Difficulties with SQL query and COUNT - mysql-5.5

thanks in advnace for reading this. I'm not really good with SQL so please pardon any stupid mistake...
Here is the deal, I have four tables (i'm only going to give the basic fields, and dependencies between tables, for the sake of simplicity):
Company: companyId, companyName
User: userId, userName
Project: projectId, projectUserId, projectCompanyId, projectDate
Study: studyProjectId
The dependencies are like so:
A project is for a client (projectUserId) and carried out by a company (projectCompanyId)
There can be many studies for the same project, but each study is for one project (studyProjectId)
Here is the kind of request I'd like to write, but it doesn't work right now:
COUNT( study.studyId ) AS numberStudies
FROM project, company, user, study
WHERE company.companyId = project.projectCompanyId,
AND user.userId = project.projectUserId,
AND study.studyProjectId = project.projectId
ORDER BY company.companyId, user.userId, project.projectDate;
It returns one record for which numberStudies equals the total number of studies. If I remove the COUNT from the SELECT, then I get the type of result I want, but without the column numberStudies (of course). Hoping you understand what I'm trying to get, what am I doing wrong here?
Thanks again in advance :)
EDIT: If possible, I'd like the request to show records even when numberStudies is 0.

As in the comments, you need a GROUP BY clause when you want to have aggregate results (like it seems you want: "Number of Studies per project, company and user"). So, the first thing to do is add:
GROUP BY project.projectId, company.companyName, user.userName
Notice that the three columns are exactly the three that you have (unaggregated) in the SELECT list.
COUNT(study.studyId) AS numberStudies
FROM project, company, user, study
WHERE company.companyId = project.projectCompanyId,
AND user.userId = project.projectUserId,
AND study.studyProjectId = project.projectId
GROUP BY project.projectId, company.companyName, user.userName
ORDER BY company.companyId, user.userId, project.projectDate ;
This will show what you want but there are still a few issues:
First, you are using the old (SQL-89) syntax of implicit joins with the conditions in the WHERE clause. This syntax is not deprecated but the new (well, 20 years old SQL-92) syntax with the JOIN keyword has several advantages.
We can add aliases for the tables for readability.
There may be two companies or users with same name so we should group by their IDs, not only their names.
One advantage of explicit JOIN syntax is that it's easy to have results when there are no rows to join (as you want to show when there is no studies for a project). Just LEFT JOIN the study table.
So, the query becomes:
COUNT(s.studyId) AS numberStudies
project AS p
company AS c ON c.companyId = p.projectCompanyId
user AS u ON u.userId = p.projectUserId
study AS s ON s.studyProjectId = p.projectId
c.companyName, u.userName
p.projectDate ;

you probably need a LEFT JOIN between study and project


Unusual Joins SQL

I am having to convert code written by a former employee to work in a new database. In doing so I came across some joins I have never seen and do not fully understand how they work or if there is a need for them to be done in this fashion.
The joins look like this:
From Table A
Join(Table B
Join Table C
on B.Field1 = C.Field1)
On A.Field1 = B.Field1
Does this code function differently from something like this:
From Table A
Join Table B
On A.Field1 = B.Field1
Join Table C
On B.Field1 = C.Field1
If there is a difference please explain the purpose of the first set of code.
All of this is done in SQL Server 2012. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
I could create a temp table and then join that. But why use up the cycles\RAM on additional storage and indexes if I can just do it on the fly?
I ran across this scenario today in SSRS - a user wanted to see all the Individuals granted access through an AD group. The user was using a cursor and some temp tables to get the users out of AD and then joining the user to each SSRS object (Folders, reports, linked reports) associated with the AD group. I simplified the whole thing with Cross Apply and a sub query.
GroupMembers table
SSRSOjbects_Permissions table
Name (AD group name)
The query needs to return each individual in an AD group associated with each report. Basically a Cartesian product of users to reports within a subset of data. The easiest way to do this looks like this:
G.GroupName, G.UserID, G.Name, G.AccountType, G.AccountTypeDesc,
[Path], PathType, RoleName, RoleDesc
GroupMembers G
cross apply
[Path], PathType, RoleName, RoleDesc
Name = G.GroupName) S;
You could achieve this with a temp table and some outer joins, but why waste system resources?
I saw this kind of joins - it's MS Access style for handling multi-table joins. In MS Access you need to nest each subsequent join statement into its level brackets. So, for example this T-SQL join:
SELECT a.columna, b.columnb, c.columnc
FROM tablea AS a
LEFT JOIN tableb AS b ON a.id = b.id
LEFT JOIN tablec AS c ON a.id = c.id
you should convert to this:
SELECT a.columna, b.columnb, c.columnc
FROM ((tablea AS a) LEFT JOIN tableb AS b ON a.id = b.id) LEFT JOIN tablec AS c ON a.id = c.id
So, yes, I believe you are right in your assumption

