How to sense smartphones nearby? - wifi

How does euclid analytics ( get the mac addresses of nearby smartphones? (Turning wifi ap into a smartphone sensor !) Do I need to do some instrumentation work on the wifi AP? Or is there another way can achieve the same goal?

if you can sniff wireless packets, you can see every wifi device, what is communicating ( except if its in sniffer mode too ), so basically they scanning for wifi signals, what you can see, but just if wifi and scanning is turned on the phone.
take a look at Kismet
but you myght need a wireless card what can go into sniffing mode


Ellysis Bluetooth Sniffing Apple Airpods

I'm trying to determine how Apple Airpods pair and connect as seamlessly as they do, but I couldn't find any in-depth technical explanation so I embarked on a journey to figure it out for myself. I have used an Ellysis Explorer Bluetooth sniffer to sniff both BLE and Bluetooth Classic packets from the Airpods and the iPhone I have used to connect with it.
The issue is that I lack the background knowledge in Bluetooth to fully understand what I am looking at so I'm hoping somebody can explain what is appearing on the BT sniffer in the snapshots below:
The below picture is a list of the BLE packets captured after the Airpods case has been opened but BEFORE connecting to the phone.
The below picture is a list of the Bluetooth Classic packets captured after the Airpods case has been opened but BEFORE connecting to the phone.
The below picture is a list of the Bluetooth Classic packets AFTER connecting to the phone captured on top of the previous ones.
Note that there are no new BLE packets picked up after connecting.
The 1st pic shows that both ears are sending advertising packets.
Then one of the ear is paging the other ear and exchanging information.
Then the iPhone is connected to one of the ear just like normal A2DP connection.
More captures while audio is just started playing would be helpful.
Before analysing packets you need to learn about CoreBluetooth framework. CoreBluetooth deals with scanning, connecting and writing and reading data from "Bluetooth Low Energy" (BLE) devices. BLEs (Peripherals) continuously broadcast a small packet of data when they are not connected with any device Central.
First images shows data which is being broadcasted by BLE, in your case an airpod.

Is it possible to sniff packets from/to chromecast dongle while doing screen mirror?

I want to observe streams between the original screen mirrored from and the target screen mirrored to to check something like frame loss, thus I'm thinking to sniff packets between sender and receiver.
Is there any plugins for Wireshark which enables me to do that..?
What you have to do is to route the network traffic through some network node that you can sniff on. Like your laptop.
I would connect the laptop to the Internet through ethernet and make a wifi hotspot on it. Then tell chromecast to connect to your hotspot. Now you're in the middle between chromecast and the Internet. Wireshark should be able to capture the traffic without any specific plugins.
Make sure you've enabled routing between ethernet and wifi hotspot.

Bluetooth transmitter that can receive commands from wi-fi network?

I am looking into building some apps for bluetooth accessories, and wanted to know if there was some sort of device that could do the following (for sake of simplicity, lets call the "wi-fi to bluetooth" transmitter the "dongle"):
Dongle can connect to a wi-fi network, mobile device then sends a command over wi-fi
Dongle receives command from wi-fi network
Dongle then converts those commands and transmits out as bluetooth
Bluetooth accessory then receives the converted commands from dongle
I am not sure if such a device exists, but I have some great ideas for building apps that could remotely access bluetooth accessories over a wi-fi network.

Communication between ZigBee and Bluetooth

Bluetooth and ZigBee devices are working or pairing within its own family devices based on parameters such as network layers, security algorithms, etc... I want to write an application to make a communication between ZigBee and Bluetooth device. Is it possible?
You would need to create a gateway between the two networks. Your application would need to interface with a ZigBee radio and a Bluetooth radio, join each network, and then proxy communications between devices on the networks.
What devices do you plan to bridge? Your application will need to appear as device X on the ZigBee network, and device Y on the Bluetooth network and convert data received to the correct format to send out on the other network.
If it were kept simple, something like this could work. A module that is a Zigbee presence, with a pairable bluetooth node. If a bluetooth-paired device comes near, the Zigbee announces itself as 'present'. When the bluuue tooth paired device is no longer around, the Zigbee device becomes "not present".

Packet Sniffing from a BlackBerry app

I want to develop an app that does basic packet sniffing. So, I would like to know if packet sniffing is feasible from a BlackBerry.
I don't think this is possible. The most you can do is keep track of the number of packets sent and received over the radio, but not see the actual contents. See RadioInfo.getNumberOfPacketsReceived() and RadioInfo.getNumberOfPacketsSent().
This is tagged "blackberry simulator" are you looking for an app in to observe what the simulator is doing or for an app in real world mode?
Intercepting things going in and out of the sim is not to hard, especially if you acted as some kind of intermediary pipe between the bbsim and the mds-cs sim.
Packet sniffing on device though i do not believe is possible at all, except over wifi from a promiscuous node laptop sniffing next to it.
