How should I get the values from a Folsom "slide" histogram? - erlang

I'm trying out Folsom for metrics generation in Erlang.
I've created a histogram (slide), how can I get the values out of it? I'm using
(test#SebMaynardSL2)1> folsom:start().
(test#SebMaynardSL2)2> MyMetric = "mymetric",
(test#SebMaynardSL2)3> folsom_metrics:new_histogram(MyMetric, slide).
And tried putting some values in it:
(test#SebMaynardSL2)4> [ folsom_metrics:notify({MyMetric, V}) || V <- lists:seq(1, 10) ].
But getting the values out (with folsom_metrics:get_metric_value/1) seems to be return the results in rather a strange order:
(test#SebMaynardSL2)5> folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(MyMetric).
If I wait a while (60 seconds, the default slide window time) and do it again, I don't necessarily end up with a metric value in the same order.
How should I get the values out of Folsom to use for (say) graph generation? I did consider putting {now(), V} instead of just V in my notify, and then sorting the returned result set by the first tuple value, but it seems odd that the results are coming back (or rather, are getting written) in a weird order, and Folsom is keeping track of the time of events anyway (to make it "slide").
This is using Folsom 0.7.4, with Erlang R16B

Rather oddly, after a fresh clone and checking out tag 0.7.4 again, running the commands from the question gives the results in the correct order:
(test#SebMaynardSL2)5> folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(MyMetric).
Perhaps this wasn't an issue after all. No idea why it was generating such oddities the other day.


Lua length operator (#) with nil values

After reading this topic and after experimenting a bit, I am trying to understand how the Lua length operator works when a table contains nil values.
Before I started to investigate, I thought that the length was simply the number of consecutive non-nil elements, starting at index 1:
print(#{nil}) -- 0
print(#{"o"}) -- 1
print(#{"o",nil}) -- 1
print(#{"o","o"}) -- 2
print(#{"o","o",nil}) -- 2
That looks pretty simple, right?
But my headache started when I accidentally added an element after a nil-terminated table:
My guess was that it should probably print 1 because it would stop counting when the first nil is found. Or maybe it should print 2 if the length operator is greedy enough to look for non-nil elements after the first nil. But the above code prints 3.
So I’ve ran several other tests to see what happens:
-- nil before the end
print(#{nil,"o"}) -- 2
print(#{nil,"o","o"}) -- 3
print(#{"o",nil,"o"}) -- 3
-- several nil elements
print(#{"o",nil,nil}) -- 1
print(#{nil,"o",nil}) -- 0
print(#{nil,nil,"o"}) -- 3
I should mention that currently uses Lua 5.1.5 which is rather old, but if you test with the Lua demo, which currently uses Lua 5.3.5, you’ll get the same results.
By looking at those results and by looking at this answer, I assume that:
if the last element is not nil, the length operator returns the full size of the table, including nil entries if any
if the last element is nil, it counts the number of consecutive non-nil and stops counting at the first nil
Are those assumptions correct?
Can we predict a 100% well-defined behavior when a table contains one or several nil values?
The Lua documentation states that the length of a table is only defined if the table is a sequence. Does that mean that the length operator has undefined behavior for non-sequences?
Apart from the length operator, can nil values cause any trouble in a table?
We can predict some behaviour, but it is not standardised, and as such you should never rely on it. It's quite possible that the behaviour may change within this major version of Lua.
Should you ever need to fill a table with nil values, I suggest wrapping the table and replace holes with a unique placeholder value (eg. NIL={}; if v==nil then t[k]=NIL end, this is quite cheap to test against and safe.).
That said...
As there is even a difference in the result of # depending on how the table is defined, you'll have to distinguish between statically defined (constant) tables and dynamic defined (muted) tables.
Static table definitions:
#{nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, 1} -- 6
#{3, 2, nil, 1} -- 4
#{nil,nil,nil, 1, 1,nil} -- 0
#{nil,nil, 1, 1, 1,nil} -- 5
#{nil, 1, 1, 1, 1,nil} -- 5
#{nil,nil,nil,nil, 1,nil} -- 0
#{nil,nil, 1,nil, 1,nil,nil} -- 5
#{nil,nil,nil, 1,nil,nil, 1,nil} -- 4
Using this kind of definition, as long as the last value is non-nil, you will get a length equal to the position of the last value. If the last value is nil, Lua starts a (non-linear) search from the tail until it finds the first non-nil value.
Dynamic data definition
local x={}; x[5]=1;print(#x) -- 0
local x={}; x[1]=1;x[2]=1;x[3]=1;x[5]=1;print(#x) -- 3
local x={}; x[1]=1;x[2]=1;x[4]=1;x[5]=1;print(#x) -- 5
#{[5]=1} -- 0
local x={nil,nil,nil,1};x[5]=1;print(#x) -- 0
As soon as the table was changed once, the operator works the other way (that includes static definitions with []). If the first element is nil, # always returns 0, but if not it starts a search that I did not investigate further (I guess you can check the sources, though I don't think it's a standard binary search), until it finds a nil value that is preceded by a non-nil value.
As said before, relying on this behaviour is not a good idea, and invites lots of issues down the road. Though if you want to make a nasty unmaintainable program to mess with a colleague, that's a sure way to do it.
When a table is a sequence (all numeric keys start at 1 and there are no nil gaps), # is defined to be precisely the count of those elements.
For non-sequence tables, it is a bit more complicated. Lua 5.2 seems to leave the result as undefined. For 5.1 and 5.3, the result of the operation is a border.
A border in a table is any positive index that contains a non-nil value followed by nil, or 0 if the first element is nil. # is defined to return any value that satifies these conditions.
Looking at it from another perspective, since tables contain an "array" part and a "map" part, Lua has no way of knowing where the "map" indices start. For example, you can create a table with 1000 values and then set the first 999 of them to nil; that could leave you with a table of "size" 1000. However, you can also start with an empty table and set the 1000th element, having a table of "size" 0 but still structurally equivalent to the first one. The result of # is then simply the first valid value the internal algorithm finds.
The length operator produces undefined behaviour for tables that aren't sequences (i.e. tables with nil elements in the middle of the array). This means that even if the Lua implementation always behaves in a certain way, you shouldn't rely on that behaviour, as it may change in future versions of Lua, or in different implementations like LuaJIT.
You can use nils in tables - there is nothing wrong with that - just don't use the length operator on a table which might have nils before non-nil values.
The post you linked to contains more details about how the actual algorithm works. It mentions counting elements with a "binsearch", i.e. a binary search. This is not the same as just counting the elements one by one - if there are nils in the table, then depending on their exact position, the binary search algorithm may treat them as the end of the table, or may just ignore them.
To sum up, the algorithm is harder to predict than you were assuming, and even though it is technically possible to predict what will happen in any given case, you shouldn't rely on that behaviour as it is liable to change.