Second foreign_key to speed up query

Say you creating an imdb type site for TV Shows. You have a Show with many attached episodes and a bunch of people
Right now I link people to episodes though a contribution table - but if I want to make a list of all the shows they are on, I have to go through episodes.
Since this query takes a long time I was thinking about adding show_id to the contributions table. Is this common practice to increase performance or is there another way I haven't thought of?
Since this query takes a long time
Have you run a SQL explain plan to show why this is the case? What is the actual SQL query that is being run, and are you doing things like ordering or running subqueries within it?
If I understand your structure it is something like this:
|people| n---1 |contribution| 1---n |episodes| n---1 |shows|
A sql select of the sort:
select distinct s.name
from shows s,
episodes e,
contribution c
where c.people_id = <id>
and c.episode_id = e.id
and e.show_id = s.id
should really not have performance issues unless there are no indexes on the tables or the tables are massive.
Here's a way using where id in ( ... ) to select all shows a specific person appeared in
Shows.where(id: Contribution.select("show_id")
.where(person_id: personId)
You may also want to try exists
Shows.where("EXISTS(SELECT 1 from contributions c
join episodes e on e.id = c.episode_id
where c.person_id = ? and e.show_id = shows.id)")

LEFT JOIN Query with JPA not working (select new entity with users that have n documents)

may anybody help me with this task...
persistence provider is eclipselink 2.6.
i want to retrieve a list of users that may have 0 or n documents. because both tables have a few columns i want to use SELECT NEW Entity (userId, amountDocuments), i only need the user-id and the amount of documents for this task. if the user hasn't any documents yet, "0" should be shown, e.g.:
UserId: 1 2 3 4
AmountDocs: 0 1 0 3
Mapping for Documents in Entity User is as follows:
#OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade=CascadeType.ALL,mappedBy = "user", targetEntity = UserDocument.class)
#OrderBy("sortOrder ASC")
protected List<UserDocument>documents;
Mapping for User in Entity UserDocument is as follows:
protected User user;
and here is the jpa-query:
NEW user.entity.User(u.id,count(doc.user)) FROM User u
LEFT JOIN u.documents doc ON doc.user = u
AND doc.active = 't'
Problem is, that i only retrieve those two users who have documents that match doc.active='t'.
I also tried it with SIZE(u.documents) which also just returns two users and additionally wrong document-count values.
What is wrong here?
Thanks in advance!
finally after spending hours with that simple stuff, the right solution came with:
NEW user.entity.User(u.id,count(doc)) FROM User u
LEFT JOIN u.documents doc ON doc.user = u AND doc.active = 't'
i have to count the left joined documents itself not the users.

