meaning that they are neither truly native (all layout rendering is done via the webview instead of the platform's native UI framework) nor purely web based (they are not just web apps but packed for appstore distribution, and have access to part of the device application programming interface). You can try Sencha, Ext-JS HTML5! frameworks to create remote web app HTML pages.
Phonegap! enables a web developer access to mobile devices's phonebook, Geolocation, compass, accelerometer,etc.(A browser is not exposed to these APIs')
Appcelerator Titanium! is another platform for developing mobile, tablet and desktop applications using web technologies.
PhoneGap can be used on webapps too, if loaded through PhoneGap. It won't work in mobile safari directly, you must also open the site via PhoneGap (the app on iDevices)
The power of Phonegap is that you can build apps with web technologies and then package them to install as native apps from the app stores. To the user there is no differentiation between a pure native app and a phonegap app. The average user just sees an "app" that they are used to. If you're going to build a vanilla mobile website, you won't have access to the native libraries which is what Phonegap is intended to leverage.