How to create a dummy variable

I'm working in a project that uses the IBM SPSS but I had some problems to set a dummy variable(binary variable).The process to get the variable is following : Consider an any variable(width for example), to get the dummy variable, we need
to sort this variable in the decreasing way; The next step is make a somatory of the cases until a limit, the cases before the limit receive the value 1 in the dummy variable the other values receive 0.
Your explanation is rather vague. And the critical value you give in the printscreen should be 2.009 in stead of 20.09?
But I think you mean the following.
When using syntax, use:
compute newdummyvariable eq (ABr gt 2.009477106).
To check if it's okay:
fre newdummyvariable.
In order to compute a dummy based on the cumulative sum, the answer is as follows:
If your critical value is predetermined, the fastest way is to sort in decending order, and to use the command create with csum() to compute an extra variable which I called ABr_cumul. This one, you use to compute the newdummyvariable. As follows:
sort cases by ABr (d).
create ABr_cumul = csum(VAR00001).
compute newdummyvariable = (ABr_cumul le 20.094771061766488).
fre newdummyvariable.
the dummy comes from the sum of all cases, after decreasing order raqueados when cases of a variable representing 50% of the variable t0tal, these cases receive 1 and the other 0 ...

Initialising hist function in Julia for use in a loop

When I use a loop, to access the variables outside of the loop they need to be initialised before you enter the loop. For example:
Y = Array{Int}()
for i = 1:end
Y = i
Since I have initialised Y before entering the loop, I can access it later by typing
If I had not initialised it before entering the loop, typing Y would not have returned anything.
I want to extend this functionality to the output of the 'hist' function. I don't know how to set up the empty hist output before the loop. The only work around I have found is below.
yHistData = [hist(DataSet[1],Bins)]
for j = 2:NumberOfLayers
yHistData = [yHistData;hist(DataSet[j],Bins)]
Now when I access this later on by simply typing
I get the correct values returned to me.
How can I initialise this hist data before entering the loop without defining it using the first value of the list I'm iterating over?
This can be done with a loop like follows:
yHistData = []
for j = 1:NumberOfLayers
push!(yHistData, hist(DataSet[j], Bins))
push! modifies the array by adding the specified element to the end. This increases code speed because we do not need to create copies of the array all the time. This code is nice and simple, and runs faster than yours. The return type, however, is now Array{Any, 1}, which can be improved.
Here I have typed the array so that the performance when using this array in the future is better. Without typing the array, the performance is sometimes better and sometimes worse than your code, depending on NumberOfLayers.
yHistData = Tuple{FloatRange{Float64},Array{Int64,1}}[]
for j = 1:NumberOfLayers
push!(yHistData, hist(DataSet[j], Bins))
Assuming length(DataSet) == NumberOfLayers, we can use anonymous functions to simplify the code even further:
yHistData = map(data -> hist(data, Bins), DataSet)
This solution is short, easy to read, and very fast on Julia 0.5. However, this version is not yet released. On 0.4, the currently released version, the performance of this version will be slower.