Using distinct in a join

I'm still a novice at SQL and I need to run a report which JOINs 3 tables. The third table has duplicates of fields I need. So I tried to join with a distinct option but hat didn't work. Can anyone suggest the right code I could use?
My Code looks like this:
/* This following JOIN is the issue. */
WHERE REVENUE_DATE >= :from_date
AND REVENUE_DATE <= :to_date
I also tried a different variation to get a DISTINCT.
/* I also tried this variation to get a distinct */
Please can anyone help? I would truly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
select distinct
c_revenue c,
m_customer mc,
m_salesman ms
c.customer_code = mc.customer_code
AND mc.salesman_code = ms.salesman_code
AND ms.comp_code = '00'
AND Revenue_Date BETWEEN (from_date AND to_date)
group by
c.customer_code, ms.salesman_name
The above will return you any distinct combination of Customer Code, Salesman Code and SUM of Revenue Amount where the c.CustomerCode matches an mc.customer_code AND that same mc record matches an ms.salesman_code AND that ms record has a comp_code of '00' AND the Revenue_Date is between the from and to variables. Then, the whole result will be grouped by customer code and salesman name; the only thing that will cause duplicates to appear is if the SUM(revenue) is somehow different.
To explain, if you're just doing a straight JOIN, you don't need the JOIN keywords. I find it tends to convolute things; you only need them if you're doing an "odd" join, like an LEFT/RIGHT join. I don't know your data model so the above MIGHT still return duplicates but, if so, let me know.

ASP.NET MVC & EF4 Entity Framework - Are there any performance concerns in using the entities vs retrieving only the fields i need?