Can't modify loop-variable in lua [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Lua for loop reduce i? Weird behavior [duplicate]
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
im trying this in lua:
for i = 1, 10,1 do
i = i+2
I would expect the following output:
However, it seems like i is getting not affected, so it gives me:
Can someone tell my a bit about the background concept and what is the right way to modify the counter variable?
As Colonel Thirty Two said, there is no way to modify a loop variable in Lua. Or rather more to the point, the loop counter in Lua is hidden from you. The variable i in your case is merely a copy of the counter's current value. So changing it does nothing; it will be overwritten by the actual hidden counter every time the loop cycles.
When you write a for loop in Lua, it always means exactly what it says. This is good, since it makes it abundantly clear when you're doing looping over a fixed sequence (whether a count or a set of data) and when you're doing something more complicated.
for is for fixed loops; if you want dynamic looping, you must use a while loop. That way, the reader of the code is aware that looping is not fixed; that it's under your control.
When using a Numeric for loop, you can change the increment by the third value, in your example you set it to 1.
To see what I mean:
for i = 1,10,3 do
However this isn't always a practical solution, because often times you'll only want to modify the loop variable under specific conditions. When you wish to do this, you can use a while loop (or if you want your code to run at least once, a repeat loop):
local i = 1
while i < 10 do
i = i + 1
Using a while loop you have full control over the condition, and any variables (be they global or upvalues).
All answers / comments so far only suggested while loops; here's two more ways of working around this problem:
If you always have the same step size, which just isn't 1, you can explicitly give the step size as in for i =start,end,stepdo … end, e.g. for i = 1, 10, 3 do … or for i = 10, 1, -1 do …. If you need varying step sizes, that won't work.
A "problem" with while-loops is that you always have to manually increment your counter and forgetting this in a sub-branch easily leads to infinite loops. I've seen the following pattern a few times:
local diff = 0
for i = 1, n do
i = i+diff
if i > n then break end
-- code here
-- and to change i for the next round, do something like
if some_condition then
diff = diff + 1 -- skip 1 forward
This way, you cannot forget incrementing i, and you still have the adjusted i available in your code. The deltas are also kept in a separate variable, so scanning this for bugs is relatively easy. (i autoincrements so must work, any assignment to i below the loop body's first line is an error, check whether you are/n't assigning diff, check branches, …)

How to pop Nth item in the stack [Befunge-93]

If you have the befunge program 321&,how would you access the first item (3) without throwing out the second two items?
The instruction \ allows one to switch the first two items, but that doesn't get me any closer to the last one...
The current method I'm using is to use the p command to write the entire stack to the program memory in order to get to the last item. For example,
However, I feel that this isn't as elegant as it could be... There's no technique to pop the first item on the stack as N, pop the Nth item from the stack and push it to the top?
(No is a perfectly acceptable answer)
Not really.
Your code could be shortened to
But if you wanted a more general result, something like the following might work. Below, I am using Befunge as it was meant to be used (at least in my opinion): as a functional programming language with each function getting its own set of rows and columns. Pointers are created using directionals and storing 1's and 0's determine where the function was called. One thing I would point out though is that the stack is not meant for storage in nearly any language. Just write the stack to storage. Note that 987 overflows off a stack of length 10.
v >>>>>>>>>>>12p:10p11pv
1 0 v<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
v >210gp10g1-10p^
v >210g1+g10g1+10p^
v g21g41<
v _ v
>98765432102^>. 2^>.#
The above code writes up to and including the n-1th item on the stack to 'memory', writes the nth item somewhere else, reads the 'memory', then pushes the nth item onto the stack.
The function is called twice by the bottom line of this program.
I propose a simpler solution:
013p 321 01g #
It "stores" 3 in the program at position ☺ (0, 1) (013p), removing it from the stack, and then puts things on the stack, and gets back ☺ on top of the stack (01g). The # ensures that the programs finishes.