Lets say we have 3 tables, Users, Products, Purchases.
There is a view that needs to display the purchases made by a user.
I could lookup the data required by doing:
from p in DBSet<Purchases>.Include("User").Include("Product") select p;
However, I am concern that this may have a performance impact because it will retrieve the full objects.
Alternatively, I could select only the fields i need:
from p in DBSet<Purchases>.Include("User").Include("Product") select new SimplePurchaseInfo() { UserName = p.User.name, Userid = p.User.Id, ProductName = p.Product.Name ... etc };
So my question is:
Whats the best practice in doing this?
Thanks for all the replies.
[QUESTION 1]: I want to know whether all views should work with flat ViewModels with very specific data for that view, or should the ViewModels contain the entity objects.
Real example: User reviews Products
var query = from dr in productRepository.FindAllReviews()
where dr.User.UserId = 'userid'
select dr;
string sql = ((ObjectQuery)query).ToTraceString();
SELECT [Extent1].[ProductId] AS [ProductId],
[Extent1].[Comment] AS [Comment],
[Extent1].[CreatedTime] AS [CreatedTime],
[Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent1].[Rating] AS [Rating],
[Extent1].[UserId] AS [UserId],
[Extent3].[CreatedTime] AS [CreatedTime1],
[Extent3].[CreatorId] AS [CreatorId],
[Extent3].[Description] AS [Description],
[Extent3].[Id] AS [Id1],
[Extent3].[Name] AS [Name],
[Extent3].[Price] AS [Price],
[Extent3].[Rating] AS [Rating1],
[Extent3].[ShopId] AS [ShopId],
[Extent3].[Thumbnail] AS [Thumbnail],
[Extent3].[Creator_UserId] AS [Creator_UserId],
[Extent4].[Comment] AS [Comment1],
[Extent4].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated],
[Extent4].[DateLastActivity] AS [DateLastActivity],
[Extent4].[DateLastLogin] AS [DateLastLogin],
[Extent4].[DateLastPasswordChange] AS [DateLastPasswordChange],
[Extent4].[Email] AS [Email],
[Extent4].[Enabled] AS [Enabled],
[Extent4].[PasswordHash] AS [PasswordHash],
[Extent4].[PasswordSalt] AS [PasswordSalt],
[Extent4].[ScreenName] AS [ScreenName],
[Extent4].[Thumbnail] AS [Thumbnail1],
[Extent4].[UserId] AS [UserId1],
[Extent4].[UserName] AS [UserName]
FROM [ProductReviews] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [Users] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[UserId] = [Extent2].[UserId]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Products] AS [Extent3] ON [Extent1].[ProductId] = [Extent3].[Id]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Users] AS [Extent4] ON [Extent1].[UserId] = [Extent4].[UserId]
WHERE N'615005822' = [Extent2].[UserId]
from d in productRepository.FindAllProducts()
from dr in d.ProductReviews
where dr.User.UserId == 'userid'
orderby dr.CreatedTime
select new ProductReviewInfo()
product = new SimpleProductInfo() { Id = d.Id, Name = d.Name, Thumbnail = d.Thumbnail, Rating = d.Rating },
Rating = dr.Rating,
Comment = dr.Comment,
UserId = dr.UserId,
UserScreenName = dr.User.ScreenName,
UserThumbnail = dr.User.Thumbnail,
CreateTime = dr.CreatedTime
[Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent1].[Name] AS [Name],
[Extent1].[Thumbnail] AS [Thumbnail],
[Extent1].[Rating] AS [Rating],
[Extent2].[Rating] AS [Rating1],
[Extent2].[Comment] AS [Comment],
[Extent2].[UserId] AS [UserId],
[Extent4].[ScreenName] AS [ScreenName],
[Extent4].[Thumbnail] AS [Thumbnail1],
[Extent2].[CreatedTime] AS [CreatedTime]
FROM [Products] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [ProductReviews] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[Id] = [Extent2].[ProductId]
INNER JOIN [Users] AS [Extent3] ON [Extent2].[UserId] = [Extent3].[UserId]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Users] AS [Extent4] ON [Extent2].[UserId] = [Extent4].[UserId]
WHERE N'userid' = [Extent3].[UserId]
ORDER BY [Extent2].[CreatedTime] ASC
[QUESTION 2]: Whats with the ugly outer joins?
In general, only retrieve what you need, but keep in mind to retrieve enough information so your application is not too chatty, so if you can batch a bunch of things together, do so, otherwise you'll pay network traffic cost everytime you need to go back to the database and retrieve some more stuffs.
In this case, assuming you will only need those info, I would go with the second approach (if that's what you really need).
Eager loading with .Include doesn't really play nice when you want filtering (or ordering for that matter).
That first query is basically this:
select p.*, u.*, p2.*
from products p
left outer join users u on p.userid = u.userid
left outer join purchases p2 on p.productid = p2.productid
where u.userid == #p1
Is that really what you want?
There is a view that needs to display the purchases made by a user.
Well then why are you including "Product"?
Shouldn't it just be:
from p in DBSet<Purchases>.Include("User") select p;
Your second query will error. You must project to an entity on the model, or an anonymous type - not a random class/DTO.
To be honest, the easiest and most well performing option in your current scenario is to query on the FK itself:
var purchasesForUser = DBSet<Purchases>.Where(x => x.UserId == userId);
That should produce:
select p.*
from products p
where p.UserId == #p1
The above query of course requires you to include the foreign keys in the model.
If you don't have the FK's in your model, then you'll need more LINQ-Entities trickery in the form of anonymous type projection.
Overall, don't go out looking to optimize. Create queries which align with the scenario/business requirement, then optimize if necessary - or look for alternatives to LINQ-Entities, such as stored procedures, views or compiled queries.
Remember: premature optimization is the root of all evil.
*EDIT - In response to Question Update *
[QUESTION 1]: I want to know whether all views should work with flat ViewModels with very specific data for that view, or should the ViewModels contain the entity objects.
Yes - ViewModel's should only contain what is required for that View. Otherwise why have the ViewModel? You may as well bind straight to the EF model. So, setup the ViewModel which only the fields it needs for the view.
[QUESTION 2]: What's with the ugly outer joins?
That is default behaviour for .Include. .Include always produces a left outer join.
I think the second query will throw exception because you can't map result to unmapped .NET type in Linq-to-entities. You have to return annonymous type and map it to your object in Linq-to-objects or you have to use some advanced concepts for projections - QueryView (projections in ESQL) or DefiningQuery (custom SQL query mapped to new readonly entity).
Generally it is more about design of your entities. If you select single small entity it is not a big difference to load it all instead of projection. If you are selecting list of entities you should consider projections - expecially if tables contains columns like nvarchar(max) or varbinar(max) which are not needed in your result!
Both create almost the same query: select from one table, with two inner joins. The only thing that changes from a database perspective is the amount of fields returned, but that shouldn't really matter that much.
I think here DRY wins from a performance hit (if it even exists): so my call is go for the first option.
